/ Learner Satisfaction Survey
Induction /

Reed in Partnership delivers training in partnership with Pearson in Practice Skills Based Learning (SBL). At SBL we value your comments, all of which will enable us to improve the quality of our teaching, training and assessment.

We would appreciate if you would consider carefully your response before answering each question, as it is important that you give a fair representation of your rating. This will enable us to collate an accurate account of learners’ views, and help us to improve the induction process.

Please rate your answers to each area on a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 requires improvement and 4 is inadequate and tick the appropriate box:

1 = Outstanding 2 = Good 3 = Requires Improvement 4 = Inadequate / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Q1 The information, advice and/or guidance when choosing your training programme.
Q2 The information provided prior to your induction start date.
Q3 Your understanding of your responsibilities as a learner.
Q4 The coordination of your induction session.
Q5 The introduction to the programme was fully explained to you.
Q6 Communication with your tutor.
Q7 Being treated fairly and with respect.
Q8 The positive and professional image of your tutor.
Q9 Your understanding of the literacy and/or numeracy opportunities available.
Q10 Did you receive information on the following policies, and did you understand your responsibilities? / Yes / No
a Data Protection
b Appeals and Complaints
c Health and Safety
d Child Protection and Safeguarding (Vulnerable) Adults
e Equality and Diversity
Q11 Do you feel safe, free from harm and discrimination?
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Q12 Overall, how would you rate your level of satisfaction with the content of your induction?
Q13 What areas did you most enjoy and which could be improved?
Last Name:
First Name:
Mobile Number:
Trainee ID (Maytas):
NI No:
Programme :
Tutors Name:

Please return all completed surveys to Denise Baldwin, Quality Manager, Aspect House, Aspect Business Park, Bennerley Road, Nottingham, NG6 8WR.

Thank you for completing this survey

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