8 February 2018

Dear Parents

And there is another half term over! I hope you all have a lovely break and some of you are lucky enough to get some chocolates or flowers. Happy Valentines!


Please could children wear a black T Shirt and black leggings /joggers and black plimsolls or trainers for the Sage. Ticket money needs to be paid byMonday 19th February as I need to pay for tickets that week. Any parent/grandparents who have a DBS are welcome to come and help, please let me know.


Thank you for all donations for Sign2Sing we raised a total of approximately £100.

Our Kaleidoscopeof Butterflies

Hopefully you have heardfrom your children, this week was the culmination of 4 weeks of work from our talented staff and pupils. We are entering the display into this year’s World Book Day competition in the hope that we might win the top prize of £5000 of books for the library and a visit from Sir Chris Hoy! Keep your fingers crossed!

Special thanks to TeamValley printers, who were able to work their magic with the quote and produce it in super quick time.

Children’s Mental Health Week

This week has been Children’s Mental Health week. Kate Middleton launched the week, in her speech she talked about how 'Childhood is an incredibly important moment in our lives. It is the time when we explore our personalities, discover the potential that lies within us and learn how to be ourselves.’ As adults we need to ‘help children become the best versions of themselves’. In class this week your child has been learning about mental health, how it can affect them and how it can be dealt with. For more information and tips on how you can help your child visit

Agora Payments

We have been informed by our payment provider that payments made in Agora between 06:14 on the 6th December 2017 and 06:45 on the 7th December 2017 were authorised but not taken from the card holder's account. These payments were taken from the card holder's bank account on the 5th February 2018.

After School Clubs

Our clubs have proved very popular this term, but we have had a few spaces come up. Help your child to reach that golden 60 minutes of exercise a day!

Payments for the following clubscan be made for the nextfull half term up to Eastervia AGORA (£15 for 5 weeks), on a first come first served basis;

Girls' Hockey - Years 3-6 MONDAY 3:20-4:20pm

Basketball - Years 2-6 TUESDAY 3:20 & 4:20pm

Karate – Rec (age 5) - Y6 FRIDAY 7:45 – 8:45am

Rugby - Years 3-6 FRIDAY 3:20-4:20pm

Gateshead Tennis (inconjunction with Blaydon Tennis Club)run a club after school on a Wednesdayin the hall, 3:20-4:20pm for Years 2-6. Payment should be madeby cash or cheque at the school office for£20 -made out directlyto Gateshead Tennisat the start of the new term.7 spaces.

Holiday Science: The Incredible Hoop Glider!

You will need:

  • A regular plastic drinking straw
  • 3 X 5 inch strips of card
  • Tape
  • Scissors

What to do

1.Cut the card into 3 separate strips that measure approximately 2.5 cm by 13 cm.

2. Take 2 of the strips and tape them together into one larger hoop. (Overlap the pieces about 1cm so that they keep a nice round shape once taped.)

3. Use the last strip of paper to make a smaller hoop, overlapping the edges a bit more.

4. Tape the paper loops to the ends of the straw. (Notice that the straw is lined up on the inside of the loops)

5. That’s it! Now, hold the straw in the middle with the hoops on top and throw it in the air similar to how you might throw a dart angled slightly up. With some practice, you can get it to go farther than many paper airplane.

How does it work? - Can we really call that a plane? It may look weird, but you will discover it flies surprisingly well. The two sizes of hoops help to keep the straw balanced as it flies. The big hoop creates “drag” (or air resistance) which helps keep the straw level while the smaller hoop in at the front keeps your super hooper from turning off course.


To make it a true experiment, you can try to answer these questions:

1. Does the placement of the hoops on the straw affect its flight distance?

2. Does the length of straw affect the flight? (You can cut the straws or attach straws together to test this)

3. Do more hoops help the hoop glider to fly better?

4. Do the hoops have to be lined up in order for the plane to fly well?

Let us know how you get on! We love seeing your pictures.

Year 1

Please can you ensure children have outdoor PE kit – joggers, hoody etc for PE.

Year 5 Swimming.

Year 5 will not be swimming the first week back after half term - Tuesday 20thFebruary. We will start swimming again on the following Tuesday - 27thFebruary.

P.E. kits will stillbe needed every Friday still.

Year 6

Please check your child’s bag for a letter.

Year 6 will be swimming on Tuesday 20th February.

Reminder - Full payment for Kingswood is due by 1 March 2018 – total cost £165.

Future Dates

Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th March Parents Evening

Tuesday 27th FOFS Film Night

W/C 14th May SATs Week


W/C 2nd July Transition week – children work with new class teacher

Monday 9th July School closed to children INSET


Please ensure all CD order and payments are made by Friday 23rd February.

After school clubs all start the first week back after half term and run until W/B 19th March

Yours sincerely

HJ Gladstone
