Date: 21.02.12



Minutes - Draft


Mohamed Walehdy Programme Representative from ACE

Sobere Etete Programme Representative from ACE

Hadi ImanPGT Representative

Cameron Akitt LGBT Officer

Sonal Devsi Disabled Students' Officer

Rosemary DarkoProgramme Representative from HSB

Imran Hossain International (Non-EU) Students' Officer

Friday Obodo Ethics & Environment Officer

Mohammad SabujV.P RDBS & Combined Honours

Shakira Akhter V.P Education & HSB

In attendance

Yousuf JoondanDemocratic Services Co-ordinator (Chair’s Aid)

Nishaant KumarRepresentation Assistant (Minute Taker)

1Council noted that quoracy was not achieved at 17:15


3Minutes of Student Council

4Officers Report – (oral)

4.1V.P Education & HSB reported that

4.1.1Organising campaign Israeli apartheid week & international women week

4.1.2Ethical investment policy

4.1.3Dean of LSS had taken down the posters in Duncan House

4.1.4V.P mentioned GLA elections coming up

4.2V.P RDBS & Combined Honours reported that

4.2.1Researching Accommodation issue - students having leave their Accommodation due to the Olympics before the end of their exams

4.2.2Submitted a report on the 'The Anti-Racism awareness week'' and the survey he had done.

4.2.3Explained the reason for his suspension.

4.2.4Councillor questioned if the survey was reliable, taking into account that the UEL. Councillor also appreciated the effort that was put in creating this report.

4.2.5Councillor asked what other communities had V.P supported. V.P explained that communities meant volunteering within the surrounding community.

5Student Councillors issues

5.1.1Councillor raised the issue having an assigned email address.

5.1.2Councillor‘EthicsEnvironment officer' - UELSU Green Week - CC.06Campaign supported by UELSU & UEL.Various events have been scheduled. A Councillor asked if a proper report including expenditure will be put to council.

5.1.3V.P Education & HSB reported that the Israel Apartheid week with several events being hosted such as wearing Kuffiya scarf day, Film screening by a lecturer and a stall in DK.

5.1.4LGBT officer - Lobbying local MP against the Closure of LGBT friendly Bar.Also preparing for World Pride being hosted by London this year.

6Any other business

6.1Councillors thanked Union staff for the support that they received.

6.2Councillor also suggested that Councillors should engage with students and create better satisfaction amongst our students.

7Date of next meeting – TBC

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