October 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1332r1

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

September 2014 Athens Session Minutes
Date: 2014-10-03
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Hitoshi Morioka / SRC Software / Fukuoka, JAPAN /

TGai July 2014 San Diego Meeting Minutes

Chair: Hiroshi Mano (Koden Techno Info)

Vice Chair: Marc Emmelmann (self)

Secretary: Hitoshi Morioka (SRC Software)

Editor: Lee Armstrong (US DoT)

Editor: Ping Fang (Huawei)

Monday AM2 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 10:37.
  2. Agenda 11-14/1036r1

2.1.  No objection to the agenda.

  1. Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy.

3.1.  No claims.

  1. Approve TGai meeting minutes of San Diego session

4.1.  Motion

4.1.1. Approve TGai Meeting Minutes for the IEEE 802.11 SanDiego meeting:
- 11-14/0900r0 July 2014 San Diego Session Minutes

4.1.2. Moved: Hitoshi Morioka

4.1.3. Seconded: Ping Fang

4.1.4. Unanimously approved

  1. Approve TGai teleconference meeting minutes of San Diego meeting to Athens

5.1.  Motion

5.1.1. Approve TGai teleconference meeting minutes of San Diego to Athens meeting.
- 11-14/1053r1 TGai Teleconference Minutes on Aug 19th
- 11-14/1080r2 July-September Teleconference Minutes

5.1.2. Moved: Hitoshi Morioka

5.1.3. Seconded: Ping Fang

5.1.4. Unanimously approved

  1. LB 201 – Open Issues / Unresolved comments to be covered during the Athens Meeting 11-14/1133r1 Marc Emmelmann

6.1.  Dan Harkins

6.1.1. Tue. PM2 (after REVmc motion for the modification to reflect the changes)

6.1.2. CID4195 duplicates 4634. (Mark Rison)

6.1.3. Marc will check.

6.2.  George Cherian

6.2.1. Resolution text has been approved in San Diego, but the spreadsheet has not been on the motion. Just a procedure issue. (Marc)

6.2.2. Mon. PM2.

6.3.  Joe Kwak (Xiaofei Wang)

6.3.1. Mon. PM2.

6.3.2. 2nd review and motion in Tue. PM2.

6.4.  Santosh Abraham

6.4.1. CID4929 and 4930.

6.4.2. Already approved in San Diego. (Santosh)

6.4.3. Marc will check.

6.4.4. Motion #120. (Santosh)

6.5.  Santosh Pandey

6.5.1. CID5139

6.5.2. Ping to provide a modified resolution text as a submission on mentor by Mon. PM2.

6.6.  Lee Armstrong

6.6.1. CID4146  Motion #123  Move to:
- Approve the comment resolution for CID 4146 as follows:
REVISED In D2.1. Added at the end of clause 2 the following item "ISO/IEC 9594-1:2008,Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: Overview of concepts, models and services". Then added reference to this after the use of X.500 in Clause 8 (leaving in the X.500 to help clarify what/where in the ISO std was applicable).
- And set the comment resolution status to REVISED  Moved: Lee Armstrong  Seconded: Ping Fang  Result (Y/N/A): 8/0/1  Motion passes.

6.6.2. CID4005, 4488, 4632, 4506  Ping already uploaded the resolution on the server, 11-14/1219 and 1215.  Mon. AM2.

6.6.3. CID4121 (Jarkko Kneckt)  11-14/946r0 refers 11-14/761r3 but it is TGaj document.  Mon. PM2.

6.6.4. CID4634  Ping already uploaded 11-14/1073r1 as the resolution.  Rest comments are already in 11-14/1073r1.  Mon. AM2.

6.6.5. CID4206  Mon. AM2. after Ping or PM2.

6.7.  Jarkko Kneckt

6.7.1. Pending editorial fixes on Thursday.

6.8.  Marc will upload r2.

  1. Comment Resolutions

7.1.  Cleanup of some editorial comments resolutions for LB201 11-14/1073r1 Ping Fang

7.1.1. Ping will upload the revised version r2.

7.1.2. Motion in PM2.

7.2.  Resolution to Some Editorial Comment of LB201 11-14/1219r0 Ping Fang

7.2.1. Ping will upload the revised version r1.

7.2.2. Motion in PM2.

  1. Recessed at 12:32.

Monday PM2 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 16:07.
  2. Agenda 11-14/1036r1

2.1.  Xiaofei Wang uploaded r2.

2.2.  Ping Fang uploaded 1215r1, 1219r1 and 1073r2.

  1. Comment Resolutions

3.1.  CID5139

3.1.1. Motion #124  Moved to
Resolve CID 5139 with the following comment resolution:
- Revise. Add Timestamp (8 octets) and Beacon Interval (2 octets) into Figure 8-589a (FILS Discovery Frame Action field format) between FD Frame Control and Service Set identifier fields.
Add the following descriptions of the added fields after the figure:
The Beacon Interval field represents the number of time units (TUs) between target beacon transmission times (TBTTs). The Beacon Interval field is described in
Timestamp field includes the timing synchronization function (TSF) timer value. The Timestamp field is described in
- And set the resolution for CID 5139 to “REVISED. Adopt changes as per Motion #124 as shown in 11/14/1186r6  Moved: Jouni Malinen  Seconded: Lee Armstrong  Result (Y/N/A): 7/0/0  Motion passes.

3.2.  LB201 Comment Resolution for Assigned Comments 11-14/1107r2 Xiaofei Wang

3.2.1. Excludes CID4999 and CID4724 from the motion.

3.3.  Motion #125

3.3.1. Move to
- accept the comment resolutions as shown in 11-14/1219r1
- and instruct the Editor to incorporate the resulting changes in the draft
- and instruct the Editor to apply the changes shown in 11-14/1215r1 to the draft

3.3.2. Moved: Ping Fang

3.3.3. Seconded: Peter Ecclesine

3.3.4. Result (Y/N/A): 8/0/0

3.3.5. Motion passes.

3.4.  Motion #126

3.4.1. Move to
- instruct the Chair to execute the actions as specified in 11-14/1073r2(Cleanup of some editorial comments resolutions for LB201) effectively changing the resolution for CIDs 4634, 4696, 4743, 4770, 4835, 4772, 4829, 4887, 4719, 4734 and 4710,

3.4.2. Moved: Ping Fang

3.4.3. Seconded: Jarkko Kneckt

3.4.4. Result (Y/N/A): 8/0/1

3.4.5. Motion passes.

3.5.  Motion #127

3.5.1. Move to
- approve the comment resolutions for CIDs 4032, 4614, 4586, 5000, 5111, 4288, 4311, 4344, 4712, 4933, 4802, 5137, 4800, 4313, 4368, 4341, 4029, 4808, 4314, 4595, 5127, 5126, 5016, 5015, 4809, 4812, 4024, 4025, 4910, 4911 and 4895 as contained in 11-14/1107r3.
- and instruct the editor to adapt the resulting changes to the draft

3.5.2. Moved: Joseph Levy

3.5.3. Seconded: Ping Fang

3.5.4. Result (Y/N/A): 8/0/0

3.5.5. Motion passes.

3.6.  Motion #128

3.6.1. Move to
- Change the comment resolutions for CID 4206 to ”REVISED, instruct editor to incorporate changes as shown in 11-14/1146r1”

3.6.2. Moved: Santosh Abraham

3.6.3. Seconded: Jouni Malinen

3.6.4. Result (Y/N/A): 5/0/0

3.6.5. Motion passes.

  1. Announces

4.1.  Tue. PM1 is joint session with TGaq.

4.2.  PM2 is regular slot.

4.2.1. 11-14/1236r0 from Dan Harkins.

  1. Recessed at 18:02.

Tuesday PM1 Joint Session with TGaq:

  1. Stephen McCann (TGaq chair) called the meeting to order at 13:34.
  2. Agenda: 11-14/1031r3.
  3. 1 hour expected.
  4. After adjourn the joint session, TGai will continue regular session here.
  5. Stephen introduced TGaq work.
  6. Extending CAG Number Concept 11-14/1253r2 Yunsong Yang

6.1.  Proposed 11aq Amendment Text for Adopting the Revised CAG Number Concept 11-14/1268r0 Yunsong Yang

6.2.  Straw poll

6.2.1. Do you support the notion of extending the current 11ai CAG Number such that the CAG Number is advertisement-protocol-dependent and supports at least ANQP and PADP?

6.2.2. Result (Y/N/A): 9/0/4

6.3.  On Thursday, revisit in TGai again. (Marc)

6.4.  At first, TGaq members should approve this idea. (Hiroshi)

6.5.  TGaq members have agreed before lunch. (Stephen)

6.6.  PM1 or PM2 on Thursday.

  1. Adjourned at 14:27
  1. Vice chair call the meeting to order at 14:38.
  2. Comment Resolutions

9.1.  Comment Resolutions: CID 4234, 4236, 4237 11-14/836r3 Santosh Abraham

9.2.  Comment Resolutions: CID 4253, 5090 11-14/840r2 Santosh Abraham

9.2.1. Live edit on the screen and uploaded as r3.

9.2.2. Motion #129  Move to
- approve the following comment resolutions for CID 4234: “REVISED instruct editor to adopt changes described in 11-14/0836r3.”  Moved: Santosh Abraham  Seconded: George Cherian  Result (Y/N/A): 6/1/1  Motion passes.

9.2.3. Motion #130  Move to
- approve the following comment resolutions for CID 4253,4007 and 5090: “REVISED instruct editor to adopt changes described in 11-14/0840r3.”  Moved: Santosh Abraham  Seconded: George Cherian  Result (Y/N/A): 8/0/0  Motion passes.

9.3.  LB201 Comment Resolutions for CIDs 4999 and 4724 11-14/1270r0 Xiaofei Wang

  1. Recessed at 15:13

Tuesday PM2 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 16:03.
  2. Procedure Announcement Marc Emmelmann

2.1.  PM1 is not an official slot, joint session with TGaq.

2.2.  Any objection to affirm Motion #129 and #130?

2.2.1. No objection.

  1. Comment Resolutions

3.1.  Motion #131

3.1.1. Move to
- approve the following comment resolutions for CID 4999 and 4724: “REVISED instruct editor to adopt changes described in 11-14/1270r0.”
- and instruct the editor to adapt the resulting changes to the draft .

3.1.2. Moved: Joseph Levy

3.1.3. Seconded: Jarkko Kneckt

3.1.4. Result (Y/N/A): 9/0/0

3.1.5. Motion passes.

3.2.  Element Validation for Shared Key Authentication in FILS 11-14/1236r0 Dan Harkins

3.2.1. Motion #132  Move to
- approve the following comment resolutions for CID 4079 and 4078: “REVISED instruct editor to adopt changes described in 11-14/1236r0.”
- and instruct the editor to adapt the resulting changes to the draft .  Discussion  What is CID4195? (Jouni)  Marc shows the comment database.  Duplicate with CID4634.  This should be in separate motion. (Jouni)  CID4195 has been removed from the motion.  Moved: Dan Harkins  Seconded: Jouni Malinen  Result (Y/N/A): 8/0/0  Motion passes.

3.2.2. Motion #133  Move to
- approve the following comment resolutions for CID 4195: “REJECT -- if dot11FILSActivated is true, the STA is doing FILS which implies that the field is present.“  Moved: Jouni Malinen  Seconded: Jarkko Kneckt  Result (Y/N/A): 9/0/0  Motion passes.

3.3.  Editorial Correction 11-14/1256r0 Jarkko Kneckt

3.3.1. Motion tomorrow.

3.4.  Ping presented editorial cleanup

3.4.1. No DCN. Not uploaded.

3.4.2. CID4946  Live edit the resolution on the screen with technical change.

3.5.  On the Need for an 802.11ai Annex 11-14/1255r0 Joseph Levy

3.5.1. Straw poll  Do you agree that TGai should generate an informative Annex to describe and clarify the use of the FILS elements and how they can be used to enable Fast Initial Link Setup?  Discussion  Normative or informative? (Jouni)  Informative. (Joseph)  Insert “informative” to the straw poll text. (Jouni)  Result (Y/N/A): 4/2/2

  1. Recessed at 17:29

Wednesday PM1 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 13:37.
  2. Agenda: 11-14/1036r2.
  3. Comment Resolutions

3.1.  LB201 Comment Resolution for Assigned Comments 11-14/1107r3 Xiaofei Wang

3.1.1. CID4341 is in the abstract, but it is not covered in this document. CID4346 is in this document. (Xiaofei)

3.1.2. Motion #127 should be reconsidered.

3.1.3. Motion #134  Move to reconsider the motion #127  Moved: Jouni Malinen  Seconded: Ping Fang  Result (Y/N/A): 7/0/0  Motion passes.

3.1.4. Motion #127  Move to amend: change the motion text as
- approve the comment resolutions for CIDs 4032, 4614, 4586, 5000, 5111, 4288, 4311, 4344, 4712, 4933, 4802, 5137, 4800, 4313, 4368, 4341 4346, 4029, 4808, 4314, 4595, 5127, 5126, 5016, 5015, 4809, 4812, 4024, 4025, 4910, 4911 and 4895 as contained in 11-14/1107r3.
- and instruct the editor to adapt the resulting changes to the draft  Moved: Jouni Malinen  Seconded: Jarkko Kneckt  Result (Y/N/A): 7/0/0  Motion passes.  Move to
- approve the comment resolutions for CIDs 4032, 4614, 4586, 5000, 5111, 4288, 4311, 4344, 4712, 4933, 4802, 5137, 4800, 4313, 4368, 4346, 4029, 4808, 4314, 4595, 5127, 5126, 5016, 5015, 4809, 4812, 4024, 4025, 4910, 4911 and 4895 as contained in 11-14/1107r3.
- and instruct the editor to adapt the resulting changes to the draft  Moved: Joseph Levy  Seconded: Ping Fang  Result (Y/N/A): 7/0/0  Motion passes.

3.2.  Cleanup of more comment resolutions for LB201 11-14/1278r1 Ping Fang

3.2.1. CID4374  “may” or “shall”?  Live edit on the screen.

3.2.2. CID4337  In San Diego, CCM has been changed to GCM. All CCM in TGai draft has been changed to GCM. (Peter Yee)

3.2.3. CID4302  It’s “Revised”. (Marc)

3.2.4. CID4696  "If dot11... equal to" or "If dot11... is equal to"? (Ping)  "is equal to" is better. (Lee Armstrong)

3.2.5. Live edit the resolution on the screen and uploaded as r2.

3.3.  Editorial Corrections 11-14/1256r1 Jarkko Kneckt

3.3.1. Motion #135  Move to
- Instruct the editor to adopt the changes shown in 11-14/1256r1 to the TGai draft.  Moved: Jarkko Kneckt  Seconded: Lee Armstrong  Result (Y/N/A): 7/0/0  Motion passes.

3.4.  LB201 Editorial Changes 11-14/1287r0 Xiaofei Wang

3.4.1. Changes are shown in yellow highlight.

3.4.2. Motion in next slot regarding 4h rule.

  1. Editor Announcement Lee Armstrong

4.1.  D2.2, all changes in San Diego and almost all editorial changes are available, is available on the server.

  1. Recessed at 15:03.

Wednesday PM2 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 16:07.
  2. Comment Resolutions

2.1.  Motion #136

2.1.1. Move to
- Instruct the editor to adopt the changes shown in yellow in 11-14/1287r0 to the TGai draft.

2.1.2. Moved: Peter Yee

2.1.3. Seconded: Lee Armstrong

2.1.4. Result (Y/N/A): 6/0/0

2.1.5. Motion passes.

2.2.  Motion #137

2.2.1. Move to
instruct the Chair to execute the actions as specified in 11-14/1278r3.

2.2.2. Moved: Ping Fang

2.2.3. Seconded: Hitoshi Morioka

2.2.4. Result (Y/N/A): 7/0/0

2.2.5. Motion passes.

2.3.  CID4121

2.3.1. The resolution refers TGaj document. Jarkko will make resolution text.

  1. Recessed at 16:16 until tomorrow 9AM

Thursday AM1 Session:

  1. Chair called the meeting to order at 9:06.
  2. Agenda: 11-14/1036r2.
  3. Editor Status Report Lee Armstrong

3.1.  Clause 10.43.8, “Reduced Neighbor Report”

3.1.1. REVmc changed the paragraph.

3.1.2. It will affect CID4309 and 4777.

  1. Database Status Report Marc Emmelmann

4.1.  CID4121

4.1.1. Jarkko could not find the correct document. He provides new resolution.

4.1.2. Motion #138  Move to
Change the resolution for CID 4121 as follows:
REVISED: Replace “CAG Number elements specified in (CAG Number element) is optionally present when dot11FILSActivated is true.” with “The CAG Number element specified in (CAG Number element) is optionally present if dot11FILSActivated is true.”