Course Syllabus & Policies
Mrs. Linger
Textbook:Holt Algebra 1
Texts should be covered for the entire school year!
Fines will be assessed for lost or damaged books at year-end.
Supplies:Three-ring binder (1 ½” or larger) with 5 dividers & loose-leaf paper
Pencils with erasers
Red pen
Scientific Calculator
Topics:Solving Linear Equations
Linear Inequalities
Graphing Linear Equations
Function Notation & Domains
Expressions & Polynomials
Systems of Equations
Tutoring:Before or after school in Room 195 (Linger).
Phone numbers: 485-8191 ext. 8656 (Linger)
Email addresses:
Technology resources:
- – Mrs. Linger’s personal webpage can be found by going to the high school home page, then the teacher web pages tab. Class notes and other important information can be found on this site.
- - Parent/Student access to online grade book. Assignments, due dates, and updated grades can be found on Progress Book.
- – Online textbook login
Grading: Grades are composed of four weighted categories.
40% - Tests and Quizzes
30% - Homework
20% - Class work/Projects
10% - Notebooks/Participation
Tests and Quizzes:
Quizzes will be given every week to week and a half. Tests will be given about once every three weeks. I will always be available after school the day before every test or quiz. It is your responsibility to take advantage of this opportunity.
Homework: Must be done in PENCIL (or points will be deducted)
Assignments will be posted on the chalkboard and on Progress Book. Homework will either be checked for accuracy (10 points) or completion (5 points). On a check for accuracy, I will pick 5 problems from the assignment and will look for the right answer. You will receive 1 point for doing the problem and 1 point for a correct answer.
If you are absent, you can check for your assignment on Progress Book, ask your team members, or lookon the chalkboard for the assignment you missed and it will be your responsibility to get it to me within the appropriate number of days (every day absent = 1 day for make-up). Handouts that were missed will be posted on the bulletin board with your name on the top: take time to look for them!
Assignments may be turned in one day late for 50% credit. Beyond that, 0 credit.
Projects & In-class work:
Projects and in class work will be discussed in detail when the time arises. Students should expect at least one project at the end of each chapter. Class work will include journal assignments, practice problems, group discovery activities, and problems of the day.
Students are expected to come to class daily with all supplies, textbooks, and homework and be ready to actively and attentively participate in classroom activities. Points will be given on a random basis at least twice a week for classroom participation. Students will be given between 0 and 5 points based on their preparation and participation for the day.
Cornell Notes will be used all year and graded. Notebooks will be collected at the end of each quarter. Notes, problems of the day, activities, homework, and tests/quizzes should be in your notebook. A notebook check sheet will be distributed for organizing the notebook.
Daily Procedures:
- Start on the problem of the day as soon as the bell rings.
- Homework must be out and on your desk when I come around to check it.
- Keep a well-organized notebook.
- You must use pencil on everything except your notes.
- Turn all assignments into the appropriate tray.
- You must ask permission to use the hall pass. Do not interrupt instruction but only ask to use the pass at appropriate times. You will be permitted to use the pass three times per quarter. Before you leave with the hall pass, you must complete the sign-out sheet.
- Electronic devices will be permitted (with a signed BYOD policy) to be used as calculators and for internet use when appropriate and curriculum necessary. Cell phones/electronic devices are not to be used to text or “surf” during classroom instruction, testing, group activities, or when told not to do so.
- IPod’s & MP3 Players may be used only by permission to listen to music. All earphones are to be put away unless the class is given permission to use them.
- ID’s must be visible at all times.
- Follow all other school policies as outlined in your student handbook.
Tardy Policy:
Students are expected to be on time to class every day. If students are tardy to class, the following consequences will be enforced:
1st tardy – Warning
2nd tardy – 10 minute teacher detention after school (no show results in office referral)
Beyond 2nd tardy – call home, office referral
Classroom Expectations:Be On Time To Class
Carry & Use Agenda
Bring all Materials to Class
- Book
- Notebook w/paper
- Pencil w/eraser
- Pen
- Calculator
Show Respect for Peers & Teacher
Stay on Task
Follow All School Policies
Classroom Consequences:
1st offense will result in a 10 minute detention after school or the next day at 7:30. ***Students who do not show for detention will be given an office referral.
2nd offense will result in an office referral and call home
3rd offense will result in removal from classroom, call home, and office referral
Please sign and return this sheet by August 22, 2014
(This will count as your first assignment.)
I have read the Algebra 1 Course Outline and understand its contents and my responsibility for this class.
Student Date
I have read the Algebra 1 Course Outline and understand its contents and my child’s responsibilities.
Parent/Guardian Date
Additional information
Home Phone
Mother’s Name Cell/Work Phone Email
Father’s Name Cell/Work Phone Email
The most convenient way to contact me is (please check all that apply):
_____ Home phone
_____ Mother cell/work
_____ Father cell/work
_____ Mother Email
_____ Father Email