Early Childhood Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Diskin
Textbook: Working with Young Children, by Judy Herr, Goodheart Wilcox Co.
Course Description:Early Childhood is an amazing process that starts at the moment of conception and continues over the life course. This course is a continuation from Human Growth and Development. In Early Childhood we will focus on children from age one to adolescent. While studying this age range, our focus will be on the child’s physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and moral development.
Course Objectives:
- The student will describe the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development of children.
- The students will explain how different types of development relate to one another.
- The students will evaluate what effective parenting entails.
- The students will develop an understanding of the role of their own parents.
- The students will explain the impact they have on a developing child’s brain.
- Students will demonstrate an understanding between theory and practice and be able to apply classroom learning to situations in life outside the classroom.
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of the scientific methods used to learn about child development.
- Students will understand the basic physical changes in the body and brain during childhood and the factors important for healthy growth.
Course Outline:
- Examine career paths within early childhood education, education and related services.
- Apply developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood education.
- child development theories to determine how children learn
- Identify risk factors delays, or disabilities that may indicate a need for special services
- Observe and summarize a children’s developmental progress
- Analyze curriculum and instruction to meet children’s development needs.
- Identify activities that promote intellectual, social, physical, emotional and moral development
- Determine age-appropriate activities
- Develop an age-appropriate experience and teach it to children
- Develop skills needed to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment for children.
- impact of the family’s role as the primary educator to child development
- Demonstrates basic pediatric first aid and CPR
- Identify regulations regarding health and safety of children
- Identify safe and appropriate outdoor play equipment
- Analyze nutritional needs of children and methods of encouraging healthful eating
- Evaluate techniques to promote positive collaborative relationships with children.
- common problem behaviors and situations and appropriate solutions
- interpersonal skills that promote positive relationships with children
- Demonstrate professional practices and standards related to working with children.
- Work in elementary schools
Interior Design Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Diskin
Textbook: Housing and Interior Design, by Evelyn L. Lewis and Carolyn Turner, Goodheart Wilcox Co.
Course Description:Interior Designaddresses selecting and planning living environments to meet the needs and wants of individuals and families throughout the family life cycle. Economic, social, cultural, technological, environmental, maintenance, and aesthetic factors are considered. During this course we emphasize the principles, traffic-flow, space planning and color. The project-based approach in this course utilizes higher order thinking, communication, leadership, and management processes to integrate housing and interior design content.
Course Objectives:
- The students will analyze factors that affect housing choices, including values, space, roles, and lifestyle.
- The students will compare and contrast the effects of economy and housing on each other.
- The students will demonstrate how to make a wise decision using problem solving and listening skills.
- The students will be able to successfully demonstrate the ability to create schematics.
- The students will summarize ways to modify housing for people with physical disabilities using universal design elements.
- The students will analyze the effects the elements of design have on aesthetics and function.
- The students will construct a 3D model home with a floor plan.
- The students will be able to successfully demonstrate the ability to make a professional presentation.
Technical Standards Covered:
Benchmark: 1. 1 Analyze career paths in housing, interior, textiles and apparel.
- Explain the roles and functions of individuals engaged in interior design, textile and apparel careers.
- Analyze opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial endeavors.
- Summarize education, training and credentialing requirements and opportunities for career paths in interior design, textiles, set and exhibit design, costuming, etc.
- Create an employment portfolio for use with applying for internships, work-based learning opportunities and employment in interiors, textiles and apparel.
Benchmark: 1.2 Demonstrate technical skills related to careers in housing, interior, textiles and apparel.
- Explain the ways in which fiber, fabric, texture, pattern and finish can affect visual appearance.
- Apply basic and complex color schemes and color theory to develop and enhance visual effects.
- Generate design that takes into consideration environmental, technical and economic trends and issues. Demonstrate professional skills in using a variety of equipment, tools and mediums for interiors, textiles and apparel.
- Evaluate the use of elements and principles of design in interior, textile and apparel applications.
- Evaluate the psychological impact that the principles and elements of design have on the individual
- Analyze the effects that the principles and elements of design have on aesthetics and function.
- Demonstrate measuring, estimating, ordering, purchasing, pricing and repurposing skills.
- Essentials of Interior and Textile Design Standard Alignment Document
- Explain societal and technological trends on periods of architecture, interior design and textiles through the ages.
- Identify use of studio tools.
- Create sketches, elevations and renderings.
- Utilize a variety of presentation media such as digital imaging, video, computer and software.
Course Grading:
- Reports/Projects- 40%
- Daily Work/Homework- 25%
- Tests- 25%
- Class Participation- 10%
Interior & Textile Design Studio Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Diskin
Pathway Information:
Textbook: Housing and Interior Design, by Evelyn L. Lewis and Carolyn Turner, Goodheart Wilcox Co.
Course Description:Interior and Textile Design Studio provides students with the opportunity to expand knowledge and experience with 4-dimensional design forms as they relate to human needs. Topics will include the language, materials and processes used to apply the design elements and principles based upon designers, periods and styles. As students advance and become more adept, the instruction regarding the creative process becomes more refined and students are encouraged to develop their own design styles to meet the needs of a client. This application course is client driven in the interior, textile or apparel fields.
Technical Standards Covered:
Comprehensive Standard: Integrate knowledge, skills and practices required for careers in housing, interior, textiles and apparel.
- Benchmark: 1. 1-Analyze career paths in housing, interior, textiles and apparel.
- Review opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial endeavors.
- Benchmark: 1.2 Demonstrate technical skills related to careers in housing, interior, textiles and apparel.
- Select manufacturers, products and materials considering care, maintenance, safety and environmental issues.
- Apply measurement and estimation skills.
- Apply elements and principles of design to create, construct, and/or alter textile products.
- Create designs using industry computer software.
- Demonstrate basic skills for producing and altering textile products.
- Assess a variety of available resources for interiors, textile and/or apparel.
- Critique design plans that address client’s needs, goals and resources.
- Select a variety of appropriate design and medium tools for construction, alteration and repair.
- Produce renderings, elevations and sketches according to the needs of client(s).
- Present designs utilizing a variety of visual presentation media such as digital imaging, video, computer applications and board.
Course Grading:
- Reports/Projects- 40%
- Daily Work/Homework- 25%
- Tests- 25%
- Class Participation- 10%
Human Growth and Development Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Diskin
Textbook: Parents and their Children, by Verdene Ryder, Goodheart Wilcox Co.
Course Description: This class is an introduction to the role and responsibilities related to parenting. We will cover Parenting in many different aspects:
- Parenting as a career
- Responsibilities of parenting/family
- Family life cycle
- Family structures
- Reproductive System
- Pregnancy, prenatal care, childbirth
- Infant care to the first year of life
- Real Care Baby simulation
- Empathy Belly
Required Materials:
- 1 inch three ring binder (with divider tab inserts)
- 3-ring Paper
- Black or blue pen
Course Objectives:
- The student will demonstrate effective parenting using the Real Care Parenting Infant simulation.
- The students will explain the functions of the reproductive system as it relates to pregnancy.
- The students will understand the development of a child.
- The students will evaluate what effective parenting entails.
- The students will develop an understanding of the role of their own parents.
Course Grading:
- Reports/Projects- 40%
- Daily Work/Homework- 25%
- Tests- 25%
- Class Participation- 10%
- There will be an opportunity for extra credit throughout the semester.
Parent Notice: Reproductive System-
Human Growth and Development will cover units on functions of the reproductive, sexually transmitted infections and childbirth (we do watch childbirth). Each unit is presented in a factual manner and not opinion, using the textbook, worksheets, a student report, and a health video in the subject area. With parental request, the student may opt out of the unit with an alternative assignment. Please mark below your choice.If this is not returned, it will be assumed the student has permission to participate in the units. IF the parent DOES NOT want their child to participate in either unit, the parent MUST sign below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
_____ I give my child permission to participate in “Deciding About Parenthood” study.
______I DO NOT want my child to participate in “Deciding About Parenthood” Study. As a parent or guardian I understand the rules for the FCS classroom. If I have any questions I will contact the teacher.Sign: ______
Textiles in Today’s Society Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Diskin
Course Description: This sewing class is an introductory comprehensive clothing construction class that teaches basic sewing skills for personal creativity, enjoyment, and repair.
Required Materials:
- 1 inch three ring binder (with divider tab inserts)
- College ruled paper
- Black or blue pen
- Material when requested!
Course Objectives:
Students will demonstrate skills needed to produce, alter, or repair textile products.
Students will select appropriate sewing notions.
Students will demonstrate how to properly work a sewing machine
Students will demonstrate safety procedures.
Students will explain how to take body measurements.
The students will apply their skills by creating projects
Course Outline:
- Introduction into Sewing
- Sewing Safety
- Small equipment and Notions
- Hand stitching
- Hand Sewing Pin Cushion
- Operating the Sewing Machine
- Sewing on paper
- Sewing on material
- Pressing as you sew
- Fabric Design Cards
- Fabric Bags
- Seam Samples
- Basic Survival Skills with Sewing
- Pillowcase
- Tie Blanket/Embroidery Project
- Pants
- How to read a pattern
- Body Measurements
- Service Project
Course Grading:
- Reports/Projects- 40%
- Daily Work/Homework- 15%
- Tests- 25%
- Class Participation- 20%
Dear Parents,
Textiles in Today’s Society is a lab class where materials will be needed to help achieve certain skills. I am aware of numerous expenses needed for the school setting. As a teacher, I try to have projects that develop and reinforce sewing skills in the curriculum, provide room for creativity of the student while making it affordable. Before each project that requires material, I send the students home with coupons from all fabric stores in Wichita. The materials can be gathered from home, purchased from a store, or the student may use scraps from school. Materials for projects need to be purchased early enough so that your student doesn’t lose valuable work time and daily points in class. I will send the supply list for each project home at least a week ahead of when it will be needed. Please check with your child frequently about his/her projects and material needed for class. If a student does not have their supplies for more than 2 days, the student will be expected to use scrap fabric from the school. If at any time the student is not able to provide fabric please contact me. There are donated fabrics (other than fleece) available for student use. I am always happy to help in any way I can.
I am looking forward to a successful year, and I hope I can count on you to help make it so. If you have questions my school number is 794-4190. To ensure that you have received this information, please sign at the bottom and return it to me.
Mrs. Diskin
I have read the course syllabus for Mrs. Diskin’s class. (20 points)
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student agreement: I have read and discussed this course syllabus with my parent/guardian so they understand what the expectations are for this class.
Student Signature
(This is on the back side of every syllabus!)
Policies and Procedures
Respect: Respect is to be given to the teacher, classmates, and materials used in the course.
Beginning of Hour:Every day when you enter the classroom you are to be seated and start on bell-work (which will be on the white board).
End of Hour:Before the bell rings, everyone must be seated in their OWN seat. If the bell rings and people are standing, I will not release you until everyone is seated. Also, leave your area clean and orderly.
Technology: Phones and other types of mobile devices are used according to the red/yellow/green light system
Food/Drink: No food or drink (you can have water) will be allowed in the class.
Materials: Each student must have their agenda and other materials required for that day in class daily.
Be to Class on TIME:
1st Tardy- Warning
2nd Tardy- Parent Contact
3rd Tardy- Detention with Mrs. Diskin
4th Tardy- Administrator notified and after school detention
Make-up work:The student may see me before or after school in room 158. When you are absent, it is your responsibility to make an appointment with me to pick up missed assignments, handouts, etc. Tests need to be made up within 2 week of absence. It will need to be done before or after school.
Late Work: I do accept late work for ½ credit as long as you keep me posted on your progress.
Restroom: You will get 2 passes to go to the restroom in my class, once those are used up, you can no longer go! Restroom breaks are for passing period!
Discipline action will follow guidelines in Student Agenda Handbook.
I have read the course syllabus for Mrs. Diskin’s class. (20 points)
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student agreement: I have read and discussed this course syllabus with my parent/guardian so they understand what the expectations are for this class.
Student Signature