
Directions: On your blank map, add all of the map elements below. Don’t forget to read the directions for information on color and spelling!

Textbook Page Numbers for Help:

·  Ancient Greece 2000 B.C. to 400 B.C.: Pgs. 173 & 175

·  Europe Political/Europe Physical Maps: Pgs. RA12-15

·  Middle East Physical/Political Map: Pgs. RA 16-17

·  The Kingfisher Atlas of the Ancient World: Pgs. 20-23 and 26-27

Check Score

Put your name in the upper RIGHT hand corner of the Map
TITLE your map at the top/center: Ancient Greece
Label these civilizations, countries, islands and physical features (be sure to capitalize and use complete words)
·  Europe
·  Asia
·  Africa
·  Italy
·  Greece
·  Egypt
·  Phoenicia
·  Anatolia
·  Mt. Olympus
·  Taurus Mountains
·  Island of Crete
·  Island of Cyprus
Label (and perhaps draw) these bodies of water
·  Danube River
·  Aegean Sea
·  Black Sea
·  Mediterranean Sea
·  Ionian Sea
·  Adriatic Sea
Label these Cities/City-States
·  Megara
·  Athens
·  Corinth
·  Sparta
·  Delphi
·  Olympia
·  Marathon
·  Mycenae
Draw and label: Compass Rose
Color the Ancient Greek Empire Yellow. (Pg. 175) Colored pencils ONLY!
Color the rivers, seas, and gulf: Blue (Neatness counts!)Colored pencils ONLY!
Spelling/Neatness: (Correct spelling/not too small/neat?)

Name: ______

Grading Rubric

Exceeds Standard
100% +
(A) / 3.7
Clearly Meets Standard
92.5 %
(A-) / 3.4
Meets Standard
(B) / 2.8
(C) / 2
Does Not Meet Standard
(F) - Redo / 0
Did Not Complete
Must complete – see teacher
Followed Directions
Labels in correct location
Correct Spelling and Capitalization
