First name
Last name
Middle names
Landline Telephone
Mobile Number
Email address
Do you have a drivers licence valid in Russia?
Do you have a First Aid Certificate? / If so, please provide details below including date when awarded and what training elements were covered.
Photograph / Please include along with your application
Please provide details of your educational history including names and addresses of education establishments and qualifications achieved with grades.
Secondary education:Further education:
Other qualifications:
Please provide details of your employment history (if applicable)and dates including names of companies, addresses and contact details for references, starting with the most recent
Current occupation or Place of StudyPast work experience
(Please provide details including any unpaid work and outside interests which might be relevant to the job)
Have you ever worked in a customer service related environment before?
If yes, please describe what you did
Have you ever been in a customer related environment when something went wrong and if so, how did you handle it? If not related to this field, please give another example
Describe a situation where you have worked as part of a team to achieve something. How were you involved and what did you learn?
Describe an achievement that you are proud of and tell us why.(This does not necessarily need to be related to your job application)
Please provide details of your interests and spare time activities
Leisure pursuitsAny other details
Tell us the languages you speak. Use the first box for your mother tongue.
For each additional language you speak please describe your proficiency.
Mother tongueOther languages
Please give details of any known dates when you will not be available for duty.(see section “requirements” below)
What is your experience in leading bigger teams?
How would you describe your management stile?
Using three adjectives for each, describeyour best and worst qualities
(be as honest as possible!)
Use this space tomention anything you feel might be of interest tofurther support your application. Possibly something you feel has not been adequately covered elsewhere, suchas relevant experience or achievements, not necessarily related to the job you are applying for.
Legislation states that all employees must have the right to work in Russia. We are legally obliged to ask all successful applicants to provide evidence of their right to work in Russia. Relevant documents must be provided prior to the issue of contracts. Contracts will be issued by our dedicated staffing agency following all Russian labour legislation.
NationalityDo you have the right to work in Russia?
If you are not a Russian citizen, please give details of your right to work in the country and any visa expiry dates if applicable.
Your Passport needs to be valid until October 2014!
The staffing procedure requires applicants to give details of any convictions that are not spent. Failure to disclose such convictions could result in disciplinary action or dismissal
Do you have any previous convictions?If yes, please detail offence(s) including date(s) and sentence(s)
We are committed to protecting your privacy. We only collect information relevant to your employment and we will only use the information lawfully (Law of the Russian Federation “On Personal Data” as of 27.07.2006).
Do you agree to provide information to authorities involved in the security and organisation of the event for accreditation purposes if required?Agree / Yes / No
Background Checks / I understand that if my application is successful I will be subject to a number of enquiries including a criminal background check.
Agree / Yes / No
Accuracy of information / I understand that my employment may be summarily terminated if the information provided by me is found to be inaccurate
Agree / Yes / No
Travel Days / 31st January for travels to Sochi (arrival day)
24th / 25th February for travels back home (final departure day tbc but not before 24th Feb)
Training Dates / 1st February – 5th February 2014
Working Dates / 6th–23th February
Hours / 10 – 12 hours a day
Uniform / All staff will be supplied with a uniform which they will be required to wear only when on duty
Age / Applicants must be at least 18 years of age by the31st January 2014
Terms / All staff will be employed on alabor contractbasiswith shift work scheduleexecuting work functions in Sochi (place of the employees' residence) since no staff member can return to its place of residence on a daily basis. Everybody will stay in Sochi at the staffing accommodation provided for the duration of the program. The contracting staffing agency willbe responsible for the National Insurance and Income Tax payments.
Payment / All staff will be paidtwice a month during the contract period.
Residence / All staff will be provided with accommodation throughout their term of employment (Jan 31st – February 25th). The staff hotel will be located close to the workplace and 2 people will be sharing 1 double room for the entire period.
Travels to and from Sochi will be covered via Coca-Cola, airfare for economy class flights, bookings will be handled via Coca-Cola.
References / All staff will be required to submit two employment or university references.
Interview / All applicants need to be available for an interview until the end of August 2013 either live at a location to be confirmed in Moscow or via skype. The exact dates and location will be confirmed after submitting the application form.
I am responsible for the fact that the information provided on this form is true and genuine. Any incorrect information provided in this form may result in refusal of employment. I agree to process my personal data stated in this application for employment statistics, and others, not contrary to the law purposes. The data were transferred to Coca - Cola to implement the full range of actions, understood by the data processing and related. This consent is valid from the date of sign. Refusal from the processing of data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
May 2013
Classified - Internal use