Text:The Americans
Instructor: John Zirbel
Classroom Rules:
1. Be in the room, in your seat & ready to begin class before the tardy bell rings.
- Obey all school rules.
- Bring all needed materials to classEVERYDAY.
- Be polite and respectful to your classmates and teacher.
- Food and drinks are not allowed
- ZERO TOLERANCE for cheating
- Follow instructions the first time they are given
- Remain in your assigned seat except for permitted activities
Positive Consequences:
The Class may have the opportunity to earn:
- Free Time
- Movie Time
- Free Seating Days
- Food and Drink Days
- Students Choice Days
- Device Days
Negative Consequences:
- Stay in for Break
- Conference with Student
- Detention
- Change Seating Arrangement
- Contact Parent
- Office Referral
* Any non-routine disruption and the student could immediately be sent to the office
Grading Policy:
Your grade in this class depends on the work, effort, and attentiveness that you put forth. Grades will be determined by daily grades, tests, projects, and participation.
- Daily grades include homework, classwork, bell work activities, participation, etc.
- Tests will occur at the end of every chapter.
- Projects will be determined at a later date, but will require the students to create and build information individually or in groups.
- Quizzes include vocabulary quizzes, pop quizzes, chapter quizzes, etc.
- Participation grades will be determined by your activity in the class, including classroom behavior, attentiveness, and overall contribution to the class environment.
- The 9-weeks grades will be determined as follows:
Tests and Projects - 55%
Quizzes - 20%
Daily grades-15%
Participation – 10%
Make Up Work:
1. Only tests and quizzes can be made up.
2. It is the student’s responsibility to make up the required work within the allotted time period.
3. In the event that the student has an unexcused absence, the grade will reflect a zero.
4. Projects are scheduled at least one week in advance. If absent on the day a project is due, it must be turned in on the day the student returns to school.
Conferences and E-mails:
If a parent desires a conference, they should call the school and leave a message. Conferences times will be determined by teacher.
- Students can use their device only when allowed by the teacher
- Students can use their device for assigned purposes ONLY!!
- No Recharging in class.
- Failure to follow the previous rules will result in disciplinary action.
Required Materials:
- History Notebook
- Pen (blue or black ink), preferablyNO PENCILS!
American History Notebook Guidelines
Purpose of the Notebook:
To help students learn good study habits and organization skills that are needed in high school and college. Notebooks will be used to keep class notes, as well as, bell work, and all class assignments.
Materials Needed:
- 3 Ring Binder
- Loose Leak Wide Ruled Paper
- 5 Subject Dividers and/or Folders
- Highlighters (optional)
What goes into the notebook?
- Cover Page
- Syllabus
- Notebook Grading Rubric
- Class Notes Section
- Bell Work Assignments Section
- Homework / Classwork Section
How will the notebook be graded?
Notebooks will be graded at least once during nine week grading period. Notebook will be graded on organization, neatness, completeness, and visual appeal. Notebook checks will count as a test grade.
The following items would be greatly appreciated if they could be donated:
- Colored Pencils/Markers
- Scissors/Tape/Staples Etc.
- Paper Towels
- Kleenex
I have received a copy of Mr. Zirbel’s syllabus which includes class rules, class procedures, discipline, grading policy, and required materials.
Student’s Name (Print) Student’s Signature
Parent’s Signature Parent’s Email & Cell Number
Student’s Email & Cell Number
Grading Rubric For Notebook Check
Notebook is exceptionally neat, all in-class assignments are included and organized, notes & Bell Work are completed. Overall excellent condition.(25 pts) / Notebook is very presentable, most in-class assignments are included (missing less than 10%) and organized, notes & Bell Work are completed. Overall good condition. (20pts) / Notebook is average, many in-class assignments are included (missing less than 15%) and organized. Most of the notes & Bell Work are included. Overall condition is acceptable. (15pts)
Notebook is below average, some in-class assignments (less than 15%) are included and organized. Some of the notes & Bell Work are included. Overall condition is less than acceptable.
(10pts) / Notebook is far below average, an attempt was made to include a few in-class assignments, notes, and Bell Work. Overall condition is poor.
(5pts) / No Notebook at all.
No attempt was made.
(0 pts)
Homework Grading Policy
Homework is intended for re-enforcement of concepts presented in class and is therefore designed to benefit the students. Homework assignments are largely graded for completion and effort and are assigned a numerical grade based on the percentage of work completed and turned in. Homework is also required to be turned in promptly on time on given due dates. It does not benefit the student to turn in copied work of other students so late work will not be accepted unless absences have occurred. Students will be given the number of days absent to turn in late assignments or make-up tests or quizzes. It is up to the student to make arrangements for quiz and test make-ups and to pick up missed assignments.