AP Physics I



Phone #: (818) 885-2300; (818) 885-2342

Text: Serway, R. A., Faughn, J. S. College Physics, 7th Edition. Thomson*Brooks/Cole, 2006.

Course Description: This introductory algebra-based college physics course is for the college-bound student who wishes to undertake a challenging science course that will provide a sound foundation for advanced science coursework.Through student-centered inquiry-based learning, students will develop critical thinking and reasoning skills, allowing them to cultivate their understanding of physics, its role in all aspects of the physical world and science practices.Major emphasis is placed upon problem solving and independent measurement techniques.The ultimate goal of this course is to teach you how to think like a Physicist. Throughout the year this course will challenge you to communicate clearly, sort through ideas and relate them to concepts. As part of a challenging class, I expect a lot of questions. The number one priority is to understand physics principles. Taking the test and doing well on the test will only become a reality if we have fulfilled our number one priority.

A list of major topics discussed in each unit of the course are as follows:

Semester 1 (Ch. 1-7, 13) / Semester 2 (Ch. 8, 13- 14 , 15, 17, 18, 21)
Graphical analysis and significant figures / SHM: simple pendulum, Hook’s law (mass-spring systems
Motion in one dimension Position/Velocity/Acceleration / Rotational motion: torque, rotational kinematics and energy, rotational dynamics, conservation of angular momentum
Motion in two dimensions,vector addition / Mechanical waves and sound
Dynamics: Newton’s laws of motion / E-M spectrum
Circular motion & Universal Law of Gravitation / Electrostatics: electric charge and electric force
Impulse, linear momentum, collisions, conservation of linear momentum / DC circuits (resistors only), Kirchhoff’s laws
Work, energy, conservation of energy

More info:

AP Physics I Test Format:

Section I: 90 minutes - 50 multiple choice (45 single-select, 5 multi-select) questions. Equation sheet provided. Calculator allowed

Section II: 90 minutes - 5 free-response (1 experimental design, 1 qualitative-quantitative translation, 1 paragraph-length response, 2 short answer) questions. Equation sheet provided. Calculator allowed

2016 Exam Date: ______

College credit can be earned based on the results of the AP Exam. Check the policies of schools in which you are interested.

Instructional methods:Lecture, discussion, demonstration, student practice, and student discovery. This class is largely "learner-based" (as opposed to "instructor-based"), that is it will require more individual student initiative and more independent learning. You will be expected to have read the text before coming to class. I will answer any questions you have on the reading as we cover the topics in class, but no class time will be wasted if you haven't prepared.

Grading: Grading is a reflection of a student’s achievement on a variety of assessments. Students earn their grades by hard work, perseverance and commitment to learn by demonstrating they understand the content of each course. Semester grades are assigned based on a percentage of the total points earned.

93-100 = A

90-92 = A-

87-89 = B+

83-86 = B

80-82 = B-

77-79 = C+

73-76= C

65-72= C-

50 - 64= D

50 = F

Quizzes/Tests: 40%

Unit Exams & Performance-Based Test /Semester Final: There will be an exam for each unit covered and a final for every semester. The format of each test will vary but will always concentrate on assessing the application of knowledge vs. factual knowledge. Quizzes: During each unit there will be small quizzes to check your understanding of the material.

Labs/Class-work: 40%

We will conduct labs on a regular basis (about 12 labs per semester). Material from labs and classwork will appear on quizzes and exams.Class participation can be both verbal and nonverbal.Verbal participation includes, but is not limited to asking meaningful questions/comments and responding to questions asked in class. Nonverbal participation covers such areas as working to capacity the duration of the class period, bringing in material that will enhance the topics at hand, i.e.: websites, games and current articles.Cooperative learning activities and problem solving will be done in class. Each student will also be assigned occasional problems to solve and present to the class.

Homework: 10%

Homework provides you with an opportunity to reinforce and expand on concepts learned in class and is essential to your success in this class. Expect to spend at least a half an hour everyday on homework, including weekends.

Notebook/Final: 10%

A binder/notebook must be brought to class every day. The notebook is a record of the daily events in class and will include all class notes, labs, tests/quizzes with corrections, and homework assignments in labeled sections. Every student’s notebook must be organized chronologically by date and be an example of your best work. Notebooks will be checked at the end of semester. You are responsible to keep up with your notebook when you miss class.

Attendance/Make-up Work:

Attendance for this class is crucial. Many ideas and concepts in physics build the foundation for the information to be learned later. We do a lot of labs in this class and doing them by yourself will only make the work more frustrating for you when you make them up. In addition, our class discussion of ideas and concepts related to physics is invaluable to the learning process and I advise against missing any classes.

You are responsible for the material covered each day and be expected to know the content. It is your responsibility to get the daily agenda and/or pick up any handouts that were given out during your absence. You will be expected to keep your notebook current.


Homework/Classwork/Labs assigned before your absence - due the day you return.

One Test and One quiz missed during the semester may be given the grade you receive on the semester final. All other tests and quizzes missed will be given a zero.


TARDIES WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Be aware at the beginning of each class period there will be a warm up activity, these activities may be collected at any time. If you are late you will not receive credit for the activity.

Expectations: All students are expected to act as young adults.

The following classroom expectations outline the model for behavior and the classroom environment for the year.

Be Courteous, Respectfuland Supportive – towards each other, towards your teacher, with our resources and equipment, no crude or inappropriate jokes or comments, etc. In other words, treat others as you would want to be treated. Once the bell rings, there is no talking permitted unless it is required for peer learning and instructed by the teacher. When the teacher or another student who "has the floor" is speaking, you are expected to be listening and quiet. Any questions or comments will only be addressed by raising one's hand. Keep your work space in order (NO backpacks on table).

Refrain from gum chewing and eating candy, lunches, or drinking fluids.

Follow school policies – Be in the classroom on time (must be in seat when bell rings), with all necessary tools (textbook, notebook, assignments, calculator, pencil.).

Total quality – constantly ask yourself, “Is there anything I can do to make this better?” Then do it. Learn to have pride in your work. All work should be your own.

Relax – ask lots of questions, tell me when I can do something for you.

Be diligent – When given class time, use it wisely. Don’t slack off. Always turn in your work on time.

Participate – actively participate in classroom activities - this will be an important factor in how well you learn the material and succeed in this class!

Teachers have the right to teach, Students have the right to learn.Therefore:

  • We agree not to disrupt the teaching-learning process.
  • We agree to treat all people and property with respect.
  • We agree to be on time and prepared to learn.
  • We agree to follow all lab safety and school rules.

Eeve Sork August 18, 2015

Physics teacher

Cleveland High School

8140 Vanalden Avenue, Reseda, CA 91335

(818) 885-2300; (818) 885-2342


Student Name ______Period ______

I have read and understand the class expectations and policies, and am committed to succeeding in Physics.

Student Signature ______Date ______

I have read and discussed the expectations for physics class with my son/daughter. I can be reached in the future if necessary at:

Home phone______Best time to call? ______

Work phone______Best time to call? ______


Parent or Guardian Name ______

Parent or Guardian Signature ______Date______
