Year 9 Science

Course 2

Term 1: Physical Sciences

Text: Oxford Science 9, Helen Silvester

Year 9 Physical Sciences Content Descriptions

Energy transfer through different mediums can be explained using wave and particle models (ACSSU182)

  • exploring how and why the movement of energy varies according to the medium through which it is transferred
  • discussing the wave and particle models and how they are useful for understanding aspects of phenomena
  • investigating the transfer of heat in terms of convection, conduction and radiation, and identifying situations in which each occurs
  • understanding the processes underlying convection and conduction in terms of the particle model
  • investigating factors that affect the transfer of energy through an electric circuit.

Wk / Topic / Content / Activities / Experiments / Assessment and Homework
1 & 2 / Sound:
Unit 4.1 & 4.2 p.70-71 /
  • Define compression, rarefaction, longitudinal wave, amplitude, wavelength, frequency and hertz
  • Describe the motion of molecules in a longitudinal wave
  • Relate wavelength to frequency and pitch
  • Explain why sound does not travel through space
  • Relate the transmission of sound to the density of particles of the medium through which it travels
  • ACSSU182, ACSHE157, ACSIS165, ACSIS170, ACSIS174
  • OS Sound w/s
  • Sound Waves weblink
  • Anatomy of a wave w/s
  • Sound worksheets
  • OS Speed of sound w/s
  • Dangerous decibels weblink
  • Science in Action video: Sound
  • 4.1 Challenge: Modelling Sound waves
  • 4.2 Challenge A: Speed of Sound
  • 4.2 Challenge B: Racing Dominoes
  • Check Your learning 4.1 & 4.2

  • exploring the properties of waves, and situations where energy is transferred in the form of waves, such as sound and light

3 / Light:
Unit 4.5 & 4.6 /
  • Define transverse waves
  • Describe the motion of particles in a transverse waves
  • List the classes of electromagnetic radiation and their average wavelengths
  • Explain how light behaves as a wave and how it behaves as a particle
  • Venn Diagram: Transverse v longitudinal waves
  • OS Electromagnetic Spectrum w/s
  • What is a wave weblink
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum worksheets
  • 4.5 Challenge: Modelling Light waves
  • 4.6 Challenge A: Mirror writing
  • 4.6 Challenge B: Using curved mirrors
  • Experiment 4.6: Reflection from plane mirrors
  • 4.6 Skills lab: Using a Hodson Light box
/ Check your learning 4.5 & 4.6
4 / Colour:
Unit 4.8 /
  • Define visible spectrum, dispersion, primary colours of light, secondary colours of light, filters and transmit
  • Describe how we see the colour of opaque and transparent objects
  • Relate the secondary colours of light to the primary colours of light
  • Demonstrate appropriate use of a Hodson light box
  • OS Visible light is colour w/s
  • Dispersion of light by prisms weblink
  • Scientific Eye Video: Colour
  • Experiment 4.8: What Colour is it?
  • Combining Colour experiment
/ Check your learning 4.8
5 / Thermal Energy:
Unit 5.1 & 5.2 /
  • Define thermal energy, temperature gradient and thermal equilibrium
  • Describe the process of insulation
  • Explain how thermal equilibrium is reached
  • Relate the thermal energy of a substance to the movement of its particles
  • Define conduction, convection and convection currents
  • Provide examples of materials that are conductors and that are insulators
  • Explain the difference between conductors and insulators
  • Relate conduction to changes in particle energy
  • Relate convection to changes in particle energy
  • OS Thermal Energy w/s
  • Eureka: Heat vs Temperature
  • OS Conduction and Convection w/s
  • Heat transfer weblink
  • Conduction PP
  • Eureka: Conduction and convection
  • Experiment 5.1: Thermal Energy v temperature
  • Experiment 5.2: Investigating Heat by Convection
/ Check your learning 5.1& 5.2
6 / Investigation: Heat, Mass and Temperature / Questioning and predicting
  • ACSIS164
Planning and Conducting
  • ACSIS165, ACSIS166
Processing and Analysing Data and Information
  • ACSIS169ACSIS170
  • ACSIS171, ACSIS172
  • ACSIS174
  • Plan and carry out investigation on Heat mass and temperature
  • Analyse and evaluate the results of the investigation,
  • explain patterns in results using Scientific understanding
  • write a Scientific report to communicate findings
  • Heat Investigation
/ Complete write up: due week 7
7 / Heat Radiation:
Unit 5.3 /
  • Define radiation and electromagnetic radiation
  • Describe the differences between convection, conduction and radiation of thermal energy
  • Provide examples of electromagnetic radiation
  • Explain how thermal energy is transmitted by radiation
  • Describe some effects of heat radiation
  • OS radiation ws
  • Eureka: Radiation
  • Clickview: Methods of Heat Transfer video & worksheet
  • 5.3 Ask a Scientist video and worksheet
  • What is Infrared weblink
  • 5.3 Challenge: Protection from heat radiation
/ Investigation Validation (10%)
Check your learning 5.3
8 / Electricity
Unit 5.5 & 5.6 /
  • Define electric charge, electrons, protons, electrostatic charge, van de Graaff generator, dry cell, wet cell, electric circuit, electrical conductor, electrical insulator and semiconductor
  • Describe the difference between static electricity and electric current
  • Describe the repulsion and attraction of like and unlike charges
  • Identify the key components of an electric circuit
  • Define electric current and circuit diagrams
  • Describe why circuit diagrams are used to represent circuits
  • Provide examples of circuit components and identify their diagram symbols
  • Explain how an ammeter measures current
  • Draw appropriate circuit diagrams
  • OS Electricity ws
  • How electricity works weblink
  • Atoms and electricity ws
  • Static Electricity ws
  • Types of electricity ws
  • OS Electrical Current ws
  • 5.6 Interactive:Circuit Symbols
  • 5.6 video: Building a circuit
  • 5.6 video: Using an ammeter.
  • PHetweblink: Circuit Construction
  • Challenge 5.5A: Demonstrating Electrostatics
  • Challenge 5.5B: Separating Static charges
  • Challenge 5.6A: making a torch circuit
  • Challenge 5.6B: Connecting Circuits
/ Investigation Validation
9 & 10 (both short weeks) / Series and Parallel circuits:
Unit 5.7 /
  • Define series, parallel and short circuit
  • Describe the differences in arrangement of series and parallel circuits
  • Relate splitting of the current and voltage to parallel and series circuits respectively
  • Construct series and parallel circuits
  • Measure current using an ammeter
  • The visible spectrum colour worksheet

11 / Revision and Topic Test /
  • Locating and evaluating resources
  • Skimming and scanning
  • Highlighting and annotating
  • Creating quizzes
  • Term 1 Physics Test.
/ Topic Test

Assessment Outline

Number / Assessment Type / Title / Weighting
6 & 7 / Practical Investigation and Validation / Temperature and Heat Insulation / 10%
11 / Test / Physics Topic test. / 15%