2010- 2011Competition Information
Note: Singing, Story Telling, Bible Reading and Elocution competitions will be held at church on Saturday,February 5th, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. This is in order to make sure that the Sunday School classes will not be disrupted due to the competitions.
When:Saturday, February 5th, 2011
For all students.
- English
- There shall be showers of blessings(Beginners to 3rd grade)
- All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give (4th grade to 7th grade)
- Jesus the very thought of Thee (8th to 11th)
- Malayalam
- Ellam ellaam daanamallei, ithonnum entethalla (Beginners to 3rd grade)
- Shuddha ! Shuddha ! Shuddha ! Sarva Shakta Deva (4th grade to 7th grade)
- Yeshu Ennil Thirusnaham(8th grade to 11th grade)
- Microphone will be provided
- Sing only the first stanza and chorus
- This will be strictly enforced
- Will be evaluated on
- Pitch and melody
- Voice power and projection
- Clarity
- Rhythm
Story Telling
When: Saturday, February 5th, 2011
For students:Beginners to 4th Grade only
- Time: 5 minutes
- Microphone will be provided
- Only Stories from the Bible
- Will be evaluated
- Adherence to Bible passage
- Application of story to today’s world
- Clarity
- Audience contact
- Voice power and projection
- Some action while telling the story
Bible Reading
When: Saturday, February 5th, 2011
For students:5th grade and up only. Students will be in two groups
- 5th to 7th grade
- 8th to 11th grade
- Microphone will be provided
- Reading portions will be assigned by drawing lots
- Will be given the NIV Bible
- 4th to 7th grades
- Passage from only New Testament
- 8th to 11th grades
- Passage from Old and New Testament
- Will be evaluated on clarity of reading
- Time to find the portion
- Clarity
- Audience contact
- Voice power and projection
When: Saturday, February 5th, 2011
For students:5th Grade to 11th Grade
- Time: 5 minutes
- Microphone will be provided
- No reading from papers/card allowed
- Only permitted 1 3x4 card with points
- Card can have points only
- Topics will be announced one week prior to the competition
- Grades 5th to 7th
- What Jesus has taught us about love.
- Grades 8th to 10th
- The importance of communication in the family
- Will be evaluated on
- Adherence to Bible passages
- Application of story to today’s world
- Clarity
- Audience contact
- Voice power and projection
- Some action
When: Sunday, February 13th, 2011
For all students.
- Use NIV Bible only.
- Oral for Nursery to 4th Grade
- Written for 5th Grade and above.
Memory Verse Portions:
- Psalms 23 (All grades)
- Mathew 6: 9-13 (All grades)
- Psalms 63 (Beginners to 4th)
- Psalms103 (5th and above)