Text Modules for Support Plans the Specialist Learning in the Subject German Grade 1

Text modules for support plans the "specialist learning" in the subject German Grade 1

Current status / Goals / Measures / Checks
Acoustic Wahrnehmunqsschwieriqkeiten:
¦  Confusion of similar sounding sounds (u / d, b / d, e / i, d / t, g / k)
¦  Allocation problems on the level of sound-letter
¦  Problems with out hearing the initial, middle, final sounds
¦  Failure of the syllabic speech of words and the clapping
¦  Trouble hearing out of syllables in the word inside
Writing motor skills problems:
¦  cramped Pin Retention
¦  Problems in the classification of the characters in the Ruling
¦  Problems in complying with the Ruling
¦  Missing space between words
¦  Inaccurate shape representation
¦  Problems with eye-hand coordination
¦  Problems in crossing the midline
Reading difficulties:
¦  Uncertain when reading simple two syllables (Mon, Wed)
¦  Unsure of simple syllable compounds (Li sa, So fa)
¦  Unsure Zwielauten (au, ei) and the Endphonemen (en, el, er)
¦  Uncertain in detecting the word-sense connection
¦  Unsure on refinement of new words using known letters
¦  Insecure in the refinement of simple sentences with familiar words
¦  Lack of ability structure in polysyllabic words
Problems in speech behavior:
¦  Refusal to speak (mutism) (consciously / unconsciously)
¦  Incorrect formation of individual sounds (eg lisp, B, seh, kr, Dr, gr) (dyslalia, sigmatism)
¦  Formulate Dysgrammatisches (syntax and / or morphology) Slurred speech (articulation indistinct)
¦  Monotone speech, lack of speech melody (prosody)
¦  misdirected voice onset
Language problems:
¦ Smaller vocabulary (active / passive)
¦  Erratic narrative
¦  Grammatically wrong language
¦  Not formulate coherent sentences
Spelling problems:
¦  According to assignment uncertain - letter (grapheme-to-phoneme mapping)
¦  Lack of acoustic differentiation of similar-sounding letters (o / u, e / i, b / p, g / k, d / t)
¦  Lack of faithful reproduction of loud syllables, words and sentences
Lack of storage capability of known word images
Accumulation of Wahrnehmunqsfehlern
WT-error (Word separation error)
WD Error: missing letters or superfluous letters in the word
Inverter Fault: Reversed letter sequence
WU-error: The beginning or end of a word missing) / ¦  Security in sound discrimination
¦  Can make conscious and localize sounds
¦  Safety in decomposing words into spoken syllables
¦  Relaxation of muscles
¦  Strengthening Fine motor skills
¦  Secure lettersknowledge
¦  Safety Grinding together of syllables
¦  Increase the classification ability
improvemen t of speech behavior:
¦  correct articulation
¦  clear pronunciation
¦  meaningful formative speech melody practice
¦  Extension of vocabulary
¦  Common practice sentence patterns
¦  Increase Spelling security in the area, according to true
¦  Insertion of word images
¦  Reduce the Perceptual error / ¦  Participation in the Förderunterricht
¦  10 min daily practice Laut-/Silbendiktat
¦  Issuance of a phonologicalcal practice session for the home
¦  Remedial
¦  Kneading and Ausschneideaufgaben
¦  Stringing beads
¦  Fingering
¦  Handle grip for writing utensils
¦  Great Ruling
¦  Training session
¦  Swing exercises (see "The pin in the handle)
¦  Remedial
¦  Daily supportive home exercises (under the guidance of the parents)
¦  Anlautübungen
¦  Letters table
¦  Draw arcs of syllable
¦  Syllable carpets
¦  Gossip exercises
¦  Speech therapy lessons
¦  Review in the school for the deaf (audiometry)
¦  Remedial
¦  Domestic Storytelling Answer questions, retell
¦  Remedial
¦  Exercise session with differentiated work material
¦  Memory Training:
¦  ophthalmological examination
¦  Participation in the LRS classes: perception training / ¦  Weekly monitoring of processed pages in tray / Remedial
¦  And counter controldrawing by parents
¦  Smaller final test after each folder / exercise book as each learning success
¦  with domestic support
¦  Final test
¦  Failure analysis, Observation
Current status / Goals / Measures / Checks
Reading difficulties:
¦  Stock end practiced reading texts
¦  Control of mastered Worksheets in specialist / special education and
¦  limited sense-and playback with simple texts
¦  Unsafe structure through long, polysyllabic words
¦  Difficulties in refinement of words with consonant clusters
¦  Difficulty reading cursive texts
Problems in oral and written language use
¦  Fragmented narrative
¦  Not told in complete sentences
¦  Can not bring in the right order images
¦  Set Image - Assignment fails
Problems in the field of practicing speech and language viewing:
¦  Can not recognize simple sentences as a unit
¦  Unsure in recognizing parts of speech
Spelling Problems:
¦  Uncertainties in the transfer of letters in cursive, and vice versa
¦  Accumulation of perceptual errors (see Class 1)
¦  Insecure in error-free copying
¦  No rule application in speech (verbs and adjectives small, large noun)
¦  Insecure when writing to dictation with practiced words / language words
¦  Insecure when writing aloud faithful words by ear
¦  Error analysis
¦  Monitoring of learning progress
¦  Accumulation of perceptual errors (see Class 1)
¦  Difficulty in proper form line system to write / Increase reading ability:
¦  Improve the organization ability of reading speed and reading fluency
¦  Predictive Reading
¦  Increase the flow of speech
¦  Capture of meaningrelated and reproduction in whole sentence
¦  According to the fuseportfolio and the basic vocabulary
¦  Perception of self-control training exercise
¦  Training perception of spatial location,
¦  Consolidate the form of reproduction
¦  Position in the Ruling dominate (see Class 1) / ¦  Remedial
¦  Daily, home exercise 10 min, reading aloud with support for parents)
¦  Outline Exercises: Set of bows with long syllable words
¦  Daily reading by parents
¦  Create speech events
¦  Use of differentiated work material
¦  Participation in remedial education
¦  Abschreibtraining Participation in the LRS classes:
Awareness training
¦  Graphomotoric Exercise session
¦  Domestic Calligraphy training / ¦  Control of mastered Worksheets in specialist / special education and
¦  Smaller final test after each session / every exercise book as a learning control
¦  And counter controldistinguished by their parents
¦  Error analysis
¦  Monitoring of learning progress


Text modules for support plans the "specialist learning" in the subject German Grade 2

¦  Ongoing monitoring of the exercise session by the parents and the teacher

Text modules for support plans the "specialist learning" in the subject German Grade 1

Current status / Goals / Measures / Checks
Reading difficulties:
¦  Difficulty exquisitely simple unfamiliar texts and to express the meaning
¦  Reading deficiencies (see also Class Level 2)
¦  Mastered control of the worksheets in the subject / and Remedial
¦  Lack of reading speed
¦  No forward-looking reading
Problems within the oral and written language activity:
¦  Lack of ability to relate logically to images
¦  Can not answer the set questions about the text
¦  Smaller final test after each folder / exercise book as each learning success
¦  (Eg write message) can not write texts appropriate to the situation
Problems in speech and language practice viewing:
¦  Can not recognize speech
¦  And counter controldistinguished by their parents
¦  Can not distinguish record types and therefore punctuation is not set correctly
Spelling difficulties:
¦  Insecure in error-free copying
¦  No rule application at the beginning and end of the sentence (sentence for beginning / end point of the sentence)
¦  No rule application in speech (verbs and adjectives small, large noun)
¦  Insecure when writing to dictation with practiced words
¦  Accumulation of errors according to the true writing by ear (see class 4)
¦  Accumulation of perceptual errors (see Class 1)
¦  Lack of compliance with individual letterforms
¦  Frequent brushing, erasing, or "killers" / ¦  Increase Read safety
¦  Security gain while writing text (see class 2)
(See class 2
(See class 2)
¦  Training Rule application / ¦  Remedial
¦  Additional material
¦  Use of differentiated work within the teaching material or for home exercise
¦  Abschreibtraining
¦  daily home exercise with additional material
¦  Participation in the LRS classes: perception training
¦  Calligraphy training / ¦  Mastered control of the worksheets in the subject / and Remedial
¦  Smaller final test after each folder / exercise book as each learning success
And counter controldistinguished by their parents


Text modules for support plans the "specialist learning" in the subject German Grade 3

Current status / Goals / Measures / Checks
¦  Uncertainties be taken meaningful reading and
when playing content
¦  To slow reading speed
¦  Read inaccuracy
Problems within the oral and written language activity:
¦  Difficulties in the preparation of texts for various writing events (physical description, of loss, experience reports, stimulus word story)
¦  Very limited vocabulary
¦  Uncertainties in the logical elements of narrative steps
¦  Problems in differentiating important and the unimportant
¦  Problems in reducing the rates on the essentials
Problems in speech and language practice viewing:
¦  Uncertainty in the recognition of speech
¦  Uncertainty in the recognition of sentence elements
¦  Lack of abstraction ability
¦  Uncertainty in the use of correct tenses (irregular verbs)
¦  Uncertainty in fault-free copying
¦  No rule application at the beginning and end of the sentence (sentence beginning great point setting at end of block)
¦  No rule application in speech (verbs and adjectives small, large noun)
¦  Insecure when writing to dictation with practiced words / language words
¦  Problems in the application of spelling rules
¦  Accumulation of perceptual errors (WT, WD, WR, WU)
¦  Error priorities in the field of control error / ¦  Increase the reading accuracy (see Class 2and 3)
(See Class 2and 3)
¦  Gaining confidence in dealing with the written language
(See class 2 and 3)
¦  Training Abstraction ability
¦  Achieve security in Use the correct tenses
¦  Safety in the use of spelling rules (see class 2 and 3) / ¦  Remedial
¦  Improve reading skills
¦  Use of differentiated Worksheets within the classroom
¦  Additional exercises for domestic use
¦  Training with the help of computer programs
¦  Usually training
¦  Participation in the LRS classes: perception training / ¦  Control of mastered Worksheets in specialist / special education and
¦  Smaller final test after each folder / exercise book than any Lemerfolgskontrolle
¦  And counter controldistinguished by their parents
¦  Mastered control of worksheets in subject teaching

Text modules for support plans the "specialist learning" in the subject German Grade 1

¦  Error Analysis


Text modules for support plans the "specialist learning" in the subject German Grade 4

Text modules for support plans the "specialist learning" in the subject German Grade 1

Current status / Goals / Measures / Checks
o  Complementary to 10 numbers uncertain; preferred supplement method is to count
o  Addition and subtraction in the space 20 preferably by counting
o  Complete the full number by ten disassembly only after much practice, but not a safe learning component; faster return to the counting method
o  Mental arithmetic tasks wg. severely restricted ability to concentrate only in ZR to 10 possible
o  Not yet sufficiently developed idea size for numbers over 20
o  Orientation in room 100 with view available
o  Computing tasks in the 100 room only with number plate or other counting aid possible
o  Technical tasks only at the action level possible (with material)
o  The concept of sharing Malnehmens and d is uncertain
o  Individual 1x1 series are still (very) uncertain
o  Dealing with a ruler to draw lines of certain length or for measuring lengths still very inaccurate / o  Increase safety in the decomposition of numbers to 10
o  Increase security in computing to 20
o  Replace Abzählmethode at Zehner-über-/unterschreitung by appropriate number decomposition
o  Reinforce concept of numbers up to 100 by use of variables (money, length)
o  Learn to recognize, for practical activities computational activities
o  Promote vorstellendes Computing
o  The understanding of the operations of "times" and "shared" deepen
o  Practice the 1x1 series
o  Safer measuring and drawing handling m. achieve d ruler / o  Continuation of existing support measures
o  Extremely kleinschrittiges approach with constant repetition and practice
o  Playing and inventing stories of computing
o  Use pencil and ruler as a normal work equipment
o  Exercise session for
Ø  d number of decompositions to 10
Ø  Computing d to 20
Ø  d Convert to 100
Ø  d-and part-time term
Ø  d 1x1-series
for handing out at home
o  Processing of the exercise booklet on the topic: ______
o  The parents of the child involved in dealing with numbers (eg when shopping, exercise on a PC with software for board games, etc.).
o  Parents work with their child's mental arithmetic and the 1x1. / o  Daily / weekly check with the page (s) of the exercise session
o  Inspection and copying by the parents
o  Conduct performance reviews 2-4 weeks
Current status / Goals / Measures / Checks
o  Size idea of ​​numbers above 100 is not secured.
o  The orientation on the number line, the narrowing between neighboring steps and rounding of numbers is still very uncertain.
o  Important properties of our number writing is correctly applied in practice mostly similar tasks, but without having internalized them enough.
o  The ABC is only on the current JVieder recovery yet sufficiently quickly.
o  Reverse operations (subtraction and division) are often solved only with great loss of time.
o  The multipl. Division and the number of stages is still uncertain.
o  The discovery of suitable number of partitions at half written multiplication and division is still uncertain.
o  The written addition and subtraction is still uncertain.
o  Long division and multiplication is still uncertain.
o  When converting units still appear great difficulty understanding.
o  Occur at particular tasks still difficulties to transfer the meaning associated to an appropriate arithmetic operation.
o  Dealing with the set square in the drawing and measuring is too imprecise. / o  U.d. more security in the concept of numbers Develop guidance on the number line
o  Learn place value structure of the system to 100 and beyond understand and apply
o  In dealing m. d square one be sure
o  Can perform reverse operations safer
o  More safety in the execution of halbschr. Multipl. achieve and Division
o  More security when executing obtain written addition and subtraction d / u division multipl
o  Be safer in dealing with their sizes and Maßumwandlungen
o  Solve simple word problems independently
o  Achieve greater safety in measuring and drawing dealing with the protractor / o  Participation in remedial math
o  D folders to edit the following topics:
Ø  Expect the ZR to 100
Ø  Expect the ZR to 1000
Ø  Expect sizes (lengths, weights, room dimensions, times)
Ø  halbschr. Multiplication and division and arithmetic with decimal numbers of stages
Ø  The number line, neighbor numbers and rounding
Ø  Add Schr. and subtraction
Ø  Schr multipl. and Division
Ø  Dealing m. d.Geodreieck
o  Processing of (commercially employed union) exercise booklet on the topic: ______
o  The parents of the child involved in dealing with numbers (eg when shopping, exercise on a PC with software for board games, etc.).
o  Parents work with their child's mental arithmetic and the 1x1. / o  Mastered control of the worksheets in the subject / and Remedial
o  Smaller final test after each session or each exercise book as learning success