A Parent-Teacher-Community Organization


February 9th, 2015

The meeting of the Clarke Elementary PTCO was held at 5:30pm at Clarke Elementary. In attendance were 2014-2015 board members President Carrie Benda, Vice-President Heather Kent, and Secretary Peggy Lundquist.

Principal’s Update.

- Mr. Bolton reported that four staff will be visiting a Leader In Me school in St. Louis, and a group will be attending the LIM Symposium in Phoenix in March. There will be a visit in Waterloo April 23rd and 24th and those interested in attending should let him know. He will be taking a bus load to the first Lighthouse school in Iowa, Brookview in Waukee, on Feb. 16th.

-MAP and Fast tests were finished last week. There will be student led conferences in March

-Mr. Bolton started a discussion about decorating the bathrooms with themes, as other LIM school have done, to encourage the students to take more pride in their facilities and keep them tidy. Some ideas were sports, super heroes, adding quotes, and a theme with future occupations.

Teacher Update.

-Mr. Wisniewski from the fifth grade gave a report on what the grade is currently learning.

-The fifth grade visited Lamoni for a Civil War reenactment.

-ISU Extension will be sending someone to do a presentation on biomes to the classrooms.

-There was discussion about iPad apps and that fifth grade could use a lump sum of money as they all use the same apps.

Committee Reports

Carnival. Lindsay Boehlke reported that they had done a prize and game piece inventory. There was discussion about using the fifth and sixth grade hallways. Heather said that she can get hot dogs for concessions. Carnival is March 13.

Conference Food. Jill Domina will be making chili for Thursday night of conferences. Jill will be reimbursed for 5 pounds of ground beef. There will be a sign up for donations and an email will be sent out.

Cookie Dough. Nikki Smith took names of those who could help count money on Feb. 16th from 8:15-4:30 in the Administration Building conference room. Currently, there is no daycare available.

Scrap Crop. None.

Movie Night. Mr. Bolton wondered about having a LIM presentation for parents attending the next movie night. The last movie night made $200 for the Backpack Program.

T- Shirts. None.

Yearbook. The yearbook is due February 9th.

Newsletter. Ideas were carnival, cookie dough pick up, conferences, the upcoming third grade concert, and explaining about High Five.

Vendor Fair. None

Walk-A-Thon. None.

Treasurer’s Report. Kim Allard wasn’t able to attend but reported to Carrie that the balance was approximately $31,000 after commitments.

Field Trips. The fourth grade will be going to the Science Center in April and will be using $1,500 from their fund.

Old Business. None.

New Business. None.

There being no other business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm. The next meeting will be March 2nd at 5:30 p.m. in the library classroom.

Respectfully submitted,

Peggy Lundquist, Secretary, Clarke Elementary PTCO




February 9, 2015

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