92.283: Introduction to Statistics, Section 208, 209
Text: David S. Moore, Essential Statistics, 2th Edition, Freeman, 2013
Instructor: Dr. Anzhi LiEmail:
Office Hours: 2:00 -3:00 PM, Tuesday and Thursday.
Extra office hours are provided for Exam1, Exam2 and Final Exam.
Class Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday, 20811:00 AM,Sections 20912:30PM
Course Objective
This course is intended to provide the students with basic statistical skills to allow them toanalyze data as well as the ability to understand data that is presented, Topics to be covered include:
♦Graphical and analytical representation of data
♦Collection of data
♦Understanding of Basic probability
♦Conclusions from data, statistical inference
Excel software is required for this course inpart assigned homeworks. Students can use Excel applications inlibrary’s computer or his own andthe purchaseof Excel is not required. A basiccalculator is needed for each student in homework and all exams.
◙Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Attendance will be recorded at all class meetings. Attendance rate will be contributed to final grade via “routine performance”.
◙ Students are responsible for any work missed during their absence.
Homework is required and will be assigned for each chapter covered. Homework will be collected and evaluated, between 6 and 8 times.
The course grade will be determined as follows:
Exam #1Exam #2FinalRoutine performance
- Routine performance includes homework, class exercise and attendance
The course grade assignments will be based on:
94-100 A, 90-93 A-, 86-89B+, 83-85B, 80-82B-, 76-79 C+, 73-75C, 70-72C-, 67-69 D+, 64-66 D,0-63 F.
92.283: Introduction to Statistics, Section 201, 212
Text: David S. Moore, Essential Statistics, 2th Edition, Freeman, 2013
Lecture Schedule, Spring 2013
PART 1: Exploring Data
Jan 21th, 23thCourse introduction,Excel Skill Brief
Chapter 1Picturing Distributions with Graphs
Jan28thChapter 2Describing Distributions with Numbers
Jan30th,Feb 4thChapter 3The Normal Distributions
Feb6thChapter 4Scatterplots and Correlation
Feb11thChapter 5Regression
PART 2: From Exploration to Inference
Feb13thChapter 8,9 Producing Data: Sampling & Experiments
Feb 20thReview Chapter 1-9, exclude chapter 6 & 7.
Feb25th Exam #1
Feb 27th Chapter 10Introducing Probability
Mar4thChapter 10, 3 Normal Probability Distributions
Mar 6thChapter 11Sampling Distributions
Mar 11thChapter 14Confidence Intervals: The Basics
Mar13thChapter 15Tests of Significance: The Basics
Mar 14th-23thSpring recesses
Mar 25thChapter 16Inference in Practice
Mar 27th,Apr1thReview chapter 10-16, exclude chapter 12 &13
Apr3thExam #2
PART 3: Inference about Variables
Apr8thChapter 20Inference about a Population Proportion
Apr 10th15thChapter 18Inference about a Population Mean
PART 4: Inference about Relationships
Apr, 17thChapter 6 Two-Way Tables
Apr22thChap 23Two Categorical Variables: The Chi-Square Test
*Apr 24thChap 25One Way Analysis of Variance: ANOVA
Apr 29th May 1thReview Chapter18, 20, 6,2325
May5th-10thFinal Exam
- Note: Chap 25 is optional
- The instructor reserves the right to alter the syllabus and schedules, as needed.