Ref: Escape/MoEF-NRO/PR8/2605/2011

Date: 26.05.2011


The Additional Director(S)

Northern Regional Office,

Ministry of Environment & Forests

Bays No.24-25, Sector-31-A

Dakshin Marg, Chandigarh-160030

Subject: Six monthly Progress Report (due in June, 2011) for construction of Residential Group Housing Complex “Unitech Escape” at Sector 50, Vill. Badshahpur, Haryana as per conditions mentioned in Environmental Clearance letter issued for the project.

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above mentioned subject, we are submitting the 8thsix monthly Progress Report (with soft copy in CD) for construction of Residential Group Housing Complex “Unitech Escape” at Sector 50, Vill. Badshahpur, Haryana as per the guidelines given in Environmental Clearance letter issued for the project.

Hope, you will find the information in order and will meet your expectations to assess the implementation status of environmental safeguard measures for the project.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours regards,

For UnitechLtd.

Authorised Signatory

Encl: 1. 8thSix Monthly Compliance Report (Hard & Soft Copy)

1.1Annexure I : Environmental Monitoring Report

1.2Annexure II: Tree Plantation Details

1.3Annexure III: Medical Expenditure Details

  1. EMP Expenditure details till date
  2. Present Construction Status





AT SECTOR-50, BADSHAPURVILLAGE, GURGAON, HARYANA. / Compliance conditions / Compliance status
i. / Necessary approval of the State Forest Department shall be obtained before commencing construction of the project. / N/A. The development in the area is as per the approved Master Plan of the GurgaonCity. Thelicense of development for the project has been issued by The Director, Town & Country Planning, Haryana,Chandigarh (Copy submitted in 1st Compliance report dated 31.08.2007).
ii. / All required sanitary and hygienic measures should be in place before starting construction activities and to be maintained throughout the construction phase. / Complied.All required sanitary and hygienic measures are as per our “Standard Operation Plan (SOP)-Environment & Health”.The copy of SOP-Env. & Health has already been submitted to NRO, MoEF with our first Compliance Report dated 31.08.2007 for necessary perusal purpose.
iii. / A First Aid Room will be provided in the project both during construction and operation phase. / Yes, project site is equipped with proper first aid facilities to take care of emergency medical treatment. Health Facilities for construction workers are as follows:
  • Nos. of first aid box with all necessary medicine and facilities has been provided at site.
  • There is a tie–up with local nursing home for any sort of major or minor medical treatment for construction workers.
  • During whole construction hour one dedicated van with proper stature facility has been provided at site to take care of any unwanted eventuality.
  • Periodical health screening of construction laours are conducted regularly.

iv. / Adequate drinking water and sanitary facility should be provided for the construction workers at site. The safe disposal of waste water and solid wastes generated during construction phase should be ensured. / Adequate drinking water supply to the workers at construction site has been ensured. Proper drainage system for safe disposal of waste water has been ensured.
v. / All the top soil excavated during construction should be stored for use in horticulture/landscape development within the project site. / Complied. For basement and foundation work approx. 85,000 cum soil were excavated. Out of this approx 5,950 cum of soil has been stored for future landscaping purpose and 25,500 cum of soil has been utilized for backfilling work. Rest of the soil i.e. approx. 53,550 cum has been transferred to low lying areas owned by the company at Badshahpur.
vi. / Disposal of muck, including excavation material during construction phase should not create any adverse effects on neighboring communities and should be disposed off necessary precautions for general safety and health aspects. / Complied. Yes, all the practical possible precautions are followed in whole construction work to ensure that there is no nuisance to neighboring communities. Excavated material management was as per the “SOP-Env. & Health” followed by company.
vii / The Diesel generator sets to be used during construction phase should be enclosed type and should conform to E(P)A Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standard. / All the D.G. sets being used in the project are attached with necessary Acoustic Enclosure to reduce the noise from D.G. sets. Stacks height of the DG sets are as per C.P.C.B norms. The DG sets conform to rules made under Environment (Protection) Act for air and Noise emission standard. Please find the Environmental monitoring report as an Annexure I for your ready reference.
viii / Ambient noise levels should conform to residential standards both during day and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality should be closely monitored during construction phase. / Available best construction practices are followed for the construction work. The construction machineries/equipments used are of high standard of reputed make. So incremental noise level due to the construction activity in the site is of negligible amount. Please find the ambient air and noise monitoring results as an Annexure I.
ix. / Construction spoils including bituminous material and other hazardous material must not be allowed to contaminate water course and the dump sites for such material must be secured so that they should not leach into the ground water. / Available best construction practices are followed for the construction work. Every possible precaution to prevent water course and ground water has been ensured. Construction spoils are properly stored in dump sites and they are cleaned for in regular basis.
i. / A Sewage treatment plant of adequate capacity shall be installed. The installation of the STP should be certified by an independent expert and a report in this regard should be submitted to the Ministry before commissioning for operation. / The STP installation work has been completed. The adequacy report of the STP will be prepared through an independent authorized expert and the report in this regard will be forwarded for your necessary perusal in time.
ii. / The solid waste generated should be properly collected & segregated. The biodegradable solid waste will be composted and non-biodegradable/inert waste will be sent for landfilling. / The solid waste generated from the complex will be managed as per MSW Rule, 2002.Segregation of the solid waste will be primarily at source. Sufficient no. of collection bins will be provided at all strategic locations. There will be door to door collection facility. The solid waste will be brought to a centralized collection facility within the complex and will be stored in a segregated way.The Biodegradable portion will be composted and non-biodegradable portion will be disposed to landfill sites after recovery of Recyclable portions.
iii. / Any hazardous waste including biomedical waste should be disposed of as per applicable Rules and norms with necessary approvals of the Haryana State Pollution Control Board. / Hazardous wastes will be managed as per applicable Rules and norms.
iv. / Diesel generator sets proposed as back up power for lifts and common area illumination should be of enclosed type and conform to E(P)A Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standards as per CPCB guidelines. Exhausts should be raised to 4 meters above the rooftop. / The DG set will be used as power back up source only. In operation phase of the project it has been planned to install DG sets of following capacities:
1010 kVA X 4 nos.
All the DG sets will be acoustically treated and will comply with E(P)A Rule for air and noise emission standards. The stack height will be as per CPCB norms.
v. / The green belt design along the periphery of the plot shall achieve attenuation factor conforming to the day and night noise standards prescribed for residential land use. The open spaces inside the plot should be suitably landscaped and covered with vegetation of indigenous variety. / Please find the planted tree details as an Annexure II.
vi. / Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air quality, noise and water quality should be periodically monitored after commissioning of the project. / Yes, necessary Environmental Monitoring will be carried out.
vii. / Application of solar energy should be incorporated for illumination of common areas, lighting for gardens and street lighting in addition to provision for solar water heating. / Yes, solar energy will be utilized for solar hot water supply in the complex.
viii / Traffic congestion near the entry and exit points from the roads adjoining the proposed project site must be avoided. Parking should be fully internalized and no public space should be utilized. / Due care has been ensured for smooth operation of the traffic. The whole development work in the area is as per the approved Plan of Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA).
ix. / A report on the energy conservation measures conforming to energy conservation norms finalize by Bureau of Energy Efficiency should be prepared incorporating details about building materials & technology, R & U Factors, etc submitted to the Ministry in three months time. / Complied. Appropriate all possible energy conservation means has been incorporated for the project in its planning stage itself. Energy conservation measures have already been communicated to MoEF.
x. / Rainwater harvesting and ground water recharging shall be practiced. The ground water levels and its quality should be monitored regularly in consultation with the central ground water authority. / It has been planned to develop 7 rainwater harvesting pits for the project. The rainwater harvesting pits will be developed as per plan submitted. Already the construction of six rain water harvesting pits has been completed.The ground water quality levels and quality will be monitored in consultation with CGWA.
i. / The environmental safeguards contained in the EIA report should be implemented in letter and spirit. / Yes, environmental safeguard measures will be implemented in a satisfactory manner.
ii. / Provisions should be made for the supply of fuel (kerosene or cooking gas); utensils such as pressure cookers etc. to the labourers during construction phase / N/A. Theconstruction labours for the project come from nearby areas & work for day time only. There is no temporary or permanent hutment for the labours at construction site. Construction labours’ day time food is arranged by the respective subcontractor.
iii. / All the labourers to be engaged for construction should be screened for health and adequately treated before issue of work permits to them at the site. / Yes, labours are regularly screened for health and adequately treated. Approx. Rs. 55,000.00 has been expended on account of health facilities for the labours for the period January, 2011 to May, 2011. Medical expenditure details are enclosed as Annexure III.
iv. / Six monthly monitoring reports should be submitted to Ministry and it’s Regional Office, Chandigarh / Please find the Environmental Monitoring report as an Annexure I.
5. / Officials from Regional Office of MoEF, Chandigarh who would be monitoring the implementation of environmental safeguards would be given full cooperation, facilities and documents/data by the project proponents during their inspection. A complete set of all documents submitted to MoEF should be forwarded to the CCF, Regional office of MoEF, Chandigarh. / Yes, we will provide full cooperation to Officials from Regional Office of MoEF.
6. / In case of any change (S) in the scope of the project, the project would require a fresh appraisal by this Ministry. / There is no change in the scope of the project. The development in the project area is as per the plan submitted to MoEF.
7. / Ministry reserves the right to add additional safeguard measures subsequently, if found necessary, and to take action including revoking of the environment clearance under the provisions of the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986, to ensure effective implementation of the suggested safeguard measures in a time bound and satisfactory manner. / We will abide by the additional safeguards if suggested by the ministry in future.
8. / All other statutory clearances such as approvals for storage of diesel from Chief Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department, Forest Conservation Act, 1980, Wildlife Act 1972 etc. shall be obtained, as applicable by project proponents from the component authorities. / Approvals of:
  • Chief Controller of Explosives: will be obtained in time.
  • Fire Department: Copy submitted through 1st compliance report dated 31.08.2007.
  • Civil Aviation: Copy Submitted through 1st compliance report dated 31.08.2007.
  • Forest Conservation Act: N/A, License by DTCP, Chandigarh (Copy submitted through 1st compliance report dated 31.08.2007)
  • Wild Life Act, 1972: N/A

9. / A copy of environmental clearance would be marked to local NGOs, if any whom suggestions were received at the time of public hearing. / Complied.
10. / The project proponent should advertise in at least two Newspaper informing that the project has been accorded environmental clearance and copies of clearance letter are available with Delhi pollution Control Committee and may also be seen on the website of the Ministry of Environment and Forests at within 7 days from the date of issue of clearance letter and a copy of same should be forwarded to Regional Offices of Ministry at Chandigarh. / Complied. The copy of the advertisement has been sent in our 2ndsix monthly progress report dated Compliance/MoEF-NRO/Escape-GGN/27/06/2008 dated 27.06.2008.
11. / These stipulations would be enforced among others under the provisions of the water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention and Pollution Control) Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the Public Liability (Insurance) Act, 1991. / All the applicable laws/rules pertaining to the project will be fulfilled.
12. / The project authority will enter into MOU with all buyers of the property to ensure operation and maintenance of the assets by owners of the buildings. / Yes, the project authority will enter into MOU with the buyers of the property to ensure operation and maintenance.
13. / Under the provisions of Environment (Protection) Act 1986, legal action shall be initiated against the project proponent if it was found that construction of the project had started without obtaining environmental clearance. / Complied.