/ Biotechnology Forensics
Instructor: Mrs. Hanson

Text: Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science, By: Richards Saferstein

(Once textbook is assigned to student it is their responsibility to make sure the book is returned at the end of the year or they will be charged the price of the book.)

Class Objective

The objective of this course is to introduce the art of forensic science to those students interested in this profession. Forensic science is the study and application of science to the processes of law and involves the collection, examination, evaluation and interpretation of evidence. This course will take a biotechnology scientific view to learn basic forensic terms and skills. The labs in this course are to help students understand aspects of the modern crime lab. Students will also learn/study the moral ethics involved in crime investigation. Biotechnology Forensics is part of the agriculture career and technical education program which includes FFA & SAE (supervised agriculture education project) as an integral leadership part of the instructional program. FFA is a great program for students to gain leadership skills and further their knowledge in agriculture. Joining FFA is highly recommended however, is not required.

Materials Required Daily for Class

  • Pen or Pencil
  • 1” Binder and Dividers
  • College ruled loose leaf paper
  • Textbook
  • Planner to write due dates of assignments
  • ID Badge

Class Expectations

  • Report to class on time. If student is more than 5 minutes late to class this will result in an unexcused absence, unless student has their planner signed from a staff member. Please refer to your handbook with any additional questions on tardiness.
  • Be prepared with all required materials for class.
  • Food will NOT be allowed in the classroom. However, I will allow beverages in class; if they become a distraction the class can lose this privilege.
  • Electronics will not be allowed to be used during class time.

Grading Policy

Students will be graded on the various activities performed throughout the year such as; SAE project, daily work, tests/quizzes, work ethic, lab activities and projects. Each unit will have an end test/quiz or project that will be graded heavily.

SAE = 5%

Each student in an agriculture class will be required to complete a supervised agriculture experience (SAE) project. This project will account for 5% of the overall grade of the class. This portion of the course is student directed with advising help from the instructor and/or parents. This project is performed out side of the classroom and required for both semesters.

Daily Work = 35%

Daily entry tasks will be graded. Students will be required to complete and turn in daily work. Once given a job in the real world, daily work is performed and required or else you will lose your job. Receiving a grade for daily work is like getting paid on the job. If you fail to turn in your daily work it can hinder your grade greatly, hence not getting paid or losing your job.

Work Ethic - The course you are enrolled in is a career and technical education class which is to help prepare students for work outside of high school. Good work ethic is important/required on the job or else you can lose your job. You will be graded on your work ethic weekly which requires you to be to class on time with all materials needed for class.

Binder -Students will be required to have a binder for class with dividers. There will be 5 sections of their notebook; notes, entry tasks, daily assignments, tests, quizzes and labs. These binders will be a collection of work in my classroom and will be graded 2 times per quarter.

Test/Quizzes = 30%

There will be test, quizzes and pop quizzes throughout the unit and at the end of each unit. **The course semester final and year end final will have a significant impact on student grade if student does not pass final.

Lab Activities and Projects= 30%

Labs will follow proper scientific methods. Labs performed in class will require a lab write up completed by each student.

Grades will bebased on the following grade ranges.

93-100% = A78-79% = C +Below 60% = F

90-92% = A-73-77% = C

88-89% = B+70-72% = C-

83-87% = B68-69% = D+

80-82% = B-60-67% = D

Late Work

Late work will be accepted for that quarter ONLY. The highest a student can earn on late work is 50%. The late work has to be complete or else it will be handed back. If absence is excused you will have 1 day for each excused day to turn in work for full credit. If absent, the “student” will be responsible for asking the teacher for assignments and work they have missed. If a student misses work he/she will need to see me before or after school to get missing assignments, I will NOT use class time to give out missing assignments or check grades.

Out of Class Help

I will be available 30 minutes before school and after school. As the FFA advisor for White Swan High School I have many responsibilities, it would be wise for you to schedule an appointment or let me know in advance that you will be coming in for help.

Subjects to be covered in class not in any specific order. (This list is subject to change)

- Introduction to Biotechnology

- Supervised Agriculture Experience

- Terminology

- Recent Advancements

- Biotechnology History

- My Sister’s Keeper

- Biotech Future

- Lab Safety

- Scientific Method

- Microscopes

- Introduction to Forensic Science

- CSI Video/Cold Case Videos

- Forensic Serology

- DNA/Genetics

- Bias

- Forensic Jobs

- The Crime Scene

- Physical Evidence

- Fingerprints


- Drugs

- Forensic Toxicology

- Hair’s & Fibers

- Autopsy

Large projects to be prepared for:

Supervised Agriculture Experience 1st and 2nd Semester

Forensic Jobs Presentations 1st Quarter

Classroom Crime Scene 2nd Quarter

FFA Prepared Public Speaking 3rd Quarter

Mock Crime Scene 4 Quarter

Contact Information

Class: (509) 874 – 8664



Classroom information can also be found at Choose the tab schools, click on White Swan High School and find Mrs. Hanson under the headline Teacher websites on the right hand side of the web page.

FFA: Please join our White Swan FFA Alumni Facebook page!! Information about FFA will also be posted on this website!

/ Biotechnology Forensics
Instructor: Mrs. Hanson

By signing below I am acknowledging that I have read the syllabus and understand the requirements of the agricultural class my student is enrolled in. I as the parent or guardian will be sure that my child is in class everyday, follow classroom expectations, and finish all work that is required to pass the class.

Student Signature:______Date:______

Parent Signature:______Date:______