Minutes for the GNTA Delegate Assembly

January 19, 2017 – SHS Library

Call to Order at 4:02 PM

1)  Adoption of the Agenda

Motion made, seconded and approved to move item ten up in the agenda.

*10) Jim – For the first time in GNTA history, we endorsed a candidate for the BOE. Donna Peirez is an educator and community activist and we were happy to support her.

a)  BOE member Donna Peirez thanked the GNTA for its support.

b)  Jim thanked the PAC who teamed with NYSUT to make calls.

2)  The minutes of December 22, 2016, were approved without correction.

3)  The Treasurer’s Report is available through 1/19 and all bills are current and up to date.

4)  Announcements and Correspondence

  1. GNTA applied to join the NYSUT Local Action Project (three-year program); met twice in January and are sending the application to Albany this afternoon. The purpose of LAP is to Increase member engagement, build coalitions, increase community outreach and expand communications.
  2. GNTA dinner with BOE has been postponed until 1/30.

5)  Executive Board Reports

  1. Luci –Elementary Chairs meeting on 2/9 cancelled to accommodate Paint Party
  2. Elaine (Selection Committees)
  3. SAGES has different language on selection committees from our language, but we are going with GNTA language. There will remain equitable distribution between SAGES (administration) and GNTA.
  4. New Standing Committee to keep lines of communication open re selection committees, including the right of parents on committees
  5. Promotional committees will have parents involved in on pre-meeting but WILL NOT REVIEW RESUMES anymore
  6. Parents will not have veto power on any one candidate
  7. Jen (PR&R)
  8. Member on administrative reassignment during investigation.
  9. The unintended consequence of paycheck fluctuation for hourly teachers continues.
  10. The working conditions problems for speech teachers continue. Last week KS and JD met with John Powell and he will take back to his team at PPS and follow-up.
  11. Personal Days denied requests grievance went to arbitration; written brief submitted and decision should be handed down in a month’s time

6)  National Day of Action to Support Public Education

a. Alliance to Reclaim our Schools called for a day of action. Good timing with Betsy DeVos as nominee for Secretary of Education, who appears to be on a mission to destroy public education.

b. This coming November, there will be a referendum on the ballot for a Constitutional Convention in New York State. It is the state constitution that guarantees a free public education in New York, and we will want to defeat this initiative.

7)  PAC -- no current update.

8)  IOC Report (Cindy Pavlic)

  1. The Paint Night deadline for registration is Friday, January 27. A minimum of 40 participants is needed to confirm the event. Five dollars from each registration will go to the GNTA scholarship fund. Spread the word.
  2. Pete Lanzo shared a “state of public schools” outlook that was grim. IOC wants to help to educate our members on the challenges we face as educators and unionists.

9)  AESOP Update

  1. Jeff, Sandy and Frank met with Jennifer Kirby last Wednesday to discuss our continuing AESOP concerns. There is a massive state shortage of subs, and the state has relaxed certification requirements for subs to ease the burden.

Meeting adjourned at 4:52 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Frank Bua