MATH 1953-2: Calculus III section 2

Instructor: Allegra Reiber JGH 202A

Class Meets: MTWRF 11:00-11:50AM in CMK 309

Office Hours: (X12807) 9-9:50am Mon-Tues-Wed-Thurs, 1-3pm Mon-Wed, 12-2pm Tues-Thurs,or by appointment., or by appointment.

Web page for the course:

Text: Single Variable Calculus (Early Transcendentals) orCalculus (Early Transcendentals), by Jon Rogawski, W. H. Freeman Publishers. If you are intending on taking Multivariable Calculus, you will need the second, longer version. If you’re stopping after Calc 3, the first version will work just fine.

Technology: A portable computer configured to DU standards. Firefox, Internet Explorer or a browser with the same capabilities must be installed. If you have a MAC with software which can run some recent version of Windows (XP, 2000, Vista),you are ok. If not, we have additional options for Mac users. Contact me for the information.

Software: Scientific Notebook, version 5.5, a product of MacKichan Software, available at the bookstore and installed on your portable computer. Note it requires a Windows OS. If you have a Mac, you will need to set up a remote desktop client on your computer so you can run SN remotely on a department computer.

You will also need Adobe Reader, as most documents in this class will be web-published as pdf files. It can be downloaded for free at if you don't have it.

No calculators or outside technology will be allowed on quizzes or exams. The use of Scientific Notebook will be restricted to specific portions of homework and labs. You will always be informed in advance of whether or not you may use the computer for a particular assignment.

Grading:Your grade will be calculated based on your scores in this course, weighted as follows:

Final Exam grade / 20%
Quests (4) / 50%
Homeworks / 10%
Pop Quizzes / 5%
Labs/Projects / 15%

Exams: There will be four“Quests” (mini-tests)and a cumulative final examination in this course.

Test / Date
Quest 1 / Friday, April 10, 2009
Quest 2 / Friday, April 24, 2009
Quest 3 / Friday, May 8, 2009
Quest 4 / Friday, May 22, 2009
Final Exam / Tuesday 10-11:50 June 2, 2009

The final is on Tuesday, June 2 from 10:00-11:50AM in our classroom, CMK 309. You must take the final that day at the appointed time. I will not offer make-ups for any tests or quizzes unless it is for a University-sanctioned event.

Homework: I will assign textbook homework problems related to the current lecture daily, and it is your responsibility to do the problems and master the techniques so that you will be prepared for the quizzes and exams. Certain problems will be “starred,” meaning they should be written up and handed in for a grade. There will be at most 4 starred problems per homework section. Sometimes I will give worksheets with problems not in the book as supplement to the starred problems. All homework will be posted on Blackboard under “Assignments.”

Quizzes: The best way to master Calculus is by doing problems, and the best way for me to know if you’ve mastered calculus is by giving you quizzes. Every week we will have at least 1pop quiz consisting of a problem just like one from lecture. I will drop 2 quiz scores.

Lab/TA days (Fridays): On Fridays, your TA, Pete, will lead the class. You should come with your laptop that runs Scientific Notebook to every non-Quest Friday meeting. Some weeks you will have assigned labs or projects to work on and submit using Scientific Notebook. Some weeks you will have problem sessions. You will also occasionally have a pop quiz in Friday labs.

TA Information:

Your TA is Pete Stetser. Email: Office: JGH 307 Phone; 303.871.3017

Office Hours:3 to 4 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, or by appointment.

Academic Integrity:

You are expected to abide by the honor code in this course. In particular, on exams, quizzes, labs, and worksheets you should be turning in your own work. The minimum punishment for cheating on an exam is failure of the course. Consult the DU honor code info online at