St. Martin High School
Trigonometry Course Syllabus
Instructor: Kathryn Kuehn
Second Block – 2010 - 2011
Text: Advanced Mathematical Concepts. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (2006)
Course Goals: This course is designed to prepare students for coursework in advanced level secondary and post secondary mathematics.
Competencies: Represent and compare numbers in various forms and perform operations, Investigate basic concepts of vectors and operations with vectors, compare and produce equivalent forms of trigonometric expressions and solve trigonometric equations, use geometric modeling to analyze trigonometric relationships, and select and apply formulas to determine length and area.
Units to be Covered:
The Trigonometric Functions, Graphs of Trigonometric Functions, Trigonometric Identities and Equations, Vectors
Methods of Instruction:
Much of the instruction for this course is of a technology enhanced, lecture format with student centered practice with the lesson’s objectives to follow.
Method of evaluation:
Students will be evaluated according to the grading scale prescribed by the Jackson County School Board in the Student Handbook.
Required Material/Equipment/Supplies:
A notebook is required for this course. A four function calculator with a square root function is also required. Scientific and graphing calculators are prohibited. No calculators with sin, cos, and/or tan functions are permitted.
Course grading scale: Tests 40%
Quizzes 10%
Homework 10%
Bellwork 10%
Nine Weeks Notebook 10%
Exam 20%
Discipline Plan: In the event that disciplinary action is necessary the following schedule will be followed. 1st time – Warning, 2nd time – copy note card terms 25 times, 3rd time – consult parent and copy note card terms 50 times, 4th time – detention, contact parent, copy note card terms 75 times, 5th time – referral to Principal’s office
General Policy: It is this instructor’s policy that answers be provided in a format consistent with the given problem. For this reason, unless otherwise indicated or a problem begins with a decimal, NO DECIMAL ANSWERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additionally, every effort should be made to provide neat and orderly work that supports the student’s answers. Any illegible or questionable answers will be marked as incorrect.
Course requirements:
1. Attend and participate in class sessions. Arrangements for make-up work, in accordance with the school board policy, should be made immediately upon return to class or before class in the event of a school related absence.
2. Complete homework assignments. Homework will be reviewed regularly and collected at random for a grade. To receive credit for the homework assignment students MUST SHOW THE WORK TO SUPPORT THEIR ANSWERS. A list of answers will not earn credit.
3. Complete bellwork assignments. Bellwork will be assigned daily and collected weekly. Students must show the work that supports their answers to earn credit.
4. Complete scheduled quizzes and examinations. Periodic tests and quizzes will be announced in advance. A cumulative exam will be conducted at the end of the nine weeks.
5. Compile a notebook consisting of daily notes, classwork, homework and any returned assessments. Items should be labeled and dated for recording purposes. A sample from this notebook will be collected at the conclusion of the nine weeks for grading purposes.