Mark E. Moore – PhD, CPA

Texas Tech University – Area of Finance

Contact Information and Relevant Personal Data

Mark E. Moore

Texas Tech University

Rawls College of BusinessOffice Telephone: 806-834-1789

Area of Finance

Box 42101Email:

Lubbock, Texas 79409-2101

Citizenship:U.S. Citizen and Australian Permanent Resident

Date of Birth:19 November 1958

Marital Status:Married


Interests:Tennis, Boating, Fishing

Relevant Education and Professional Affiliations

Doctorate in Finance (Rutgers University) – 2001

Dissertation Title: Intangible Asset Valuation using the Feltham-Ohlson Framework and Real Option Analysis

Dissertation Chairs:Dr. Cheng-Few Lee, Distinguished Professor of Finance

Dr. Ivan Brick, Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Finance

  • Doctoral Training in Accounting (U. Illinois - Champaign) - 1984-1989
  • M.S. Accounting (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) – 1986
  • BBA Accounting (University of San Diego) 1984
  • CPA (Illinois) 1994
  • American Society of Appraisers (Business Valuation Focus) 2013

Relevant Employment

  • 2006 – PresentTexas Tech, Visitor/Professor in the Practice of Finance
  • 2005 – 2006Penn State University at Erie, Asst. Professor of Finance
  • 2004 – 2005Texas Tech University, Visiting Professor of Finance
  • 2003 – 2004U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Visiting Professor-Finance
  • 2001 – 2004 U. Western Australia, Sr. Lecturer, Accounting and Finance
  • 1997 – 2001Rutgers University, Graduate Teaching Assistant in Finance
  • 1990 – 1994Bradley University, Accounting Instructor
  • 1984 – 1988U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Grad. Teaching Assistant

Academic Interests

Financial Statement Analysis and Business Valuation; Equity Valuation; Treasury-Market Microstructure

Teaching Experience

Texas Tech University(2006 to present)

My teaching responsibility at Texas Tech University was devoted to a financial statement analysis course presented as Business Analysis and Valuation until 2010.Now, I coordinate the Principles of Financial Management course (Finance 3320) that is required for all undergraduate business majors. In addition, I teach a graduate valuation course to the Masters in Finance students.

Penn State University(2005 to 2006)

Undergraduate International Financial Management and MBA Corporate Finance

Texas Tech University(2004 to 2005)

My teaching responsibility at Texas Tech University was a financial statement analysis course presented as Business Analysis and Valuation.

The University Illinois at Urbana Champaign(2003 to 2004)

Responsibilities at U of I included the first course in Futures, Options, and Risk Management at the undergraduate level and the development and delivery of the Business Analysis and Valuation module for the MS Finance/MBA program.

The University of Western Australia(2001 to 2004)

My teaching responsibilities at UWA included the first course in Futures, Options, and Risk Management at the undergraduate level and Financial Statement Analysis at the Post-Graduate level. This course is comparable to a 1st or 2nd year PhD seminar and is targeted at such an audience.

Rutgers University(1998 – 2001)

My teaching responsibilities at Rutgers University included undergraduate Principles of Financial Management, Financial Statement Analysis, and Principles of Accounting I.

Publications (Refereed)

Moore, Mark and Drew Winters, 2014, When is a Treasury Security On-the-Run?, The Financial Review, February 2014, Volume 49, Issue 1, pages 77-79.

Mercer, Jeffrey, Mark Moore, Ryan Whitby, and Drew Winters, 2013, Price Discovery in the Treasury-Bill When-Issued Market, The Financial Review, February 2013, Volume 48, Issue 1, pages 1-24.

Mercer, Jeffrey, Mark Moore, and Drew Winters, 2009, Do traders benefit from riding the T-bill yield curve?, Journal of Portfolio Management, Fall 2009, Vol.36 Issue 1, p131-140.

Publications (Other)

Mark Moore, 2013, Efficacy of Online Learning and Examinations.., Pearson Publishing White-Paper for Online Education Issues,August 2013, Issue 1, pages 32-33.

University Service and Committees (Texas Tech University)

  • Faculty Advisor to the Student Finance Association (2006-2014)
  • Faculty Advisor to the Finance Association Currency Trading Association
  • Faculty Advisor for Student Chapter of American Society of Appraisers (Business Valuation Emphasis)
  • College of Business Merit Committee for Non-Tenure Track Faculty
  • Finance Area Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Chair)
  • Finance Area Scholarship Committee (Chair)
  • University Convocations Committee (member)

Academic Activities and Conferences

  • Panel Discussion Participant at the Pearson Course Redesign Conference held in Phoenix, Arizona. Conference Dates were Feb 27 – 29, 2013
  • Panel Discussant and Presenter at American Society of Appraisers (ASA) National Conference held 10/10-10/13/2013 in San Antonio.
  • Pearson Publishing Conference/Workshop; Boston, November 2012. Power users conference dedicated to online education, electronic textbooks, alternative instructional methods and resources. Participated in roundtable workshops, demonstrations and panel discussions.
  • Presenter – 2010 – Financial Management Association annual meeting in New York. Presented the Price Discovery working paper.
  • Participant – 2010 – Technology in the classroom workshop – FMA national meeting in New York. Sponsored by Pearson Publishing.
  • Invited Roundtable Panel Discussant – American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, New York, August 2009. Invited as member for panel discussion regarding methods to teach Financial Statement Analysis as a valuation course. This session was attended by leading academics.
  • Faculty Advisor-Texas Tech Student Finance Association (2006 - present).
  • Undergraduate Advisor for the Finance Department at Texas Tech.
  • Ad HocReferee for the Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
  • Presenter – 2003 - Association of Accounting and Finance (Australia and New Zealand) July 2003 meeting. “Analyst Following and Post-Merger Performance: US Evidence”; with Dr. Da Silva Rosa, Woodliff and Engel.
  • Discussant - 2002 Accounting Association of Australia/NZ annual meeting.

Thesis Committees

Sullivan, Adam. “The Blundering Herd” (December 2004 Honours Thesis). Co-supervised with Dr. Robert Durand).

Chieng, Aaron. “The Information Content of Pro Forma Earnings Releases Relative to Analyst Earnings Estimates” (May 2003 Honours Thesis). Co-supervised with Dr. Raymond Da Silva Rosa.

Chew, Siang Chee. “Evidence of Earnings Management in the Property and Casualty Insurance Industry: Analysis of the Estimated Loss Reserve and Recovery Accruals” (May 2003 Honours Thesis). With Dr. Rayond Da Silva Rosa.

Wong, Louise. “The Impact of Comprehensive Quarterly Financial Disclosure on Analyst Earnings Estimates and Revisions: Implications of Residual Income” (January 2003 Honours Thesis). Sole thesis supervisor.

Engel, Ross. “Analyst Coverage and the Long-run Performance of Acquiring firms: US Evidence” (November 2001 Honours Thesis). Co-supervised with Dr. David Woodliff and Dr. Ray Da Silva Rosa.

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