Texas Regional Group of Catalogers and Classifiers
Annual Assembly Minutes
July 9, 2008
- Call to Order and Welcome
The meeting was called to order by Chair Nancy Goralski at 10:00am in the Big Bend D Room of the Hyatt Regency Austin Hotel. Officers and other attendees introduced themselves.
Present: Nancy Goralski, Chair (Fort Bend ISD -- ), Annie Wu (University of Houston – ), Ric Hasengager (North East ISD – ), Susan Andrews (Texas A&M University-Commerce – ), Marla McDaniel, Secretary/Treasurer (University of Houston-Clear Lake – ), Shirley Martyn (St. Mary’s University – ), Linda Turney, Chair-Elect (Sam Houston State University – ), Tricia Brauer, Alt. Councilor (Round Rock Public Library – ), Shawne Miksa, Councilor (University of North Texas School of Library and Information Science – ), Ling H. Jeng, TLA Executive Board liaison (Texas Women’s University School of Library and Information Science – ).
- Approval of minutes from the TRGCC Annual Conference business meeting, April 16, 2008
The minutes were approved as written.
- Report of Treasurer
Marla McDaniel reported that the current balance is $8,242.04 (as of 6/30/08). Total revenues were $9,237.00 and total expenses were $2,833.00. Conference expenses included $490.00 for AV rental and service and $2,328.00 for pre-conference expenses.
- Report of Councilor
Shawne Miksa reported that the Bylaws Committee is working on changes including e-voting and cleaning up the wording.
- There was no unfinished business, so the Chair moved on to new business.
- TRGCC Blog
There was a discussion on whether to continue with Live Journal blog - - or change to the blog on the TLA website- ( The TLA site links to the Live Journal blog, but there has been very little activity. The TLA site blogs are limited to members only. The Live Journal blog is difficult to find and access. A motion was made and seconded to move the blog to the TLA website. The motion passed unanimously.
- Transforming Texas Libraries
Ling H. Jeng, TLA Executive Board Liaison, explained that the TLA Executive Board is asking every group to examine their goals and look for ways to restructure TLA in order to make groups more effective, as part of this initiative. The TTL wiki is at:
Some of the recommended questions were discussed: “type of library” divisions are still necessary, because certain types, such as school libraries, have unique needs; only the main body should have bylaws, and the individual groups should only have procedures; there should be more electronic forms instead of paper; and the membership fee for students should be reasonable, possibly free.
- Recruitment of new members
The possibility of merging with other groups was considered, and also whether we should change our name. A motion was made to change the name to “Cataloging and Metadata Round Table.” The motion was seconded and approved by unanimous vote. Since we are a regional group of ALCTS, they will be asked about accepting the name change.
Methods of recruiting new members was discussed, including sending emails to libraries, a newsletter, posting to district discussion lists, etc. The TLA Office could provide a list of current members. The blog, once it is set up on the TLA website, should become a good resource for catalogers to check for new developments. Other suggestions for the blog included a blogroll and a cataloging tools and resources page for those new to cataloging.
- TLA 2009 Conference sessions
Possible topics and speakers for a pre-conference were considered:
- RDA/FRBR -- Tom Delsey (RDA editor) and Morgan Dempsey (OCLC), have been asked but have not responded yet. Other suggestions were Barbara Tillett (Library of Congress). More “nuts and bolts” information on RDA is needed.
- MARCEdit – Creator Terry Reese is committed for a $500 honorarium. The possibility of a technology showcase in conjunction with the program was discussed, such as a software demonstration in NetFair.
- Beginning cataloging for school and public librarians -- Quick and easy cataloging instruction specifically for school and/or public librarians, discussing tools like School Cat and MARC Magician; Joanna Fountain recommended as speaker.
- In Defense of Dewey – discussing the benefits of DDC, in response to a program last year arguing for a move away from DDC towards more of a bookstore approach. DDC has been eliminated in some public libraries amid claims that it is too outdated, so this is a timely topic. Possible speakers are Joan Mitchell or Libby Crawford. It was suggested that we try to schedule this program on Thursday, since it is the biggest day, and many smaller libraries cannot afford to attend the entire conference.
- Basics of Authority Control – this is very much needed in light of RDA, since it will be heavier on authority control that AACR2.
- Dr. Yvonne Chandler reported that Beacher Wiggins (Library of Congress) has been asked to give a presentation on “Cataloging Reconsidered: Is the Library of Congress Still the Nation’s Cataloger?” and asked us to cosponsor, which would be about $200.
- There being no more new business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 am.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Marla McDaniel, Secretary/Treasurer
August 26, 2008