Manufacturing 330/GE 393 - HW 3 (2.5 hours – this is the last BIG homework)
Assignment: Read Sams' VB, Chap. 1-4 (Pg. 1-74). Note: We give you the page numbers where the answers are located. By now, you should have designed the pin screen of your ATM project by using the calculator you created in Lab 0. Do NOT turn this in yet, but be aware, the deadline is next week.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Visual Basic
- (p. 8) What is the definition of a "control"?
- (p. 9) Are graphical interfaces becoming more or less important?
- (p. 17) Why are some controls called intrinsic controls?
- (p. 17) If a control does not appear in the Toolbox window, how would you add it to this window?
Chapter 2: Analyzing Visual Basic Programs
- (p. 25) Give examples of what an event might be in VB?
- (p. 25) Is Visual Basic an event-driven programming language?
- (p. 25) Would it make sense to create a control that does not support an event?
- (p. 28) Are the prefix to names in upper case or lower case, and why is it important to always put a prefix on a variable name?
- (p. 31) Where is the code located in a Visual Basic program?
Chapter 3: Controls and Properties
- (p. 41) What are the two primary ways that users interact with Visual Basic programs?
- (p. 46) What is a ToolTip and why should all of your command buttons have one?
Chapter 4: Examining Labels, Buttons, and Text Boxes
- (p. 58) What does it mean if a control has focus?
- (p. 61) How is the focus order set by default? How can you change the focus order?
Assignment: Hands On – Please turn in the answers to the following questions also.
Go to the EE supply room, find the catalogs that have the specs on ALL the IC's currently manufactured, and find a spec sheet on the 555 OR find a spec sheet on the web ( look under ne555). Note that nearly all manufacturers (Analog Devices, National Semiconductor, etc.) produce the 555 timer, and their specifications will be nearly the same. Looking up this spec sheet on this simple circuit is good practice for when you need the pin-out of an IC in the future.
- Using the components given to you, build the circuit on page 37 of the STAMP book. Bring the circuit with you to lab for check out.
- Using the spec sheet above and the circuit on page 37, what is the timing interval you have set for the timer IC in your circuit above (this will require a bit of work and thinking on your part)? Does this agree with what you see? What is the equation for the timing interval?
- What is the most likely source of error between the blinking rate of your circuit and what the theoretical blinking rate should be?
- What does the input into the LED look like (draw the signal)? Use an o-scope if you wish to verify.
- Which resistor would you substitute a pot into to make the blinking rate most dependent on the pot resistance (you will need the spec sheet to do this)? You can verify your answer using your potentiometer if you wish.