Minutes of the September Meeting
Texas Master Naturalists—Rolling Plains Chapter
September 5, 2012, River Bend Nature Center, 7:00 PM
In Attendance:HolliAltobello, Earl Anderson, Alan Brajer, Martha Davis, Tami Davis, Martha Ford, Laura Gillis, Laurie Hall, Jim Hensley, Sue King, Warren King, James Masuoka, Jane McGough, Terry McKee, Erma Mehew, Penny Miller, Paula Savage, Lynn Seman, Bill Setzler, Larry Snyder, Evelyn Staten. Guest: Shannon Brajer.
I. Call to Order and Welcome. President Terry McKee called to order the Auguatmeeting of the Rolling Plains Chapter Texas Master Naturalist. She welcomed all members in attendance.
II. Officer Reports.
Minutes of the August meeting were approved.
Larry Snyder reported a balance of $1980.69on August 1.We paid $150 to RBNC for our membership. Our balance at the end of the month was $1830.69. He reported the 501(c)(3) has been filed with the IRS. One of the requirements is to have a Conflict of Interest policy. Larry provided a copy of the policy adopted by the Executive Committee.
III. Committee Reports.
Nature Tracker:
- Penny Miller reported we had an excellent year for mussel watches. Reports for the year are due.
- Jane McGoughreported amphibian counts are still low. There is still time to conduct more surveys—the reports are due in December.
- Laura Gillis gave out monarch tags. She is giving out sheets of 10. Return the data sheets at the October chapter meeting. A sheet information on recovered tags was passed around. Several tags have been recovered.
- .Lynn Seman reported she should have a permission sheet soon to allow access to private property which reportedly has good numbers or horned lizards.
IV. Old Business.
- The Sikes Lake Cleanup is scheduled for September 8, 9:00 – 11:30. Terry McKee asked for some volunteers to come early. Last year we had over 200 community volunteers. We will have hotdogs at the end of the event. Last year volunteers picked up over 2,000 lbs of trash. American National Bank has again donated $100 to assist with expenses.
- September 15: Wild Bird Rescue Garage Sale. They are looking for donations. They can be dropped off September 14, from 9:00 – 4:00. Call WBR at 691-0828.
- Kids After School Fishing 11, 13, 18 and 20 September, 4:30 – 6:00 PM. This is currently scheduled for Sikes Lake. It may be moved to the Southwest Parkway Lake, depending upon rain, or the lack of rain. Volunteers will be needed.
V. New Business
- Penny Miller announced that Lila Arnold is stepping down as the Executive Director of Wild Bird Rescue, so there is a job opportunity for those who might be interested. Call Wild Bird Rescue to look at a job description.
VI. Other Business/Announcements.
The program next month will be about the Dahlquist Research Site.
VII. Program.
Terry McKee presented a program about trash with information chapter members can use when talking to those who come to the Sikes Lake clean up on September 8.
VIII. Adjournment.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Penny Miller, Secretary
September 6, 2012