Belltown Business Association

Minutes – 3/20/12

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DATE/TIME:Tuesday, March 20, 2012, 8:00 – 9:30 AM

PLACE:Palace Ballroom, 5th and Lenora

ATTENDANCE:Jim Miller, Greg Schuler, David Meinert, Andrea Schaloum, Barbara Hartley, Mary Bingham, Cory Chigbrow, Tom English, Tula Waldron, Jane M. Savard, Kirsten Anderson, Pam Hinckley, Ben Borgman, Jessica Norton, Brian Zaugg, Tim Gaydos, Tom Graff


ABSENT:Robert Eickhof, Pam Anderson

GUESTS: Grady Matthews (NW Woodworkers Gallery), James Branch (New Horizons), Sumeer Singla (West Precinct – Coordinator); Eric Sano (Seattle Police Department); Chris Connors (Bedlam Coffee); Christa Dumpys (Dept. of Neighborhoods); Joshua Watts, BBA Administrative Assistant

  1. President Jim Miller called the meeting to order at 8:05AM.
  2. Minutes of the Meeting of February 21, 2012, were reviewed and approved by voice vote.
  3. Board Development Committee: Greg Schuler reported that the Board Development Committee will be meeting later in the week. One of the agenda items will be the matter of filling the vacant board seat. Greg passed around the current committee volunteer sheet for review and revision by the board members.
  4. Arts and Culture Committee: David Meinert reported. David is working on the scheduling of the first committee meeting. He also reported that an Art Walk is being organized for April 5. Cory Chigbrow said that first Thursdays are being proposed for an “Arts in Belltown” night featuring live music and visual arts. David said that we are moving forward with vacant storefront art project and also a mural project for empty walls. They are also looking at a project to paint artwork on utility boxes.
  5. Marketing Committee: David Meinert reported that they are planning quarterly ads in The Stranger focusing on restaurants. He also highlighted the partnership recently approved with the Belltown Local weekly newsletter. Jane Savard said that a grant writing committee is needed to apply for a grant for improved neighborhood lighting. Also, Jane reminded members about the 1st BBA monthly networking event this coming Thursday.
  6. Membership Committee: Barbara Hartley reported. We now have 85 paid members. Jim Miller suggested that each member identify 5 businesses and talk with them about joining or renewing their memberships. He said we needed 65 more members to “break even.” Josh Watts will send the members the list of prospects and will record and coordinate the contacts.
  7. NATS: Christa Dumpys reported:
  8. Replacements of street lights with LEDS on Second and Third Avenues will happen this week.
  9. In the recent Town Hall, it was mentioned that the area between First and Second on Blanchard needs improved lighting. Christa reported that new poles are scheduled for installation on May 14.
  10. It looks like the MID will be given the OK to clean graffiti off of parking pay stations.
  11. Director of Human Services, Dannette Smith, will be speaking at this month’s Belltown Community Council meeting about their new approaches with social service providers.
  12. Parks is still shooting for starting the Bell Street Park in May; the Community Center is still shooting for a June opening.
  13. Lt. Eric Sano reported on LEED; it has been in effect for 5-6 months and in that time there have been 32 people referred to the program including 20 who were diverted from arrest. Too soon to determine effectiveness.
  14. SPD is continuing with early morning patrols.
  15. SPD (Capt. Kessler, Lt. Sano, and Lt. Gracy) has been meeting with James Kebles, the head of the City’s Film and Nightlife Office to discuss the Nightlife Initiative including Flexible Hours. The Flexible Hours review process will probably take the rest of the year.
  16. SPD has been following up with the Copper Cart (now “Empire”) and reports that they have “made strides” in compliance.
  17. WPAC: Barbara Hartley reported. The LEEDS program was discussed at the meeting. It is hard to measure success because there is no control group. Sumeer Singla, the new precinct liaison from the Prosecutor’s Office, introduced himself. He said the office will have a “broader focus” than in the past. Although his office is officially the legal advisor to the SPD, he will also direct community members to appropriate legal resources if required.
  18. Cameras: Barbara reported that she contacted the people in the International District connected with the new security cameras, and they are willing to sit down with us and talk about the process that they followed.
  19. Treasurer’s Report: Pam Anderson was absent but she had forwarded the Treasurer’s Report to the board via e-mail. Balance in the treasury as of March 15, 2012 is $29,320. Since the last report, membership dues income was $2,646. Significant expenses included payment for the Administrative Assistant and payment of the annual Seattle Convention and Visitors Bureau dues.
  20. MID/BIA: Jane Savard reported. A series of 1-hour focus group meetings has been scheduled over the next couple of weeks with a community meeting planned for next month. The schedule of meetings was included in the agenda packet. Non-profits are well represented on their focus group, but more representatives from businesses and condo owners are required. The planning team will meet with property owners later in the process.
  21. Grants: Jane reported that the BBA has a grant application in for review that will help fund a replacement for the walking guide and also the program to place art work in vacant storefronts. There is a $100,000 City grant request coming out in July, which BBA should keep an eye on.
  22. Social Media: David Meinert and Greg Schuler have been discussing the need for help with marketing particularly in terms of design, content, and effectiveness in making connections.
  23. Strategic Issues: President Jim Miller said that he reserved the last 15 minutes of the meeting for discussion of strategic issues. The main issue discussed was the role of the Business Association in working with businesses and property owners to bring more business into Belltown. There was a discussion on attracting small business operators particularly in large ground floor spaces where the tendency is to look for large tenants, such as restaurants, to lease the entire space. The attractiveness of a “walking retail neighborhood” similar to those found in Portland was offered as a possible long range goal. It was pointed out that Belltown needs to have the building owners participate directly in this conversation similar to Capitol Hill, where building owners participate in and even contribute to community betterment and events. The forthcoming BIA/MID process may be a way of “bringing out” the building owners into the community conversation. President Miller said that perhaps this conversation should continue at the committee level (either Marketing or Strategic Planning) resulting in “3 or 4 different strategies” that could be brought before the Board.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 AM.

Next board meeting will be Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 8 AM – 9:30 AM at the Palace Ballroom.

Respectfully submitted,

Greg Schuler
