Texas CVD and Stroke Partnership

Steering Committee Meeting

October 26, 2010

Meeting Summary

Meeting Minutes

In Attendance:

Name / Name /
Ana Cleveland / Bette Beckworth
Brett Spencer / Brian Bowser
Cari Browning / Carol Gaskamp
Chelsea Couch / Cheryl Brien-Warren
David Mallory / Davis Harris
Denise Rose / Derek Head
Don Nicholson / Frances Johnson
George Clayton / Jennifer Smith
George Roberts, Jr. / Jeremiah Lanford
Gerald Creel / Jessica Waguespack
Ginny Barr / Joel Romo
Hardy Loe, Jr. / Joseph Oppong
Henry Loza / Julie Shasteen
Holly Riley / Kay Durilla
J. Neal Rutledge / Kinnie Parker
Jan Flewelling / LaJuan Scott
Jan Skinner / Luby Garza-Abijaoude
Jane Osmond / Marci Wilson
Marci Kirtz / Maria Benedict
Natalie Clifton / Patrick Horine
Remmy Morris / Richard Lawlor
Rick Schwertfeger / Scott Martin
Thomas Guidry / Tim Smith
Victor Prybutok / Vivian Nowazek
Whitney Monge / Yehuda Dror
Ronda Macky / Karen Turnquest
Leigh Allan / Julie Shasteen

Welcome and Introductions 9:00-9:40

George Roberts, Co-Chair, welcomed the group to the meeting. Introductions were made and brief updates were provided by all participants.

Last Year’s Accomplishment Summary 9:40-10:15

Jane Osmond presented on the Partnership’s accomplishments, objectives, activities and priorities from last year as well as shared the origins of the Partnership. She informed the attendees of the Community Coalition Acton Theory (CCAT) in addition to reviewing Goals 1-4 of the Texas Plan to Reduce CVD and Stroke 2008. See attached PPT.

Adjunct Committee Reports 10:15-10:20; 11:05-11:35

Remmy Morris of the Nomination Committee discussed the 2011 Chair Elect Ballot.

Communication Committee-Don Nicholson 10:25-10:35

Don Nicholson engineered and presented the use SharePoint for Partnership members. SharePoint is a Microsoft product that allows its users to easily collaborate, share files, and web publishing. Visit www.txcvd.com to access the Partnership’s SharePoint site. You will find announcements, CVD and Partnership links, calendar of events, and mission statement. On the home page in the upper-right hand corner, you will find a sign-in link. Click on this link and type in your first letter of your first name.last name i.e. d.nicholson. The password is: password. Great job Don for all of your hard work!

Remmy Morris of the Conference Planning Committee informed the Partnership of the success of the Building Bridges Conference this past June. The reviews were mainly positive and there will be a conference in 2011. She is looking for volunteers to be part of the Conference Planning Committee. The upcoming conference will likely be a one day event.

Break 10:35-11:05

Adjunct Committee Reports cont.- Jane Osmond and George Roberts 11:05-11:35

George engaged the attendees to brainstorm potential stakeholders to invite and potential involve in future Partnership activities. The Partnership identified who is missing, who has connections to them and what specifically the partnership needs them to do.

The list of possible groups include: WIC, AgriLife, RAC, public health schools/universities, minority health coalitions, health practitioner groups/family med and their professional organizations, certified diabetes instructors, media, schools/ISDs, schools of nursing, medicine, and pharmacy, health plans, employers, disability groups, faith-based organizations, legislation, small business group/chamber of commerce, stroke survivors, urban and city planners, Texas Rural Health Association, Head Start, “The Valley”, parks and rec, west of I-35, seniors, social workers, El Paso, border health, retail pharmacies (Walgreens).

The Partnership members were asked “What do we want?” The following points were discussed:

1)  Ask specifically why we need their help by goal groups

2)  Partnership may currently have members who have connections with other partnerships and coalitions

3)  Mapping-clustering within the goal

4)  Perhaps allow goal chairs and the Membership Committee to discuss needs of the Partnership then execute with a strategic plan

5)  Employers Association

6)  Subgroups the groups

Lunch 11:35-12:05

Recognition Awards-George Roberts and Jane Osmond 12:05-12:20

Awards were given to the following individuals for their fantastic efforts as head of their goal committees: Holly Riley-Goal 1; Jennifer Smith and Frances Johnson-Goal 2; Janice Flewelling-Goal 3; Tom Guidry and Jane Osmond-Goal 4.

Brainstorming Breakout Sessions 12:20-1:35

Each attendee was assigned a Goal Committee or had the option to decide which goal was must suitable to their interests. The goal of the breakout session is that each Goal Committee will decide on next year’s implementation activities and plan.

Goal Committee Reports 1:35-2:05

Each of the committee chairs provided a brief summary of their breakout sessions.

Goal I – Holly Riley, Chair

They would like to recognize groups in communitiesthat provide health programs that include best practices and guidelines. These groups will receive recognition for their achievements.

Goal 2 – Jennifer Smith and Frances Johnson, Chairs

The following individuals participated in Goal Group 2: Jennifer Smith, Frances Johnson, Don Nicholson, Victor Prybutok, and Maria Benedict.

This group discussed sodium restriction and hypertension reduction by working on procurements of food in schools, restaurants, state correctional facilities and state hospitals.

Goal 3-Jan Flewelling, Chair

The following individuals participated in the Goal 3 group: Jan Flewelling ,Kinnie Parker Karen Turnquest, Brian Bowser, Jessica Waguespack, Marcie Wilson, Jeremiah Lanford, MD Patrick Horine, Dror Yehuda, Tim Smith, Gerald Creel, Ronda Mackey, Ana Cleveland and Joel Romo.

They would like to make the Stroke Public Education Campaign Tool kit available to RAC's-first to RAC Chairs then RAC Executive Directors, provide tool kit and information to GETAC so they can be aware, identify underserved areasto implement tool kit, measures impact of tool kit in the community. They defined scope of their objective to include all 3 levels of stroke care:

-  Reviewed levels of stroke care

-  Reviewed Texas process of recognizing levels of stroke care

The intent is to focus on underserved areas of the state and facilities within those areas that are building or ready to begin building stroke programs.

Goal 4-Tom Guidry, Chair

They group’s hope is to develop a strategy to bring health plans and employers to participate. They will continue to promote utilization of website. They’ll start to work on raising awareness to prevent the reoccurrence of CVD that are culturally specific and create ideas for additional funding.

Break 2:10-2:20

Civic Lesson-George Roberts 2:10-2:20

Kevin Cruser 2:20-2:45

Kevin Cruser is the Chief of Staff of Representative Crownover of Denton County. He provided some useful communication tips to be an effective constituent. Some of his recommendations include introducing yourself every time you meet with a staffer or representative, be honest, know your topic including your opposition, know your audience/representative/district, and to become a resource not a nuisance. He said the most effective method of communication with a representative is with phone calls, letter writing, and then lastly, email.

82nd Partnership Role in 82nd Legislative Session, Joel Romo 2:45-3:15

Joel Romo provided information on what’s on the legislative horizon. Public policy priorities include obesity prevention, tobacco control, and CVD funding. He shared how the budget process works of the 2012-2013 budget, and to be aware of SmokeFree Texas Campaign.

Passing the Baton, George Roberts 3:15-3:20

Marci Wilson will take over as Chair She summarized top priorities for Partnership work 2010-2011. Marci concluded with an upcoming videoconference in the spring of 2011.

Announcement of Partnership, Vivian Nowazek 3:20

Kinnie Parker was announced the winner of the Chair of the Partnership.

Conclusion of Meeting 3:25

Next Meeting and Next Steps

Meeting Outcomes

The meeting was attended by 54 Steering Committee members.