Texas Crime Prevention Association

Board Meeting

July 20, 2008

3:00 PM

Howard Johnson- Burk Burnett Room

Wichita Falls, TX

The meeting was opened by President Tammy Snider.

Tammy Snider recognized regional presidents.

Claude Gamez – Central Texas CPA– The region just completed a second crime prevention class. Membership is strong and they are getting ready for the conference in 2009. They received four bids on the conference.

Steve Garst – North Texas CPA – Steve Garst will be teaching the CPTED class for the conference and it has been updated. He will also be teaching the class in August in Arlington if there is someone who could not make it to this conference for the class.

Bill Hudgins- Chisholm Trail- The region has been busy getting ready for the conference. In the fall there will be a Crime Prevention II class.

Laura “Kat” Tobias – Alamo Area CPA – The region is working on the conference in Kerrville. Jennifer Browne will be the chairperson. They have had several training sessions that were very successful in the region.

President’s Report – Tammy Snider

There have been a lot of contacts made with the National Crime Prevention Coalition. They have had a large turnover in the last six-nine months. The executive board meeting is this week in Washington. TCPA has advertised in the Texas Lawman magazine. Snider attended the School Based Law Enforcement conference along with Steve Garst. ICJS wants to standardize the crime prevention training and get input from TCPA. ICJS is looking for a team of instructors to travel around the state and teach.

Secretary’s Report – Lita Snellgrove

Copies of the minutes were given to members present. There were no corrections to the report and the minutes were accepted.

Treasurer’s Report – Scott Rhodes

Copies of the report were passed out. The balance on the money market account is $25,832.51. The balance on the checking account is $29,448.75. The audit committee will meet Tuesday night. Lita Snellgrove made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Nancy Gresham seconded the motion.

1st Vice Presidents Report – Nancy Gresham

Nancy Gresham attended the Sheriff’s conference. TCPA provided lanyards for the participants of the conference. Brochures were passed out at the Attorney General’s table and Gresham attended a private reception and spoke to the group about TCPA.

2nd Vice-President – Dennis Porter

Porter has been working with Billy Rudd on the conference. Everything has come together for the conference. Everyone needs to be available during the conference so the members know we are here for them. Thank you to Chisholm Trail for hosting the conference.

3rd Vice-President – April Layton

Layton will be sending out a follow up email around two weeks after the conference. An update from the regions will be needed and a message from the board, outgoing board members too.

Membership – Martha Mabry

As of July 18, 2008 there are 478 members. As membership chair Mabry’s goal was to get membership back to 1000 members, like it was in 2000. She challenges the new chair to this goal. There are ten more members than last year.

Civilian at Large- Laura “Kat” Tobias

Tobias is looking for training ideas for the conference in Kerrville. There will be a form for members to give suggestions for the upcoming training conference.

Sergeant at Arms – Butch Lindsey

Lindsey is with Bedford PD and has been a member of the crime prevention association since 1994.

Old Business

The contract with Kerrville has been signed and the conference will be January 11-14. The room rate is $65 a night. Tobias & Rhodes would like a copy of the contract. There will be a meeting with Faye at the YO Ranch about the conference on August 14th. The board voted to renew the scholarship for Zack Truman. Mike Clowdus was not present to give a report on the awards committee.

New Business

The board will be reviewing contracts for the July 2009 conference in Austin. The date will be July 12th-17th before the Sheriff’s conference.

Updates are being made to the web site. New pages have been added. A page with resource links has been added. The process is slow. Bill Hudgins suggested using a web site with content management. This allows the user to update the web site in a timely manner.

Martha Mabry made a motion to investigate research and report back at the next board meeting the findings about a new web master with content management ability. April Layton seconded the motion. All present was in favor.

The regions need to get with Tammy Snider about who will be representing their region for the research committee on National Night Out and Texans Against Crime. At the time TCPA voted to support TAC there was not a NNO in October. The committee will report to the membership in January the finds of the committee.

There will be intent to run forms at the registration table, so that the applicant’s qualifications can be checked. The committee will meet Tuesday night.

ICJS is interested in working hand in hand with TCPA. TCPA and ICJS would like to standardize the crime prevention material, so that when the CCPS test is given the information is the same.

Martha Mabry made a motion for the TCPA board to endorse ICJS with TCPA having oversight of the training material. The motion was seconded by Nancy Gresham. All present was in favor.

Advertising has been stepped up this year, with advertising in the Texas Lawman, brochures and lanyards for the Sheriff’s Association conference. Scott Rhodes has brochures and business card holders for the regions to pass out. Regions should let him know if there are places where we should be advertising.

Nancy Gresham made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Lita Snellgrove. The motion passed.