Non-attendance in Special School or Special Facility in Mainstream School including Part-time Timetable and Cases Directed by Tribunal

These cases should not be treated any differently to the usual school response to poor attendance. As with all cases, concerns should be flagged via school though a referral to ESBAS.

Core Process:

  • Is school un-authorising absence?
  • Has school met with parent?
  • Has schoolset target?
  • Has target been reviewed?
  • Is there evidence of review?
  • Can school approach through ESBAS traded services?

Next Step Actions for Schools:

  • All schools are expected to follow ESCC attendance guidance (p.18)
  • Complete proforma that outlines actions school has taken if attendance falls below 90% with minimum of 10 sessions in last 6 weeks.
  • Ensure vulnerable pupils are on priority call list (i.e. placement as a result of tribunal or vulnerable status such as LAC)
  • Following a tribunal direction or new placement, especially where has been dispute, if pupildoesn’t attend after 3 days, school should contact ESBAS (p.19)
  • APOs to keep alert to cases where there is risk of non attendance
  • CITs to alert APOs if aware of absence for 2-3 visits
  • Annual review – APO to request attendance at all reviews

Non-Attendance Following Tribunal Direction

If pupil doesn’t turn up–school to contact APO immediately.

APO to establish what is situation – is parent intending to take up the placement? If necessary contact parent.

If no, APO advise school must refer straight to

ESBAS same day.

If parent is intending to send, APO make clear to school that they must request meeting is held to facilitatesupport the placement and transition

APO follow up to confirm start

If parent states they are EHE-ing or that placement isn’t suitable so not sending. APO arrange meeting with school, LA, parent and ESBAS to explore what are issues for parent and set out legalities about making EHE provision. APO to arrange letter stating must declare EHE and can meet all needs including therapies and CITs or other service will carry out monitoring. The letter must detail content of EHCP and any relevant tribunal direction. Send out and refer to EHE protocol in letter and expectations about plan of delivery to be returned by parent to APO within 1 week

(Link to EHE guide to be added when available)

Group APO

  • Monitoring to be carried out within a reasonable period of time (no more than 3 months) from team of relevant professionals to be informed by EHCP contact (CITS, EP, STLP)
  • Set date for an early review at this point

Hold early review (no later than 4 months) – refer to COP

If EHE is agreed, usual protocol applies

and special school is informed

If EHE is not agreed by professionals, appeal rights apply and decision returns to sendist