Texas Charter School Academic & Athletic League

2011-2012 Middle School Spelling Bee

The words provided will primarily make up the word list, however any of the words in

Webster's New College Dictionary are eligible to be used.

ability arrange circulation

acceptable arrangement cite

acceptance assistance clever

accepted assistant closely

accompany assured collection

accompanying athletics column

accomplish attach combination

according attendance comment

accurate attention commerce

acquaintance attorney commercial

activity attraction commission

actual audience commit

additional author committed

adjust author committees

admitted authority communicate

adopt aviator communication

advance aware community

advancement awkward companion

advantage banquet compare

advertise basis comparison

advertisement battery compass

advertising beautiful compel

affect behalf compelled

affect beneficial complaint

agreeable benefit completely

agriculture blouse compliment

alcohol breathing composition

ambition brief computer

ample brilliant conceal

amusement broccoli concern

announcement brochure conclude

annual budget conclusion

annual bureau concur

annually burglar conduct

answered cafeteria conference

apology campaign confidence

appeal capable confident

appearance career connection

applied carpenter consent

apply caution conservation

applying cautious considerable

appointment cease consideration

appreciate century considered

appreciated cereal constant

appreciation certificate constantly

argue chairman construction

argument character consult

arid choir contact

arouse chorus contract

controlled discourage experiment

convenience discovery expert

convenient discuss explanation

conveyor discussion export

convinced disgust expressed

co-operation dispatch expression

cordially dispose extent

courtesy distinct extinct

create distinguish factor

credit distribute faculty

criticism domestic familiar

criticize doubtless fate

cultivate drafting favour *

cure dreadful favourable *

cushion earnest favourably *

customary editor feature

dealer effective federal

debate elected firm

decay electrical formal

decided electricity formerly

decline elevator fortunate

decrease elsewhere foundation

defence employ frequent

definite employee frequently

degree endure friendship

delayed energy furious

delicate engage further

delicious enormous generous

delivered entertainment genius

delivery entirely genuine

democratic entitled glider

dentist envy glorious

department epidemic gradually

deposit equally grateful

depth equipment grief

description erosion guarantee

deserve establish guarantee

determine established gymnasium

diary estimate happiness

dictionary evil helicopter

diet examine hence

difficulties exception hereafter

difficulty excess heroic

diminish excitement hesitate

directly excursion highly

director exhausted hoarse

disagreeable expand homework

disappointment expensive honestly

disaster experience horizon

household limited opera

human literary operate

humble location operated

hygiene loss operation

ideal luncheon opinion

ignorant machinery opportunity

illustrates magazine oppose

immediate magic opposition

immediately maim orchestra

immense maintain organize

immigrant majority organized

import management original

importance manager original

impression meantime otherwise

improvement medical overtly

including mental oyster

income mere pamphlet

increasing midst parachute

indicate mild participate

industrious minister particular

informed missionary partners

inquire misspell * pasture

inspection moderate patent

instance modest peculiar

institute moisture percentage

instruct mosquito perfectly

instruction muscle performed

instrument musical permitted

interfere musician personal

invention mystery personally

inventor naturally photograph

investigate necessity physical

investment needle pierce

irrigate nervous policy

irrigation nevertheless popular

issue newspaper positive

janitor nonsense postpone

journal normal poultry

judgment * notion poverty

justified numerous practical

justify numerous practically

kingdom objection prairie

laboratory obliged preferred

laundry observe preparation

legal occupation prepared

leisure occupied presence

liberal occur preserve

licence * occurred private

limit official privilege

probable renew spoken

proceed replace stomach

process replied storage

production replying strength

professor represent strictly

profitable reputation struggle

promotion required stupid

prompt requirement submarine

promptly resemble submit

propeller response submitted

properly responsible succeeded

properly retail suggested

property retain suitable

proposal return superintendent

propose ruined supplied

prospect rural supplies

prosperous sacred surgeon

protest sacrifice suspect

provided salmon sympathy

provision sanitary talent

publish satisfaction tardy

punishment satisfactory telegram

purchased scarcely telegraph

pursue schedule tempt

quality secretary territory

quantities secure thorough

quantity seize threat

quotation selection threatened

readily seniors throughout

realize sensible toboggan

reasonable seriously transferred

rebels severe trapped

recall severe treatment

recession shipment trimmed

recognize shipping trolley

reduce shopping university

reduction similar unpleasant

refer sincere unusual

referred situation urban

refused situation urge

register sketch urgent

regularly skilled variety

regulate skillful various

release society vast

reliable sole venture

relieve solution verse

remarkable solve violin

remedy somewhat virtue

render soul visible











