June / July 2009 Feedback

Testimony shared on the 8/10/09Monday night conference call:

There have been several Lighthouse Media releases that were very instrumental in my conversion from the Episcopal faith. Scott Hahn, Fr. John Corapi, and many, many others were a part of this. I was catechized so well by the recordings that Bishop Foyes saw no need for me to have to participate in R.C.I.A., and I was confirmed in a private ceremony weeks before Easter two years ago. They were very impressed with my knowledge of the Faith, and I told them it wasn’t anything I had done except listen to the recorded material offered by Lighthouse in the front of the church. I found titles like “The Fourth Cup” to offer excellent explanations of what the Catholic Faith has to offer. I look forward to any possible full or part-time work that I may be able to do for Lighthouse and to maybe have the chance to be a part somebody else’s conversion or renewal of Faith. Thank you for being there for me. Daniel – Erlanger, KY


I received my first CD of the Month Club (Fr. Frank Pavone) and itwas terrific. So terrific that I increased my subscription level so I canshare these great CDs with others. God Bless all of you! Tom – Buffalo NY

Via email:

What I love about sharing my Faith is to experience how God's grace changes lives and how I, a non-Catholic "pagan" a little over 3 years ago, found his way into the Catholic Church through your apostolate. As a Protestant, the Eucharist was a stumbling block for me. My mother-in-law gave me a CD entitled "Understanding the Eucharist" by Scott Hahn. I listened to it once and was so intrigued by the "novelty" of the doctrine, I listened to it again...and again...and again. I listened to it about 13 times in total in my car on the way to and from work, each time picking up something new that I had missed the time before. I started to read the Scriptures and the Catechism of the Catholic Church and was finally received into the Catholic Church on August 22, 2007. I am now a volunteer Catechist and involved in the RCIA program at our parish. It has been a life-changing experience for me. I distribute dozens of Lighthouse CDs to parishioners in our locale as well as to my colleagues (I am a scientist in the medical field). I would love to be more involved with this apostolate and would like to set up a display at our annual parish "fun fest" this summer! James – St. Paul MN


My husband and I were given our first Lighthouse Catholic Media CD to listen to while traveling around Christmas time. It has changed our lives! We are so hooked and can't stop buying, listening to, and passing on CDs! We have been working to try to get the CDs in our own parish, as we know they would benefit so many families and so many lives. We have grown deeper in our own faith with every talk we hear. I would love to be able to promote these CDs in a way that would help get them in more churches and more hands. We're already doing what we can by passing ours on, but being able to help on a bigger scale would be an awesome responsibility. Thanks so much for your time in learning more about this possibility. God bless! Amy - Indianapolis IN

Parish: St. Michael's - Bradford
Diocese, State: Indianapolis, IN
Media Title: Confession
Educational Value: 9Interest Value: 10

This brought me back to the sacrament of Confession!

Parish: St. Mary Magdalene - Newnan
Diocese, State: Atlanta, GA
Media Title: The Fourth Cup
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10
The explanation of the historic and Jewish roots is fascinating! I can't wait to attend Mass and then to finally get to experience it (Him) for myself. (I am a Protestant - seeking RC)

Parish: St. Mark the Evangelist - Westbrook
Diocese, State: Norwich, CT
Media Title: Confession
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10
I have been going to confession for some years as a recent convert. I was preparing to go to again but was scared and needed help, encouragement and certain specific words to help me articulate a particular sin, and I got everything I needed from Fr. Larry! He gives a great, simple, and positive summary of why it's so important and what to do.

Parish: St. Theresa - Henniker
Diocese, State: Manchester, NH
Media Title: Seven Reasons to be Catholic
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10
I am sending copies to my family! Awesome CD!

Parish: St Mary - Centralia
Diocese, State: Seattle, WA
Media Title: Unlocking the Book of Revelation
Educational Value: 9Interest Value: 9

This increased my love and devotion in receiving Holy Communion and made me more aware of the meaning of "The Coming of Christ" through the Mass.

Parish: Sacred heart - Pinehurst
Diocese, State: Raleigh, NC
Media Title: Finding the Fullness of Faith
Educational Value: 8Interest Value: 10

As a non Catholic, I have enjoyed the Lighthouse CDs. They have opened my eyes to the beauty of Catholicism!

Parish: St Jude - Mastic Beach
Diocese, State: Syracuse, NY
Media Title: The Mass Explained
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

I felt that this CD gave me some great insights into the richness of Mass and how to more actively live my Faith.

Parish: St Camilius - Fitchburg
Diocese, State: Worcester, MA
Media Title: The Holy Eucharist
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

It was very educational to our 12-year-old. She learned the basics when making her first Holy Communion.

Parish: Holy Angels - Globe
Diocese, State: Tucson, AZ
Media Title: 15 Things to Do in the Midst of Suffering
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

As a cradle Catholic, I had heard the term "offer it up." Jeff Cavins’CD gave timely and practical advice on how we are able to do that as participators in Christ. It formed an unexpected "mini-retreat" for me and I will pass my copy on to others I know who will benefit from its clear explanation of the value of suffering.

Parish: St. Ambrose - Deadwood
Diocese, State: Rapid City, SD
Media Title: The Mass Explained
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

As a Catechist, I found Fr. Richards electrifying, refreshingly down to earth, and absolutely relevant. I would recommend that every parish schedule a public airing of this CD. I suspect that more than a few Catholics need desperately to hear his message. The need to bring sacredness into all moments of life, the compelling need for love in parish relationships, and the perilous nature of our world demand a listen.

Parish: St. Therese - Alhambra
Diocese, State: Los Angeles, CA
Media Title: To Hell and Back
Educational Value: 9Interest Value: 9

Amazing testimony!

Parish: Holy Childhood of Jesus - Harbor Springs
Diocese, State: Gaylord, MI
Media Title: How to Apply our Faith to our Families
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

Listening to the CD inspired our family to begin a daily scripture reading and reflection time.

Parish: Our Lady of Prompt Succor - Alexandria
Diocese, State: Alexandria, LA
Media Title: The Spiritual Journey of an All-Pro NFL Football Player
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

As children, we attended New Orleans Saints home games in Tulane Stadium. Danny Abramowicz was our Saints hero. To hear Danny give such a powerful and inspiring presentation really touched our hearts! Keep it up, Danny!!

Parish: Notre Dame Catholic Parish - Denver
Diocese, State: Denver, CO
Media Title: Anger and Forgiveness
Educational Value: 9Interest Value: 9

This is the best definition of anger and moods I've ever heard, and how to live with this new definition in our culture.

Parish: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Fort Wayne
Diocese, State: Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN
Media Title: A Call To Joy
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

I passed the CD along - very moving. WOW!!!

Parish: Our Lady of Jasna Gora/Our Lady of the Holy Rosary – Clinton
Diocese, State: Worcester, MA
Media Title: Former Drug Dealer to Priesthood
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

We found thisCD to be very interesting and uplifting. My wife would not let me turn it off until it finished.

Parish: St Paul Cathedral - Yakima
Diocese, State: Yakima, WA
Media Title: 15 Things to Do in the Midst of Suffering
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

It has helped me to remember that no matter what battle I am going through, someone else has it worse and God can and will take care of me no matter the circumstance because I am His child. Amazing speaker and the blessing he gave the young girl while he was waiting for his surgery shows we can be a blessing to others. God is good!

Parish: Ascension Catholic - San Diego
Diocese, State: San Diego, CA
Media Title: Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

This CD has been instrumental in renewing my faith in Jesus Christ and helped me to become a better version of myself.

Parish: Prince of Peace - Sun City Center
Diocese, State: St Petersburg, FL
Media Title: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

I used it in my Prison Ministry and also with a mixed-up teenage granddaughter. Both were excited about the presentation.

Parish: Holy Family - Newark
Diocese, State: Newark, NJ
Media Title: Finding the Fullness of Faith
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

It will help me to spread the fullness of my faith. Praise God for inspiring Lighthouse Catholic Media to publish this and other CDs.

Parish: St. Joseph Church - Indianapolis
Diocese, State: Indianapolis, IN
Media Title: Why Go To Mass: The Blood of the New Covenant
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

I listened to it four times and got something new every time I heard it. I find that I understand the Mass a lot more than I did before I listened to this CD.

Parish: St. Theresa - Little Rock
Diocese, State: Little Rock, AR
Media Title: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 9

Matthew Kelly truly inspired me to renew my relationship with God!

Parish: Divine Infant Church - Orleans
Diocese, State: Ottawa, ON
Media Title: Glimpses Along The Way of the Cross
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

I bought a few CDs at Holy Cross Parish where they have a stand. I was very impressed, touched, amazed, and so happy to listen to these wonderful CDs. I bought a lot and I am distributing them to my friends and family and others that the Holy Spirit putsin my path. I am also helping a friend who is involved in the parish Faithraiser Program here in Ottawa. I am on fire for those CDs. I believe strongly that every Catholic Church should have a stand with these CDs. It’s a must! I left the Catholic Church to join the evangelical Pentecostal movement in 1980 and I stayed there for five years, but at the end I knew that there was something missing big time. So I came back to the Catholic Church because the Lord told me that the Catholic Church was like a marriage; it was a covenant with God. And for me, marriage and families are sacred, and this brought me back to the Catholic Church. Deep inside, I was a Catholic. Glory to God in the Highest, I am back in the Holy Catholic Church where I belong. Amen!

Parish: St. Joseph - Fortuna, CA
Diocese, State: Santa Rosa, CA
Media Title: Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality
Educational Value: 9Interest Value: 9

The CD has made me think much more about our Faith. The presentation is so clever and thoughtful that I have listened to it countless times and shared it with many other folks.

Parish: American Martyrs – Kingsford MI
Diocese, State: Marquette, MI
Media Title: The Bible Made Me Do It
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

It blessed me and I intend to pass it on!

Parish: Our Lady of Lakes - Oakdale
Diocese, State: Norwich, CT
Media Title: The Mass Comes Alive - Episode 1
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

Sparked the interest of our sons like fire works on the 4th of July! Thank you!

Parish: St. Gregory - San Diego
Diocese, State: San Diego, CA
Media Title: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself
Educational Value: 8Interest Value: 8

Helps me with my daily walk with Christ.

Parish: St. Agatha - Woonsocket
Diocese, State: Worcester, MA
Media Title: A Call To Joy
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

It really made me look at my life differently and realize that I don't have to make a huge drastic change in my life...making small changes over time is just as, if not more, valuable.

Parish: Sacred Heart Parish - Ventura
Diocese, State: Los Angeles, CA
Media Title: The Healing Power of Confession
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

I have decided to go to Confession weekly to derive the spiritual benefits of this great sacrament. I was made coordinator of Extraordinary Ministers at my church and want to do the best job I can in setting myself and them on fire with the Holy Spirit and also to be a good friend and helper to our new pastor and all priests. Thanks to Dr. Scott Hahn for all of this great information, advice, and counsel.

Parish: St. Peter's - Bellwood
Diocese, State: Lincoln, NE
Media Title: Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

Increased my interest & knowledge andgave me inspiration to do a personal spiritual evaluation.

Parish: St. Joseph's - Crandon
Diocese, State: Green Bay, WI
Media Title: The Truth
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

It inspired me to spend more time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. It also confirmed for me that I am to give up something that I thought the Lord was asking me to give up, but I wasn't sure, because I really didn't want to.

Parish: Mater Dei - Topeka
Diocese, State: Kansas City, KS
Media Title: Confession
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

It helped me to understand how to make a better confession.

Parish: St. Joseph - Fayetteville
Diocese, State: Little Rock, AR
Media Title: Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

I listen to your CDs in the morning when I ride my bike. It is a great way to start the day. I look forward to the morning!

Parish: St Margaret Mary - Neenah
Diocese, State: Green Bay, WI
Media Title: The Bible Made Me Do It
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

Strengthens peoples' conviction; an awesome tool for evangelizing - thank you!

Parish: St. Paul - Tampa
Diocese, State: St Petersburg, FL
Media Title: A Call To Joy
Educational Value: 9Interest Value: 9

This helped me better understand what I need to do in my life to get closer to Jesus.

Parish: Sacred Heart - Parkhill
Diocese, State: London, ON
Media Title: Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality
Educational Value: 9Interest Value: 10

It used great examples, and was very entertaining. I used clips of it in a youth retreat, and the youth loved it. Now there are more kids in our area checking out Lighthouse Media for more listening resources.

Parish: Holy Redeemer Catholic Church - Kanata
Diocese, State: Ottawa, ON
Media Title: A Call To Joy
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

Excellent speaker; very accessible; his message is renewing, heartwarming, and hopeful too.

Parish: Our Lady of Loretto - Redford
Diocese, State: Detroit, MI
Media Title: The Seven Levels of Intimacy
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

The CD opened up so many doors in my marriage. It has and continues to allow us to try and become the best versions of ourselves as individuals and as husband and wife. Thank you so much! Matthew Kelly is wonderful!!!

Parish: St Matthew Catholic Church - San Antonio
Diocese, State: San Antonio, TX
Media Title: Amazing Angels & Super Saints - Episode 1
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

This increased knowledge at a fun and understandable level to our 7-year-old son.

Parish: Immaculate Conception - Columbia Heights
Diocese, State: St Paul and Minneapolis, MN
Media Title: God's Family and Ours: The Church and the Trinity - Avail. July 31st
Educational Value: 8Interest Value: 8

Although not on the top of my topics to listen to,I feel compelled to listen to Scott Hahn on any topic for the knowledge he has about the Church. I will be listening several times to get a clearer picture of God. Thank you so much for having all of this available on CD to put in the car to have something good to listen too. God bless.

Parish: St. Luke's - Calgary
Diocese, State: Alberta Canada
Media Title: Anger and Forgiveness
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

Exceptional !! Excellent!! First time someone explained the root problem and gave practical solutions to correct behaviors. Helps us understand others and self. A MUST for priests and religious in training as they can help even in the sacrament of Confession to guide people in conquering this behavior. Please make this universally available to the priests for their use to counsel the faithful. Also, please thank Deacon Dr. Bob McDonald for presenting this topic so well!!

Parish: Mary Our Queen – Norcross
Diocese, State: Atlanta, GA
Media Title: Understanding the Lord's Prayer
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

My eyes were opened wide. I’ll share what I have learned with others and share your website as well.

Parish: St. Joseph's Catholic Community - Eldersburg
Diocese, State: Baltimore, MD
Media Title: Why a Protestant Pastor Became Catholic
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

I think it is a great tool for those people who are scientifically minded because Dr. Hahn explains the logic behind the answers he found in the Catholic Church and the scriptural truths found in Catholicism. I think this is GREAT for those who question the Catholic Faith or have misconceptions.

Parish: Church of The Resurrection - New Albany
Diocese, State: Columbus, OH
Media Title: Defending Truth and Life
Educational Value: 9Interest Value: 10

This CD opened my eyes even more to the horror of abortion. It has inspired me to search out a way to help those women in need make the right choice.

Parish: Blessed Sacrament - Kitchener
Diocese, State: Hamilton, ON
Media Title: From Mormon Missionary to the Catholic Faith
Educational Value: 9Interest Value: 9

It educated us about the Mormon faith and inspired us to know more about our own Faith.

Parish: Saint Peter's - Forest Lake
Diocese, State: St Paul and Minneapolis, MN
Media Title: The Seven Levels of Intimacy
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10

Absolutely enjoyed this CD! It was very funny. I am going to suggest it to my parish for their Marriage Preparation course and for any marriage courses.

Parish: St. John the Evangelist - Orange county
Diocese, State: New York, NY
Media Title: The Truth
Educational Value: 10Interest Value: 10