Forensic Nurse Examiners - Interview

1 = General vague comments 2 = General remarks, asks questions/does not identify issue clearly

3 = General comments about topic 4 = Honest response, discusses issue, relates some ideas regarding topic

5 = Discusses issue clearly, in-depth, sound, creative, follows up w/ sound implementation plan or growth producing experience.

1. / Tell us a little about yourself professionally (clinical expertise).
2. / Tell me your perceptions of what you believe you will be doing in position?
3. / Describe what you believe to be the main role of a Forensic Nurse Examiner.
4. / Tell me what your long-term professional goals are?
5. / Tell me about a time when you had a stressful experience or situation in the workplace and your methods for handling it or coping with it?
6. / Tell me how you would validate your position or opinion if your knowledgeor expertise were being challenged in court.
7. / (Lead in with information about 40 hour/month minimum availability and 24 hours of that being on a weekend) The role requires on-call hours, potential for late night call-outs, extensive training, as well as court time. Describe how you will be able to meet this commitment.
8. / The training is extensive and expensive. A 2-year commitment to the program is required. Describe your ability to meet this commitment.
9. / Tell me about a time when you had a critical patient or patient with a change in status that required significant intervention and describe your interventions and the processes you used to arrive at your decisions.
10. / How would you describe your ability to handle detailed-oriented activities? Give some examples of how you have successfully handled these types of activities in the past.
11. / Public and patient education plays a large role in this position. Describe a time when you had to talk about sex or genitalia with a patient or a group. Include your level of comfort or discomfort with the topic. Describe any experience you may have had in group education or speaking.
12. / If I contacted 3 other nurses that have worked with you, both on your shift and following you, how would they describe you?
13. / If your Supervisor were sitting here in your place, what would they say about you?
14. / Describe a time when you and another co-worker or Supervisor have disagreed and how you resolved the conflict in your workplace.
15. / We have all had individual experiences that allow us to form opinions and biases. Describe an experience you have had that would require you to guard against professional bias in one way or another in this position.
16. / Administering Emergency Contraception to some of our patients is part of our protocol. Do you have any personal beliefs that would prevent you from following this protocol?
17. / Why do you think you should be selected for this position?
II Scenarios:
a. / You are assessing a patient following an assault. Your findings on the head-to-toe exam are:
  • Contusions to the right eye
  • Hematoma to the occipital area of the head
  • Bite marks to right breast
  • Left CVA tenderness and bruising from being kicked.
What further assessments, diagnostics, and nursing interventions should be considered for this patient?
b. / During the examination of an assault patient you note superficial puncture wounds and superficial cuts to both legs from a knife that was used during the attack. What interventions would be appropriate for this patient?
c. / An assault patient describes being knocked unconscious following a blow to the head. She regained consciousness, but her level of consciousness is becoming altered again as you are speaking with her. How would you proceed? Describe your immediate concerns.

Total 1 (N) 2 (M) 3 (Y)

General Impression/Comments: ______
