Lecture16: Reviewing Review and Assessment

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  1. Howregulatory review of safety analysis is performed?

a)regulatory decision should be based on independent regulatory audit calculations

b)since the safety analysis should be independently verified by the licensee, there is no need for additional regulatory audit calculations

c)the regulatory body may decide to perform a limited number of independent audit calculations for checking licensee’s submission

  1. How graded approach is applied in regulatory review and assessment?

a)the term is not relevant for the area of regulatory review and assessment

b)review and assessment is performed in several steps with increasing level of details

c)scope and level of details in review and assessment for different facilities and activities should be commensurate with the radiation risks

  1. The objective of regulatory review and assessment is to verify that

a)all relevant safety objectives, requirements and criteria are met

b)deterministic safety analysis has been performed with high quality and demonstrates sufficient safety margins

c)probabilistic analysis demonstrates that the risk expressed in terms of core damage frequency and frequency of large releases is very low

  1. What should be the relation between regulatory review and assessment and regulatory inspections?

a)these activities should be performed by different staff of the regulatory body

b)there should be effective separation between these two activities to ensure independence

c)inspections are also aimed to supplement and verify information for review and assessment and therefore both activities should be well coordinated

  1. For performing regulatory review and assessment the regulatory body should

a)have independent computer codes for safety analysis

b)have adequate number of competent staff, complemented by external support as necessary

c)fully rely on a qualified external support organization

  1. Which of the below activities is not necessarily expected from the regulatory body?

a)the regulatory body reviews safety analyses submitted by the applicant that has been independently verified

b)the regulatory body in all cases independently verifies the safety analysis submitted by the applicant

c)the regulatory body should review the completeness, consistency, correctness and compliance of the submittal

  1. What is the right statement on preparing regulatory reports on the results of review and assessment at least for major submissions?

a)it is up to the regulatory body to decide about recording the results of review and assessment

b)such reports should be produced only if requested by the applicant, because this work means an unnecessary additional workload for the regulatory work

c)safety evaluation reports are important for recording reasoning and justification of decisions so that contributing to consistency of decisions and facilitating reassessments