Test Procedures for insert project name

Test Procedures for:insert project name

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Form FM-SE-19Test Procedures Template. Effective 11/30/2015

Test Procedures for insert project name

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Table of Contents



1.2System Overview

1.2.1Key Project Milestones

1.3System Release Description

1.4Integrated Test Approach Description

1.5System Network Configuration

2Reference Documents

3Integration (or Test) Case X Test Procedures

3.1Requirements Testing

3.1.1Test Approach

3.1.2Equipment Needed Test Support Equipment

3.2Test Reporting Requirements

4Test Procedures

4.1Integration (or Test) Case 1 Test

4.1.1Integration (or Test) Subcase 1.1

4.1.2Integration (or Test) Subcase 1.2

4.1.3Integration (or Test) Subcase 1.3

4.1.4Integration (or Test) Subcase 1.n

4.2Integration (or Test) Case 2 Test

5User Definitions

List of Tables

Table 1: Title

List of Figures

Figure 1: Title

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

IC...... Integration Case

TC...... Test Case


Form FM-SE-19Test Procedures Template. Effective 11/30/2015

Test Procedures for insert project name


Introduce the reader to the subject of the document and include a brief project description. Provide a highlevel system architecture diagram and describe the major parts of it. This can be copied from the test plan.


Describe the purpose of the document, how it will be used, and the testing objective(s). This can be copied from the test plan.

1.2System Overview

Provide a description of the system and a complete highlevel system block diagram. This can be copied from the test plan.

1.2.1Key Project Milestones

List the key project milestones and a brief description of each if needed for clarity.

1.3System Release Description

Describe the parts of the system that are assembled for this particular series of tests. A system block diagram should be provided and it should relate to the system blockdiagram shown in the text plan.

1.4Integrated Test Approach Description

Describe the overall integrated test approach. This should be a summary based on the test plan description.

1.5System Network Configuration

Describe the system network configuration needed for this series of tests.

2Reference Documents

List all reference material that is used in the integration and testing plan. Do not list any documents not specifically referenced in the body of the document. The references are typically listed as a twocolumn table without showing the borders. The first column includes the document title and publishing date, while the second column includes the name and contact information for the publisher of the document. This section always starts with the caveat:

The following documents, of the exact issue shown, form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. In the event of a conflict between the documents referenced herein and the contents of this document, this document shall be considered the superseding requirement.

Include references to projectspecific Florida Department of Transportation standards and procedures used in the development of the requirements.

3Integration (or Test) Case X Test Procedures

Describe the test set up required for this series of tests. A diagram of the test set up is recommended that lists specifically what cables connect to what connectors, and what additional equipment is needed to support the testing.

3.1Requirements Testing

3.1.1Test Approach

Briefly describe the overall test approach, including the required set up and what the test process will be.

3.1.2Equipment Needed

List the equipment needed for the test. This is just a list, not a detailed explanation of the pieces. If some equipment or services are required external to the project, describe who will provide them and how they will be injected into the testing. Test Support Equipment

Describe any simulator or test data files that will be needed to conduct the testing.

3.2Test Reporting Requirements

Briefly describe the requirements for reporting test results and what process will be followed to dispose of any test anomalies (e.g., partial or complete failure to meet a requirement).

4Test Procedures

This section lists the step-by-step procedures to be followed for each test. In this template, the procedures are listed for the actual test, meaning that the first procedure will be IC 1.1 or TC 1.1.

4.1Integration (or Test) Case 1 Test

An integration case (IC) can be all in one if it is testing one functional set of requirements, or it may consist of multiple subcase tests that support the overall functional test. Keep the test procedures to a manageable size where there are a maximum of 25 to 30 steps. State the test objective for each test procedure and identify the requirements being tested.

4.1.1Integration (or Test) Subcase 1.1

Step / Procedure / Expected Result / Pass/Fail
1 / Describe the step to be taken. / Describe the expected result. / This is left blank until the test is run and then it is filled in by the test engineer.
2 / Describe the step to be taken. / Describe the expected result. / Identify the requirements that are satisfied when the expected result verifies that one or more of the requirements have been met.
N / Keep describing the steps in the procedure until the test is complete.

4.1.2Integration (or Test) Subcase 1.2

4.1.3Integration (or Test) Subcase 1.3

4.1.4Integration (or Test) Subcase 1.n

4.2Integration (or Test) Case 2 Test

Continue listing until all procedures have been included.

Table 1: Title

Figure 1: Title

5User Definitions

Version Number / Approved Date / Description of Change(s) / Created/
Modified By


Form FM-SE-19Test Procedures Template. Effective 11/30/2015