University of Minnesota Medical School
For Medical School Accountants
Non-sponsored Reporting
Last Date Reviewed: 10/7/16

There are several non-sponsored reporting options available to the Universityof Minnesota Medical School.Non-Sponsored Funds (NS) include: “Current Unrestricted Funds” such as state appropriations, tuition and fees, and internal service organization funds; “Current Restricted Funds” such as restricted state specials (Tobacco Settlement funds is an example), foundation, and other non-sponsored state or federal funds; “Plant Funds” or “Agency Funds” which includes loans, plant funds, and agency funds.

Additional detail:

U of M Central provided options:

Reporting Center: Locatedin the Reporting Center, found under the key links section in myU ( These are available to anyone with an X500. Log in using your X500 as your user name and your internet password as your password. There are several different kinds of reports that you can access via this tool.

  • Finance
  • Human Resource Management
  • Physical Asset Management
  • Research
  • Student Services

Since there are so many reports in this application, this manual will focus on the ones used most often.

  • Category: Finance>Budget Actual Management>High Level Balance Review - Chartfield String Budget Status for Current Non-Sponsored Funds - This report will give you a snapshot view of revenues, expenditures, transfers, encumbrances and balances by chartstring. It does not give detail down to account number. This report subtracts A/R (Accounts Receivable) from the ending balance. It only recognizes revenue when it is received. You can also look at any level of detail you wish by entering different parameters. For example, you can pull a report by chartstring, deptid, department, or RRC.
  • Category: Finance>Budget Actual Management>Account Level Balance Review- Account Budget Status for Current Non-Sponsored Funds – This report will give you a current balance and provides detail down to account. You can drill down on account to find the transactions that make up the total for that account. This report subtracts A/R (Accounts Receivable) from the ending balance. It only recognizes revenue when it is received. You can also look at any level of detail you wish by entering different parameters. For example, you can pull a report by chartstring, deptid, department or RRC.
  • Category: Finance>Budget Actual Management>Transactional Level Review- Transaction Detail for Current Non-Sponsored Funds – This report gives you detail transactions from EFS. You can also look at any level of detail you wish by entering different parameters. For example, you can pull a report by chartstring, deptid, department or RRC. This report also gives you the ability to drill down for PCard details, including cardholder name and emplid.
  • Category: Finance>Budget Actual Management>Transactional Level Review– Payroll Detail – This report gives you actual and encumbered salary and fringe costs per employee for the chartstring parameters entered. You can look at any level of detail you wish by entering different parameters. For example, you can pull a report by chartstring, deptid, department or RRC.
  • Category: Human Resource Management>Payroll & Time– Employee MultiYear Payroll Detail – This report will give you salary, fringe, and payroll adjustment detail for a single person. You can choose the time frame for the report and whether you want fringe and adjustments included in the detail.
  • Category: Student Services>Student Financials– Journal Detail for Student Financials – This report gives you the name, term informationand amount of tuition charged to your chartstrings. You can pull information by deptid or by specific chartstring.

Data Warehouse: This is located at This tool would only be used for ad hoc reporting as there are no canned reports in it, only data for downloading and using to make your own reports.

To get access, you must complete an online course from Training Services called Data Warehouse. The website for Training Services is located at Once the class has been completed, an ARF (Access Request Form) must be completed and turned in to Central. This form can be found in the Forms Library at

EFS (Enterprise Financial System) Reports: These reports can be found in the reporting instance of EFS. This is located under the PeopleSoft section of Key Links in myU ( There are many canned reports in the EFS system, however, this is not the best tool for producing reports. At times, the system may be slow in generating reports. In addition, there are better visual and more functional reports elsewhere.

All employees may be granted access to the EFS Reporting Instance by submitting an ARF and indicating that base level access is needed. There is an online course from Training Services called Financial Reporting and more advanced users can also take a course title Query Manager (must have RRC approval to do this). The website for Training Services is located at Once the class has been completed, an ARF (Access Request Form) must be completed and turned in to Central. This form can be found in the Forms Library(

AHC (Academic Health Center) provided options:

AHC reports are located at There are several reports located here and they all have different access requirements.

General Reports: These reports are similar to reports found in the Reporting Center. This application contains mostly balance reports at several different levels. However, some reports in this application include Accounts Receivable and that makes these reports different than the Reporting Center reports. The Medical School Dean’s Office balances these reports to the Reporting Center on a quarterly basis to ensure that they are correct. You only need an X500 to access these reports.

You will be taken to a “Superselect” screen when you click on the general reports icon. Enter the Deptid you are interested in and click save. If you run a report for a department or the entire Medical School, it will run whatever department or Medical School the Deptid is mapped to. To change Deptids at any point, click on the Superman logo on the applications tool bar and you will return to this screen.

Once you have selected your parameters, click on the menu icon. This will take you to the reporting menu. General Ledger reports mostly have balance data from EFS broken down several different ways. If there is an (AR) behind the report description, it means that outstanding Accounts Receivable is not subtracted from the ending balance. AR reports will not match reports in the Reporting Center because of this. All other reports should match reports in the Reporting Center. If they don’t, it might be a timing issue because the AHC downloads sometime takes longer to run - the AHC reports might be a day behind the Reporting Center, but usually matches by the afternoon.

A few of the more commonly used AHC reports are:

Department Level:

622.48: Chartstring balances (A/R) – Sorted and subtotaled by fund. Includes encumbrances and also A/R

-This report will return balances by department (ZDeptID), subtotaled by fund. It recognizes Accounts Receivable as part of the resources.

622.60: Balance by Fund (A/R) – Includes encumbrances and also includes A/R

-This report will return balances by department (ZDeptID), subtotaled by fund. It recognizes Accounts Receivable as part of the resources. Report is used by RRC manager to verify department quarterly fund balances are not in deficit.

DeptID Level:

720.05: Account code balance by chartstring – Sorted by fund, deptID, program. Does include encumbrances, but does not include A/R

-This report will return balances by account code within a deptID, subtotaled by fund, deptID, and program.

622.37: Chartstring balances (A/R) – Sorted and subtotaled by fund. Includes encumbrances and also A/R

-This report will return balances by deptIDsubtotaled by fund. It recognizes Accounts Receivable as part of the resources.

The Management reports option includes F085 reports and payroll reports. The F085 report is mainly used by the Dean’s Office. It takes financial data and breaks it out into very specific, defined categories. The payroll reports break down payroll into specific, defined categories. All reports default to non-sponsored reports unless additional information is entered. To run a sponsored report, you put three “X”’s in the project section of the superselect screen. To run a combined sponsored/non-sponsored report, put three “X”’s in the project box and three “X”’s in the program box in the superselect screen.

The Admin Options section allows you to manage the names on your chartstrings. This is where you go to assign names to new chartstrings or to change names on a chartstring. This will only update the AHC reports and not the Central reports.

The tool bar on the AHC reports has many icons. The button that looks like a house will take you back to the tool menu which will allow you to switch between reporting tools. The Superman logo will take you to the superselect screen which will allow you to switch report parameters. The menu button will take you to the reporting menu option. Clicking the pencil icon will run the report. The printer button will take you to a print menu. Clicking the icon with the green arrow will download the report to a csv file for you.

EFS Direct Query: This application contains a miscellaneous collection of reports. Email Bob Kessen () or Trent Rosby () to gain access to these reports.

There is a budget vs actual report that gives you information for a chart string by account. There is an Excel icon in the upper left corner of the screen for downloading the data in the report.

There are two transactional reports, one that includes capital purchases and depreciation and one that does not include those things. Again, there is an Excel icon in the upper left corner if you want to download the data from the report.

There is a Financial Oversight report that was developed by the AHC that they use for reporting at a higher level. On this report, you can click on the descriptions on the left, for example Tuition & Fees, and a pop up box will open that gives the totals of that row by account. Again, this report is downloadable as well.

The Total Payroll (by Category) report gives you total payroll for both sponsored and non-sponsored for specific, defined categories.

AHC Data Warehouse: The benefit to using the AHC Data Warehouse is that the detail data is all in one table already for you. To get access, find out who your Data Warehouse point person is from your department and have them print off and sign an access form for you. This must also be signed by the RRC manager of the Medical School. It is then sent to AHC-IT and you will be set up with access to the AHC Data Warehouse.

The Data Warehouse has a user’s manual under the manual tab. It explains in detail how to use the reporting tool. It will show you how to use the tool and should answer any questions you have.

ART: This is an interactive reporting application created by the AHC which allows you to customize reports. ART is located at E-mail Trent Rosby () for access to these reports.

Most departments do use ART for reporting to faculty and management, but it is not required.

HRTS: This is an HR reporting tool that has HR and payroll information. This application is separate from the other AHC reporting applications and is located at Contact Shannon Luloff() for access to this application.

You can search for an employee by clicking on the Empl Search button. This will give you salary and employment information for an individual.

The Reports button will give you access too many reports at AHC, College, ZDeptID. Employee, or Chartstring level.