Test Preparation Review
Chapter 9
The Impact of Science and the Concept of Health on the Theoretical and Professional Development of American Physical Education: 1885-1930
To help prepare for exams, review the concepts and answer the questions listed here.
Why were Americans especially concerned with health during this era?
Characteristics of Health-identify the characteristics / behaviors that were measures of health
Health Reform - Alternatives to Conventional Medicine
Impact of Middle Class Values on Society
Development of Professions
November 27, 1885 - Significance of Meeting
Who attended? What professions were represented?
Battle of Systems
Arguments/Pro & Con
Catherine Beecher - System for Women
What was her approach?
Dio Lewis
What did he contribute?
Understand the difficulty the early leaders of physical education had in establishing a credible theory base for physical education.
What were some of the problems - issues that were debated?
American Association for the Advancement of P.E. (AAAPE)
Dr. William G. Anderson
19th Century Reform Movements Impact on Development of P.E.
Methods and Goals of P.E. During 19th Century
W. Wundt
Nature of Will - Connection to Body and Health
Rationale for Justification of P.E. - mind/body, education, health, well being, etc.
Status of Biology during this time. How did biology impact the development of physical education and sports?
Charles Darwin and the Impact of Evolution on P.E.
Jay Seaver's influence
Neurasthenia and how it could be cured
George M. Beard
Randolph Fairies
Exercise and mental ability
Women, Health, P.E. How are the three related? Who contributed and how?
Why were women especially encouraged to exercise?
Dr. Angelo Mosso
Mary E. Allen
Allen Gymnasium in Boston - Contributions?
Beliefs of Dr. Edward Clark
Delphine Hanna
Clelia Mosher
Anthropometric Measurement - What does anthropometry measure and how does it contribute to the scientific development of physical education and exercise? Influence of Darwin?
Dr. Dudley Sargent - M.D.
William T. Potter
Edward Hitchcock - M.D.
How was anthropometric measurement flawed relative to research conclusions?
Reform of P.E., Was P.E. subject to various reforms? Cause and people involved.
Dr. George Fitz
Dr. Edward Hartwell
The Professional Preparation of Early Teacher Training Schools for Physical Educators - Normal Schools and Private Schools
German Gymnastics Impact and Influence of German Turners
Friedrich Jahn
German Turner's and their contributions to the development of physical education in America
Turner teacher training schools - Curriculum?
North American Gymnastic Union
Swedish system of Per Ling - Describe the exercises.
Baron Nils Posse - what did he want to accomplish?
Dudley Sargent's Harvard Summer School of Physical Education
Sargent Normal School of Physical Education
Luther H. Gullick, M.D. - YMCA
William G. Anderson's Chautaugua Summer School
What was the curriculum?
John Swett - Superintendant of Public Instruction in California
California and P.E. - Laws
Professional standards for physical educators
Four year degree - BA or BS in Physical Education - What colleges offered this degree?
Test Preparation 9-1