Test Case Document CC4GTI

Test Case
Version 1.0
Document Information
Document Sign Off
Project Manager / Mr.INAMULLAH
Development Team
(OAM&P) / Muhammad Tayyab
QA Engineer / Muhammad Zeeshan
Document Information
Version # / 1.0
Revision Date / July 17, 2008
Prepared By

Product Overview

Network Management system is an essential part of IMS. 3GPP has standardized some key components and interfaces of a network management solution for IMS. These are collectively known as Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM & P) sub-system. Three categories or classes of management information have been defined by 3GPP for IMS these are

1.  Configuration Management.

2.  Performance Management.

3.  Fault Management.

Interfaces have been defined for each category between information gathering agent (Element Manger) and information requesting and processing agent (Network Manager). These interfaces are called Integration Reference Points (IRP).

The OAM&P will provide implementation of Configuration Management, Performance Management and Fault Management IRPs defined by 3GPP for the above mentioned components of IMS.


This document serves as a guideline for the methodology to be utilized in the testing process, whether automated or manual, generating test cases, defect documentation and reporting. This plan discusses the approach to be adopted by the QA team with the responsibilities of each group involved in the following chapters.

Testing Process

o  Learning the Application.

o  Exploratory Testing to understand Application in more detail.

o  Smoke, Functionality, Performance, Load, Conformance Testing.

o  Run the Test Cases.

o  Tracking the Bugs.

o  Bugs Reporting.

o  Retesting.

Table of Contents

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Test Case Document CC4GTI

1. Introduction 1

1.1 Purpose and Scope of Document 1

2. Document Used as Input 1

3. Testing Strategy/Approach 1

3.1 Functional Testing 1

4. Test Cases 1

4.1 Agent Test Cases 1

4.1.1 Functional Tests 1

4.1.2 MIB Tests 4

4.1.3 Behavioral Tests 6

4.1.4 SNMP Security Tests 10

4.1.5 Compliance Tests 12

4.1.6 Trap Validation Tests 14

4.1.7 Configuration Tests 16

4.2 Manager Test Cases Error! Bookmark not defined.

5. Hardware Requirements for testing 18

5.1 Software Requirements for testing 18

6. Test Report Form (Sample) 18

7. References 19

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Test Case Document CC4GTI

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Test Case Document CC4GTI

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Test Case Document CC4GTI

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Test Case Document CC4GTI

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Test Case Document CC4GTI

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Test Case Document CC4GTI


1.1 Purpose and Scope of Document

The purpose of this document is to describe and document the test cases for the OAMP Project. This Document only documents the test cases for black box/functional testing. The test cases included in this document cover the various SNMP based scenario for network management operations.

2. Document Used as Input

Software requirement specification document is used as input for writing the test cases of OAM&P System.

3.Testing Strategy/Approach

The testing strategy used for this project is white box testing black box testing, regression testing, compliance testing and interoperability testing. The white box testing will be performed by the development team. The black box testing strategy and other testing strategies are the responsibility of QA team. The test cases for black box testing strategy are documented in the current document. Other strategies will require some compliance tools and third party applications that will be used by QA team. One such test suite is netSnmp agent called snmpd, MIB Parsing and Browsing, Validating tool called MIBBLE. The QA team has customized and configured netSnmp based snmpd agent for testing of OAM&P agent compliance and the OAM&P Management. The MIBBLE and SNMPD test tools can be found in the OAM&P folder on the CD delivered with this milestone.

3.1 Functional Testing

Functional testing is requirement based testing. Tests verify that the system behaves correctly from the user / business perspective and functions are according to the requirements, models or any other design paradigm used to specify the application.

4. Test Cases

Product: OAM&P Version 1.0

4.1 Agent Test Cases

4.1.1 Functional Tests

Test Case # 1

Test Case Name / Checking the handling of Get Command for an integer value
Test Case ID / 00001
Scenario / snmpget command will be used to get the prior saved or the default value of an integer node in the MIB.
Purpose / To verify the get integer functionality of the agent.
Pre-requisite / Following are pre-requisite:
o  agent must be running
o  MIB must be configured with agent
Input Data / Input to the snmpget command will be the MIB name and node or the complete OID, following command can be used for the above purpose:
snmpget -v 3 -u wes -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A passphrase localhost PM-CSCF-IMS-MIB::regProcedureAttempt.0
Steps / Issue the snmpget command and observed the results.
Post Condition / The value of said OID is received
Expected Results / PM-CSCF-IMS-MIB::regProcedureAttempt.0 = INTEGER: 0

Test Case # 2

Test Case Name / Checking the handling of Set Command for an integer value
Test Case ID / 00002
Scenario / snmpset command will be used to set the value of an integer node/OID in the MIB.
Purpose / To verify the set integer functionality of the agent.
Pre-requisite / Following are pre-requisite:
o  agent must be running
o  MIB must be configured with agent
Input Data / Input to the snmpset command will be the MIB name and node or the complete OID and the new value to be assigned to that OID, following command can be used for the above purpose:
snmpset -v 3 -u wes -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A passphrase localhost PM-CSCF-IMS-MIB::regProcedureAttempt.0 = 25000
Steps / Issue the snmpset command and observed the results.
Post Condition / New value is set and received back as well
Expected Results / PM-CSCF-IMS-MIB::regProcedureAttempt.0 = INTEGER: 25000

Test Case # 3

Test Case Name / Checking the handling of Get Command for a string value
Test Case ID / 00003
Scenario / snmpget command will be used to get the prior saved or the default value of a string node in the MIB.
Purpose / To verify the get string functionality of the agent.
Pre-requisite / Here we are taking an example value for now, which may later be replaced with actual string value, Following are pre-requisite:
o  agent must be running
o  MIB must be configured with agent
Input Data / Input to the snmpget command will be the MIB name and node or the complete OID, following command can be used for the above purpose:
snmpget -v 3 -u wes -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A passphrase localhost TEST-EXAMPLE-IMS-MIB::stringVal.0
Steps / Issue the snmpget command and observed the results.
Post Condition / The value of said OID is received
Expected Results / TEST-EXAMPLE-IMS-MIB::stringVal.0 = STRING: "This is a Test Value Saved In The Example String OID"

Test Case # 4

Test Case Name / Checking the handling of Set Command for a string value
Test Case ID / 00004
Scenario / snmpset command will be used to set the new value of a string node in the MIB.
Purpose / To verify the set string functionality of the agent.
Pre-requisite / Here we are taking an example value for now, which may later be replaced with actual string value, Following are pre-requisite:
o  agent must be running
o  MIB must be configured with agent
Input Data / Input to the snmpset command will be the MIB name and node or the complete OID and the value, following command can be used for the above purpose:
snmpset -v 3 -u wes -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A passphrase localhost TEST-EXAMPLE-IMS-MIB::stringVal.0 s "New Value to be set in string example OID"
Steps / Issue the snmpset command and observed the results.
Post Condition / New value is set and received back as well
Expected Results / TEST-EXAMPLE-IMS-MIB::stringVal.0 = STRING: "New Value to be set in string example OID"

4.1.2 MIB Tests

Test Case # 5

Test Case Name / Checking the handling of MIB Syntax Parsing
Test Case ID / 00005
Scenario / Mibble is used for MIB syntax parsing and to observe the results for error messages.
Purpose / To verify the MIB syntax by parsing them with Mibble.
Pre-requisite / MIB file/s at the prescribed path.
Input Data / Use the command like following (Mibble):
./MibbleValidator.sh /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/PM-IMS-MIB.txt
Steps / Issue the MibbleValidate command and observed the results.
Post Condition / Validity of MIB syntax can be observed.
Expected Results / Using environment variables:
Reading /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/PM-IMS-MIB.txt... [OK]
Files processed: 1
with errors: 0
with warnings: 0

Test Case # 6

Test Case Name / Checking the handling of MIB Browser
Test Case ID / 00006
Scenario / Mibble is used for MIB browsing, which provides an easy interface for accessing the MIB values.
Purpose / To verify and the evaluate the MIB accessing procedure through an easy interface for this purpose Mibble is used a s test bed.
Pre-requisite / MIB file/s at the prescribed path.
Input Data / Use the command like following (Mibble):
./MibbleBrowser.sh /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/PM-IMS-MIB.txt
Steps / Issue the MibbleBrowser command and the specified MIB can be accessed through the given interface.
Post Condition / MIB can be accessed through the interface (get/set)
Expected Results / We will observe an easy interface opened for accessing the MIB.

Test Case # 7

Test Case Name / Checking the handling translate command for translation of MIB Node success
Test Case ID / 00007
Scenario / To verify the integrity of MIB in the agent, translate command will be used for verification of the same.
Purpose / To verify that our MIBs have been integrated with the agen and are accessible through the agent.
Pre-requisite / A MIB file at the prescribed path.
Environment variable is set: export MIBS=+MY-MIB
Input Data / Name of specific MIB Node in the MIB.
Use the command like following (SNMPv3):
snmptranslate -On PM-CSCF-IMS-MIB::sctpSessionFailed
Steps / Issue the translate command and observed the results.
Post Condition / OID of the said node is received
Expected Results / Expected results are as following, the Node name will be converted into the OID

Test Case # 8

Test Case Name / Checking the handling translate command for translation of MIB Node failure
Test Case ID / 00008
Scenario / To verify the integrity of MIB in the agent, translate command will be used for verification of the same.
Purpose / To verify that our MIBs have been integrated with the agen and are accessible through the agent.
Pre-requisite / MIB file is not copied at the prescribed path.
Environment variable is set or not: export MIBS=+MY-MIB
Input Data / Name of specific MIB Node in the MIB.
Use the command like following (SNMPv3):
snmptranslate -On PM-CSCF-IMS-MIB::sctpSessionFailed
Steps / Issue the translate command and observed the results.
Post Condition / Error with “Unknown Object Identifier” is received
Expected Results / No log handling enabled - turning on stderr logging
Cannot find module (PM-CSCF-IMS-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
PM-CSCF-IMS-MIB::sctpSessionFailed: Unknown Object Identifier

Test Case # 9

Test Case Name / Checking the handling translate command for MIB structure translation
Test Case ID / 00009
Scenario / To verify the MIB structure in the agent, translate command will be used for verification of the same.
Purpose / To verify that our MIBs have been integrated with the agen and are accessible through the agent.
Pre-requisite / All the top level MIB files at the prescribed path.
Environment variable is set: export MIBS=+MY-MIB
Input Data / Input will be the top node of IMS MIB structure.
Use the command like following (SNMPv3):
snmptranslate -Tp ADV-IMS-MIB::advIMS
Steps / Issue the translate command and observed the results.
Post Condition / Top level structure of IMS MIBs is received
Expected Results / advIMS(25000)

4.1.3 Behavioral Tests

Test Case # 10

Test Case Name / Checking the handling of Get command for configured MIB
Test Case ID / 00010
Scenario / This test case will enable us to check that our required MIB is configured with the agent or not.
Purpose / To verify the MIB configuration.
Pre-requisite / Following are pre-requisite:
o  agent must be running
o  MIB must be configured with agent
Input Data / Input to the snmpget command will be the MIB name and node or the complete OID, following command can be used for the above purpose:
snmpget -v 3 -u wes -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A passphrase localhost PM-CSCF-IMS-MIB::regProcedureAttempt.0
Steps / Issue the snmpget command and observed the results for availability of MIB configuration.
Post Condition / Value of the said OID is received
Expected Results / PM-CSCF-IMS-MIB::regProcedureAttempt.0 = INTEGER: 0

Test Case # 11

Test Case Name / Checking the handling of Get command for UnConfigured MIB
Test Case ID / 00011
Scenario / This test case will enable us to check that our required MIB is configured with the agent or not.
Purpose / To verify the MIB configuration.
Pre-requisite / Following are pre-requisite:
o  agent must be running
Input Data / Input to the snmpget command will be the MIB name and node or the complete OID, following command can be used for the above purpose:
snmpget -v 3 -u wes -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A passphrase localhost PM-HSS-IMS-MIB::authAttempt.0
Steps / Issue the snmpget command and observed the results for availability of MIB configuration.
Post Condition / Error message with “Unknown Object Identifier” is received
Expected Results / Cannot find module (PM-HSS-IMS-MIB): At line 0 in (none)
PM-HSS-IMS-MIB::authAttempt.0: Unknown Object Identifier

Test Case # 12

Test Case Name / Checking the handling of Get command when agent is not running
Test Case ID / 00012
Scenario / We will issue a get request to evaluate the response of agent in case it is not running.
Purpose / This test case will enables us to check that if the agent is up or not, is the agent running or not, or more specifically its listening or not.
Pre-requisite / No specific pre-requisite for this test.
Input Data / Input to the snmpget command will be the MIB name and node or the complete OID, following command can be used for the above purpose:
snmpget -v 3 -u wes -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A passphrase localhost PM-CSCF-IMS-MIB::regProcedureAttempt.0
Steps / Issue the snmpget command and observed the results.
Post Condition / Error message with “timeout” is received
Expected Results / snmpget: Timeout

Test Case # 13