Test Plan and Cases (TPC) Version 2.0 Version no x.xx

Test Plan and Cases

Improving Thai CDC

Establishing a New Client/Donor/Partner Communications & Project Tracking Tool

Team #: 01

Team Members & Roles

Name / Primary/Secondary Role
Brandon Foster / IIV & V/Quality Focal Point/Implementation Team
Charles Muckenthaler / IIV & V/Quality Focal Point
Ding Li / Life Cycle Planner/Software Architect
Yi Li / Feasibility Analyst/Tester/Requirements Engineer
Ino Mantaring / Prototyper/ Builder/ Requirements Engineer
Vishal Punjabi / Operational Concept Engineer/Implementation Team/Prototyper
Katelyn Swift-Spong / Project Manager/Implementation Team/Operational Concept Engineer


Version History

Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale /
10/24/11 / YL / 1.0 / ·  Original test plan and test cases / ·  Initial draft for test plan and test cases
11/21/11 / DL / 2.0 / ·  Bugs fixed / ·  For TRR

Table of Contents

Test Plan and Cases (TPC) i

Version History ii

Table of Contents iii

Table of Tables iv

Table of Figures v

1. Introduction 6

2. Test Strategy and Preparation 7

2.1 Hardware preparation 7

2.2 Software preparation 7

2.3 Other pre-test preparations 7

2.4 Requirements Traceability 7

3. Test Identification 8

3.1 Test Identifier 8

3.2 Test Identifier 10

4. Resources and schedule 11

4.1 Resources 11

4.2 Staffing and Training Needs 11

4.3 Schedule 11


ATPC_TRR_F11a_T01.V2.0.doc Version Date: 11/21/11

1 Table of Contents

Table of Tables

Table 1: Requirements Traceability Matrix 8

Table 2: TC-01-01 Check report completeness 9

Table 3: TC-01-02 Check report correctness 9

Table 4: Testing Schedule 11


ATPC_TRR_F11a_T01.V2.0.doc Version Date: 11/21/11

1 Table of Contents

Table of Figures

Figure 1: <Figure Title> 21


ATPC_TRR_F11a_T01.V2.0.doc Version Date: 11/21/11

Test Plan and Cases (TPC) Version 2.0

1.  Introduction

The purpose of this document is to specify how the new system will be tested. The document will be used to help identify the requirements to test the system, for example what type of hardware or software would be needed for testing. The document will also address what type of procedure will be used to test the system. Also will the test be a software test or performance test. Will the test be checking for performance or errors or some other factor? The requirements that will be met by the system will need to be tested so test cases for each requirement will be laid out. It will also include the test completion criteria to identify what is the expected result of a successful test case.

2.  Test Strategy and Preparation

The project’s test strategy is using Requirements-test traceability.

2.1  Hardware preparation

The only hardware that will be necessary for the testing will be a computer connected to the internet.The only other hardware requirement is that the computer must have enough hard drive space to store the data exported from Salesforce.The size of this data file is estimated to be smaller than 1GB.

2.2  Software preparation

The main software that will be necessary for the testing will be Salesforce, the cloud-based CRM that is being used in the system.Because Salesforce is a cloud-based system, testing for browser support will require all of the latest versions of the major web browsers including Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.An email system, probably Gmail, will also be needed to test the mass mailing functionality.The export functionality will require either Excel or Matlab in order to look at the exported data file.The default security and privacy on these systems will be sufficient for testing.

2.3  Other pre-test preparations

In order to perform the test, the internet connection needs to be fast enough for easy browsing with Salesforce (less than 2 seconds response time for simple page navigation).

2.4  Requirements Traceability

Table 1 is a Requirements Verification Matrix specifying how each requirement from SID will be verified either by Testing, Demonstration, Analysis, Simulation, Inspection, etc.

Table 1: Requirements Traceability Matrix

Requirement ID / Verification Type / Test Case ID (if applicable)
OC-1: Filter contacts based on donation history (date donated, amount donated, and to what events donated) / Testing / TC-01: Filter contacts
OC-2: Manage and Provide clients partners and donors information specific to interests including upcoming events, fundraisers, and functions / Testing / TC-02: Provide clients partners and donors information
TC-09:add information
OC-4: Ability to export data so that it can be backed up and/or migrated to a different server / Testing / TC-03: Export data
OC-5: The system should afford different levels of access to users (e.g. managers, interns, supervisors, etc...) / Testing / TC-04: Different levels of access
OC-6: Efficient control of event management including sending out email invites for events. / Testing / TC-06: mass mailing
OC-7: In addition to CRM the system will have newsletter/mass-mailing capabilities, but this is secondary to CRM. / Testing / TC-06: Newsletter/mass-mailing
OC-8: Want a system with the primary goal of cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) / Demonstration
OC-9: Project tracking utility should have most of the fields depicted in Alex's (Thai CDC client) project tracking sketch. / Testing / TC-05: project tracking
OC-10: Ability to add categories and associate contacts to that particular category / Testing / TC-07: Add categories and associate contacts to that category
LOS-1: System should allow for at least 10 users to have access at the same time / Simulation
LOS-2: System that will handle/manage at least 4000 contacts; this is the current size of our database; memory constraint is 1G for Salesforce. / Simulation
LOS-3: Want after hours access to the CRM database to be in "constant" contact with clients, donors, stakeholders, etc. / Demonstration
LOS-5: Default CRM security is okay / Inspection
CO-2: The tool should be supported by the following browsers (latest stable release): Firefox, IE, Safari, and Chrome / Testing / TC-08: Browser support

3.  Test Identification

3.1  TC-01: Filter Contacts

Filter contacts based on donation history (date donated, amount donated, and to what events donated).

3.1.1  Test Level

Software item level

3.1.2  Test Class

Erroneous test since we want to check if we are able to correctly filter through the contacts to find the contacts that we are looking for based on the amount that was donated and when the donation was made.

3.1.3  Test Completion Criteria

The test for filtering contacts will be completed when

-The system generates a correct list of contacts based on amount donated

-The system generates a correct list of contacts based on date donated

3.1.4  Test Cases

Table 2: TC-01-01 Check contact filter correctness based on amount donated

Test Case Number / TC-01-01 Check contact filter correctness based on amount donated
Test Item / This test case involves checking if the correct sets of contacts are returned when filtering contacts on the amount donated
Test Priority / M
Pre-conditions / Contact information should be already entered in the system with the amount of donation that is made by each contact. In addition there should be a filter that should allow filtering the contacts based on the donation amount.
Post-conditions / A list of contacts along with the amount they donated should be displayed that successfully meet the donation amount filter criteria.
Input Specifications / 1.  select condition ”larger than 0”
2.  select condition “larger than 1000”
3.  select condition “less than 0”
Expected Output Specifications / In first input, its should be:
Donor name: Joe John, amount:$100
Donor name: Tommy Trojan, amount:$1000
Donor name: Jane John amount:$1000000000
In second input, it should be:
Donor name: Jane John amount:$ 1000000000
In third input, it should be nothing
Pass/Fail Criteria / Expected output shows on the screen
Assumptions and Constraints / Assumption is that if a contact has not made a donation then it is treated as zero.
Dependencies / TC-09-01, TC-08
Traceability / WC_974

Table 3: TC-01-02 Check contact filter correctness based on date donated

Test Case Number / TC-01-02 Check contact filter correctness based on date donated
Test Item / This test case involves checking if the correct sets of contacts are returned when filtering contacts on the date donated
Test Priority / M
Pre-conditions / Contact information should be already entered in the system with the amount of donation that is made by each contact. In addition there should be a filter that should allow filtering the contacts based on the date donated.
Post-conditions / A list of contacts that successfully met the donation date specified as the filter criteria
Input Specifications / 1.  select condition ”donated before today”
2.  select condition “donation expected in future”
3.  select condition “donation before 1984“
Expected Output Specifications / For the first condition, it should be:
1.  Donor name: Joe John, amount:$100,date:11/15/2011
2.  Donor name: Tommy Trojan, amount:$1000, date:11/15/2010
For the second condition, it should be:
1.  Donor name: Jane John amount:$ 1000000000, date:11/15/2020
For the third condition, there should be nothing
Pass/Fail Criteria / Expected output shows on the screen
Assumptions and Constraints / Assumption is that all donations have a donation date associated with them
Dependencies / TC-09-01,TC-09-02,TC-08
Traceability / WC_974
3.2  TC-02: Provide clients partners and donors information

Provide clients partners and donors information specific to categories including upcoming events, fundraisers, and functions

3.2.1  Test Level

Software item level

3.2.2  Test Class

Erroneous test since we want to check if we are able to correctly target clients or donors that we are looking for based on specific categories.

3.2.3  Test Completion Criteria

The test for filtering contacts will be completed when

-The system successfully sends information about upcoming events, fundraisers and functions based on categories of the clients or donors.

3.2.4  Test Cases

Table 4: TC-02-01 Provide information to clients or donors that is specific to categories

Test Case Number / TC-02-01 Provide information to clients or donors that is specific to categories
Test Item / This test case involves checking if the clients or donors are informed about upcoming events, fundraisers and functions based on specific categories
Test Priority / M
Pre-conditions / Contact information should be already entered in the system with the amount of donation that is made by each contact. In addition there should be a filter that should an option to inform clients or donors about upcoming events, fundraisers and function dependent on their categories.
Post-conditions / Clients or donors receive information about upcoming events, fundraisers and functions that is relevant to their categories
Input Specifications / 1.  Input filter condition “category A”
2.  Input filter condition “category B”
3.  Input filer condition “category C”
Expected Output Specifications / For the first condition, , and should get a email.
For the second condition, should get an email
For the third condition, no one should get email
Pass/Fail Criteria / Send information to contact correctly
Assumptions and Constraints / Assumption is that some upcoming events and fundraisers/functions are associated with categories
Dependencies / TC-09-01 TC-07-02,TC-08
Traceability / WC_960
3.3  TC-03: Export data

TC-03: Export data. This test case refers to testing the system’s ability to export data so that it can be backed up and/or migrated to a different server.

3.3.1  Test Level

Testing for this will be performed at the software item level.

3.3.2  Test Class

The type of testing that will be done for this test identifier will be an erroneous test. This type of testing is useful because we need to know if backing up the data works or gives some type of error.

3.3.3  Test Completion Criteria

The test for exporting data will be complete when:

·  All of the data stored in the system related to contacts and project outcomes is exported in a standard file format such as CSV.

The exported data is saved on a local computer.

3.3.4  Test Cases

Table 5: TC-03-01 Check export function

Test Case Number / TC-03-01 Check export function
Test Item / This test case involves checking that the system can export data to a file that can be saved locally.
Test Priority / M
Pre-conditions / There must be some data in the system. Preferably this will be tested with all of the client’s current contact data in the system.
Post-conditions / After performing the test, a file must be exported and saved on a local machine.
Input Specifications / Click on export
Expected Output Specifications / A file of data will be generated
Pass/Fail Criteria / -A file with data from the system was generated.
Assumptions and Constraints / Assuming there is an internet connection strong enough for this type of data download
Dependencies / TC-09-01, TC-09-02,TC-09-03,TC-07-01, TC-07-02,TC-04-01,TC-08
Traceability / WC_213

Table 6: TC-03-02 Check export format

Test Case Number / TC-03-02 Check export format
Test Item / This test item will be check that the exported file is in a standard format such as csv.
Test Priority / S
Pre-conditions / There must be data in the system, and the data must be exported.
Post-conditions / The data must be viewable by some program such as excel that is used to view data in standard tabular formats.
Input Specifications / The data file exported from Salesforce.
Expected Output Specifications / Following data should be displayed in screen
1.  Contact name: Joe John, phone:555-555-5555,male, Category: A, email:
2.  Contact name: Tommy Trojan, phone:666-666-6666,male, Category: A, email:
3.  Contact name: Jane John, phone:777-777-777,female, Category: B,
4.  Donor name: Joe John, amount:$100,date:11/15/2011
5.  Donor name: Tommy Trojan, amount:$1000, date:11/15/2010
6.  Donor name: Jane John amount:$ 1000000000(to test over flow), date:11/15/2020(as expected date)
7.  Project id: 001, start date: 11/21/2011
8.  Project id: 002, start date: 11/11/2010
9.  Project id: 003, start date: 11/21/2020
Pass/Fail Criteria / -The data is in a standard tabular format
Assumptions and Constraints / Assuming there is a data file
Dependencies / TC-03-01 Check export function
Traceability / WC_213
3.4  TC-04: Different levels of access

TC-04: Different levels of access. The system should afford different levels of access to users (e.g. managers, interns, supervisors, ect.)