Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program News:
v The next Tobacco Coordinators conference call is tomorrow September 11th, 2012 at 9:30am EST. The topic will be the BRFSS data release.
Call-in Information
For audio please use the following call-in information: 1-866-889-3903 passcode 515701#
To access Live Meeting use the following link: (after opening link click “Join” when prompted)
v 2012 KTPC Monday Memos and 2012 Tobacco Coordinator Conference Call presentations have been archived on the Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Website. They can be accessed in Coordinator Tools.
Follow this link to access archived items:
Action Items:
v Tobacco Program staff are reviewing Catalyst entries. Comments are on the Contract Status screen. Please make any necessary additions or corrections.
v Please ensure that all contact information has been completed in Catalyst and is correct. Fill out contact person and FTE under “Contract-The Basics” (see attached screen shot).
v The Tobacco Program would like to extend our sincere thanks to two Local Health Departments and their key staff for invaluable assistance with a “StoryCorp” project that we implemented at this year’s State Fair booth.
· Angela Brumley-Shelton and the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department for assistance manning the booth. Angela did an excellent job encouraging tobacco users who visited the booth to prepare to quit and promoting relapse counseling for former tobacco users.
· Ellie Schweizer and the Jefferson County Health Department for tremendous recruitment efforts for “StoryCorp.” Ellie sent out a call to action to her cessation facilitators, and we had seven former smokers tell their story on videotape to encourage and support others
Local/State News:
v Upcoming Smoke-free Kentucky Coalition Call (see below for details).
What is it?
Calls to update coalition partners (individuals, businesses, community organizations) about what is happening with the Smoke-free Kentucky Campaign.
When is the call?
Thursday, November 08, 2012 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
What is the call-in number?
Call 877-366-0711
Pass code 56658420
v UNITE CTG-Kentucky Team in collaboration with the Kentucky Department for Public Health is sponsoring five regional health forums. These meetings will provide information and solicit input from attendees on strategies that will improve the health of Kentuckians. Everyone is invited to attend and participate. See attached brochure for additional information.
National News:
v “Back-To-School” Feature Article. CDC feature article for use in tobacco control communications activities. It provides information about the harms of tobacco use and provides tips on how to help prevent initiation and keep children tobacco-free. The target audience isparents and caring adults who work with youth.
v NYC Giving Free Nicotine Patches, Gum: More than 846,000 Americans are living with cancer caused by smoking, according to the Health Department. To help New Yorkers quit the habit, the city launched an ad campaign Wednesday, called Suffering Every Minute, in collaboration with the New York State Smokers’ Quitline. Through the campaign, the city is offering nicotine replacement therapy at no cost through Sept. 20.
For More Information:
v Russian Ban on Public Smoking to Go To Parliament by Nov. 1: Russia will submit a law banning smoking in public places to parliament by Nov. 1, defying opposition from leading cigarette makers Philip Morris International Inc. (PM) and British American Tobacco Plc. (BATS). “Selling cigarettes is basically illegal if we look at it from the point of view of protecting consumer rights,” Deputy Health Minister Sergei Velmiaikin told reporters today in Moscow.
For More Information:
v Think About the Future. Does it Include Quitting Smoking? It makes sense: Smokers who think more about the future are more likely to quit, a study suggests. Research has long shown that smokers are less likely than nonsmokers to make long-term plans. Now a study from the journal Addiction published Wednesday looks at the issue from another perspective.
For More Information:,0,2942377.story
v Trying to Quit Smoking? Patches, Drugs Help, Study Says: Trying to stop smoking? Smokers have considerably more success when they use nicotine patches or prescription medications than when they try to go it alone, an international study found.
For More Information:
v Teen Obesity Linked to Mom’s Smoking in Pregnancy: Study: New research suggests how smoking during pregnancy may increase a child’s risk of obesity during adolescence. Children born to mothers who smoked while pregnant show structural changes in their brains, which make them more partial to fatty foods and prone to subsequent weight problems, the study found.
For More Information:
v Popular Students Still Exert Peer Pressure to Smoke, Study Suggests: The most popular students are more likely than their classmates to smoke cigarettes, according to a study of teenagers at seven predominantly Hispanic/Latino high schools in California.
For More Information:
v War on Tobacco Reaches College Campuses
See the video at:
Other Items of Interest:
v Cigarettes Contain Surprising Ingredients, Documents Reveal: Tobacco industry documents, available online, reveal that cigarettes contain a wide array of additives, some of them surprising. They include cocoa, licorice, urea, and prune juice, according to The Wall Street Journal.
For More Information:
v Experts Warn That E-Cigarettes Can Damage The Lungs: A new study, presented today at the European Respiratory Society’s Annual Congress in Vienna, has added new evidence to the debate over the safety of alternative nicotine-delivery products.
For More Information:
v See attached flyer for webinars coordinated through HealthCare Excel
v Announcement via webcast: Tobacco-free College Campus Initiative: September 12, 2012 at 3:00 pm Eastern Time: Dr. Howard Koh, the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will be present at the University of Michigan School of Public Health to announce a national initiative to eliminate tobacco use on college campuses. Dr. Koh will be joined by University of Michigan President Mary Sue Coleman and tobacco policy experts and educational leaders from the across the country. For those who are unable to attend the event in person on the UM campus, a web-based simulcast will be available to the public, beginning live at 3:00 p.m., at The webcast will be archived for later viewing on the website. Click here to learn more.
v The Smoking Cessation Leadership Center (SCLC) and Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) are pleased to invite you to a free webinar, “Thirdhand Smoke: Clinical and Policy Approaches,” on September 27, 2012 at 1pm Eastern Time (90 minutes). We are honored to have Jonathan Winickoff, MD, MPH, FAAP, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Center for Child and Adolescent Health Policy, present on this topic.
Webinar objectives:
Provide a brief overview of secondhand and thirdhand smoke
Learn ways to promote a smoke-free home and work environment
Discuss strategies providers can use to address exposure to both secondhand and thirdhand smoke among patients
Register now! Space is limited. Visit the SCLC website to register.
v The National Association of Local Boards of Health (NALBOH) is hosting a webinar entitled "Leveraging Partnerships to Promote Tobacco Prevention and Control at the State, Local, and Tribal Levels." Presenters from Utah will discuss how state and local health department tobacco prevention staff worked for 18 months to jointly redefine relationships and a statewide strategic plan. Presenters from Oklahoma will highlight lessons learned on building a strong partnership between a tribal nation, a local tobacco control program, and the state health department. The webinar will be held Monday, September 17 from 3-4:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Register HERE