Test on Dosh

1. What is the principle of the Melacha of Dosh?

2. List the basic cases of the Av Melacha of Dosh and next to each one explain why it is an Av.

3. List the basic cases of the Toldah of Dosh and explain why each one is a Toldah.

4. List the Rabbinical Fences in the Melacha of Dosh and explain why chazal made each one.

5. Is it assur to remove peas from a pod on Shabbos if they had already become detached inside the pod?

6. What if the pod is edible?

7. What are the 3 basic opinions on how to explain the issur d’orysa of squeezing fruits on Shabbos?

8. What are the 3 basic opinions on squeezing fruits onto food on Shabbos?

9. What are the 2 basic opinions on squeezing cooked or pickled vegetables for their liquid?

10. What are the 3 basic opinions on squeezing cooked or pickled vegetables when you don’t want the liquid?

11. What is the halacha lemaseh in questions 6-9?

12. What conditions must be present in order to use the heter of squeezing fruits onto food?

13. Can you suck juice out of fruits on Shabbos?

14. What Melacha is transgressed when you squeeze liquid out of a cloth?

15. Is the squeezing out of liquid from a cloth an issur d’orysa or derabanan when you want the liquid?

16. What level of issur is it when the liquid goes to waste?

17. What is the issur of squeezing liquid out of a synthetic cloth?

18. What is the halacha lemaseh in questions 14-17?

19. What Melacha is transgressed when milking a cow?

20. What is the shiur of Dosh?

21. Explain the difference between the Melacha of Dosh and Boreir.

22. Explain why you are allowed to peel fruits and vegetables as far as the Melacha of Dosh is concerned (give both approaches and the minhag lemaseh).

23. Is there a heter to do the Melacha of Dosh for immediate consumption?

24. Are there any exceptions to this rule?

25. List the types of connections that have an issur Dosh,

26. Does Dosh apply to things that are not Gidulei Karkah?

27. Lemaseh how do we define the issur of “rubbing wheat grains” (Define the act, is it d’orysa, is it mutar to do it with a shinui, etc.)?

28. Can you peel the shell off of a wheat kernel on Shabbos if it is already detached form the stalk?

29. What are the 2 explanations as to why it is assur to crush snow, ice, or hail?

30. What are the cases in which these two explanations disagree?

31. What is the halacha?

32. Does this issur apply to congealed substances as well, why or why not?

33. What fruits did the chazal extend the issur of “Mashkin Shezavu” to?

34. Can you cut fruits on Shabbos even though you are inevitably squeezing juice out by cutting?

35. What if you are cutting over a bowl or other container that will save the juice? (Explain)

36. Can you drink the juice at the bottom of a fruit salad? (Explain)

37. Can you thaw or defrost things on Shabbos?

38. Can you put them in a warm place if you really need them?

39. Can you make ice for fun on Shabbos?

40. What if its a million degrees out and you are suffering?

41. Can you use a damp cloth to wipe your table or face?

42. What level of dampness is assur?

43. Can you use baby wipes on Shabbos? (Explain)

44. Can you brush your teeth on Shabbos with a wet toothbrush why or why not?

45. Can a woman dry her hair off after getting out of the Mikvah on Shabbos eve?

46. Can you rub a cotton ball with alcohol in it over the skin?

47. Can you use a sponge to wash the dishes with?