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Chapter 2: Strategic Market Planning in High-Tech Firms
Mohr, Sengupta, Slater (3/e, 2010)

Test Bank

2-1.Which of the following are examples of firm resources that may be a source of competitive advantage?

  1. Distribution channels
  2. Market learning competency
  3. Brand names
  4. Patents
  5. All of the above

Answer: EPage: 48easy

2-2.______are the set of skills at which a company excels.

  1. Managerial experiences
  2. Innovative strategies
  3. Core competencies
  4. Intangibles
  5. Technologies

Answer: CPage: 49easy

2-3.______ is the difference between the benefits that a customer realizes from using a product and the total life-cycle costs that the customer incurs in finding, acquiring, using, maintaining, and disposing of the product.

  1. Customer value
  2. Competitive advantage
  3. Effectiveness
  4. Efficiency
  5. a and b above

Answer: APage: 51easy

2-4.To be a source of competitive advantage, a resource must:

  1. provide superior benefits to customers.
  2. give the firm a cost advantage.
  3. be rare.
  4. be transparent.
  5. a and c above

Answer: EPage: 51moderate

Note: Superior benefits are not sufficient. The resources must create value superiority.

2-5.In ______technology is a rapidly depreciating resource.

  1. Base-of-the-pyramid markets
  2. slow-cycle industries
  3. fast-cycle industries
  4. B-to-B markets
  5. B-to-C markets

Answer: CPage: 52easy

2-6.Common resources such as managerial talent are not generally:

  1. transferable.
  2. a source of competitive advantage.
  3. valuable.
  4. important.
  5. core competencies.

Answer: BPage: 52easy

2-7.Sustainability of competitive advantage requires

  1. core competencies.
  2. superior customer benefits.
  3. unique resources.
  4. difficult to imitate resources.
  5. separability.

Answer: DPage: 53moderate

2-8.Imitation is made more difficult when the foundation for competitive advantage is

  1. observable.
  2. based on complex organizational routines.
  3. valuable.
  4. obtainable in the market.
  5. based on a tangible asset.

Answer: BPage: 53moderate

2-9.Which of the following is not a key strategy question?

  1. Who are our target customers?
  2. What value do we offer them?
  3. How can we create and deliver that value effectively and efficiently?
  4. Will this strategy capture a dominant share of the market?
  5. All are key strategy questions.

Answer: DPage: 54moderate

2-10.Answering the “who are our customers?” question by focusing on current customers is referred to as

  1. marketing myopia.
  2. the tyranny of the served market.
  3. customer intimacy.
  4. bifocal vision.
  5. blue ocean strategy.

Answer: BPage: 55easy

2-11.The synergistic intersection of the three strategy decisions - which customers to serve; what value to offer customers (the company’s value proposition), and how to create and deliver that value - to achieve a position of sustainable, superior competitive advantage is

  1. the strategy sweet spot
  2. a core competency.
  3. difficult to imitate.
  4. The framework for the strategic market planning process.
  5. Assessed with the marketing dashboard.

Answer: APage: 55easy

2-12.New market space is best described as

  1. markets that are new to the company.
  2. markets and products that are new to the company.
  3. customers who are underserved by current offerings in the market or previously unidentified market segments.
  4. a critical source of competitive advantage
  5. an opportunity that is best left to established companies.

Answer: CPage: 56moderate

2-13Base of the pyramid markets

  1. represent new market space for most high-tech firms.
  2. are generally unattractive.
  3. are characterized by high competitive intensity.
  4. have high profit margin potential.
  5. are relatively small in terms of dollar volume.

Answer: APage: 56moderate

2-14This value proposition contrasts the advantages of the seller’s product with that of its competition.

  1. Superior customer value.
  2. All Benefits.
  3. Favorable Points of Difference.
  4. Product Leader
  5. Resonating Focus

Answer: C.Page: 58moderate

2-15Which of the strategic archetypes has a primary focus on developing and maintaining long-term customer relationships?

a.Product Leader/Prospector

b.Fast Follower/Analyzer

c.Operationally Excellent/Low Cost Defender

d.Customer Intimate/Differentiated Defender

e.Both c and d.

Answer: DPage: 62easy

2-16The most successful Fast Follower/Analyzers target the

  1. innovator and early adopter segments.
  2. early adopter segment.
  3. early adopter and early majority segments.
  4. early and late majority segments.
  5. late majority and laggard segments.

Answer: CPage: 62moderate

2-17 Which of the following is not a benefit to being a Product Leader?

  1. Can influence how attributes are valued by customers.
  2. Lower risk due to few competitors.
  3. Able to “skim off” early adopters.
  4. Can establish barriers to entry by followers.
  5. All are benefits.

Answer: BPage: 63moderate

2-18.Which of the following is an advantage to being a market follower?

  1. Reputational effects
  2. Switching costs
  3. Opportunity for skimming
  4. Lower development costs
  5. Experience effects

Answer: DPage: 64moderate

2-19Which of the following are not ways that the Fast Follower/Analyzer can overcome the Product Leader’s advantage?

a.Innovate superior products.

b.Undercut the leader on prices.

c.Be first-to-market.

d.Outadvertise/outdistribute the leader, thereby beating it at its own game.

e.Innovate strategies that change the rules of the game.

Answer: CPage: 64easy

2-22.The most successful companies

a.execute a dominant strategy but demonstrate characteristics of one or two supporting types.

b.recognize that they can effectively execute only one archetype and pay little attention to developing competencies required by another archetype.

c.focus on revenue growth even if it means sacrificing profitability.

d.try to blend the best characteristics of the four strategic archetypes.

e.pursue operational excellence because most buyers seek low cost and convenience above all other sources of customer value.

Answer: APage: 66moderate

2-23.Strategy innovation is primarily concerned with:

  1. the strategic market planning process.
  2. bringing a unique perspective to customer value creation.
  3. developing innovative products.
  4. entering new markets.
  5. bringing new voices into the strategy formation process.

Answer: BPage: 67moderate

2-24.The starting point in the strategic market planning process is:

  1. identification of opportunities.
  2. definition of mission and goals.
  3. identification of markets in which the firm will compete.
  4. definition of the profit dynamic.
  5. SWOT analysis.

Answer: BPage: 69moderate

2-25The most effective innovative firms

  1. have a product focus.
  2. make extensive use of formal procedures to insure conformity.
  3. utilize centralized decision making to generate more product concepts.
  4. are led by Transactional Leaders
  5. organize around customer groups.

Answer: EPage: 69easy

2-26A marketing dashboard

  1. is a collection of financial metrics.
  2. is a collection of non-financial metrics.
  3. should reflect leading and lagging indicators of the success of the firm’s marketing strategy.
  4. should have a very extensive set of indicators.
  5. Both b & c

Answer: CPage: 70moderate


Test Bank, Mohr, Sengupta, and Slater 3/e Chapter 2

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