TEST 11 – Revolutions Test – American, French and South American


  1. In Two Treatises of Government, John Locke wrote that the purpose of government was to do what?
  1. What was the main issue that caused the American Revolution?
  1. What is an example of separation of powers (checks and balances) in American government?

  1. What title best completes the above graphic organizer?
  1. What was the first act of violence where the colonists dumped tea into Boston Harbor?
  1. The signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 and the Glorious Revolution in 1688 awarded Revolutionary colonists the same equal ______as English.
  1. According to John Locke, the purpose of government is to ______?

  1. What is the correct chronological order for these events on the previous page?
  1. “The French Revolution is most important for having changed subjects to citizens.”

This statement emphasizes the shift from an absolute Monarchy to a ______?

  1. Which geographic condition contributed to the defeat of Napoleon’s troops during the invasion of Russia?
  1. “Angry Mob Destroys Bastille”

“Robespierre’s Execution Ends Reign of Terror”

“Napoleon Seizes Power”

Which country’s revolution is referred to in above headlines?

  1. Under the Old Regime in France, the burden of taxation fell mostly on which group of people?
  1. The struggles for political independence in Latin America during the early 1800s were most directly influenced by what two Revolutions?
  1. What is one way in which Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simon Bolivar, and Jose de San Martin are similar? They all led ______.
  1. What did the governments of Europe attempt to do at the Congress of Vienna in reaction to the French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon?
  2. What were the effects of Napoleon’s rule of France?
  1. What werethe effects of the French and Indian War?

Use the speakers’ statements to answer questions 18, 19, & 20.

  1. Which speaker represents the view of King Louis XIV of France?
  1. Which nation was most likely governed by Speaker B?
  1. Which type of government is most closely associated with all these speakers?
  1. What werethe causes of the French Revolution?
  1. What factors protected Russia from control by Napoleon’s army?
  1. The Enlightenment ideas caused the French to hate what two groups?
  1. Before the French Revolution, the people of France were divided into three estates based mainly on what?
  1. What were the main principles associated with the French Revolution?
  1. What were the causes of the French Revolution?
  1. What led to Napoleon capturing power in France?
  1. What was Napoleon’s great social accomplishment in France before his exile?

Primary Sources – Read and analyze each primary source. Then answer each question with the most correct answer choice:

“The Third Estate is the People and the People are the foundation of the State; it is in fact the State itself; the other orders are merely political categories while by the immutable laws of nature the People are everything. It is in the People that all national power resides and for the People that all states exist.” -Comte D’Antraigues, quoted in Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution, 1989

  1. What is this excerpt describing?
  1. According to this quote, who ultimately is responsible for what goes on in a society?

“I ran from place to place, and finding the apartments and staircases already strewed with dead bodies, I ran away to the Dauphin’s garden gate where some soldiers were seated. One of them came up to me with a bloody sword in his hand, saying, “Hello, citizen! Without arms! Here, take this and help us to kill.”

-Unnamed French Royal Servant, quoted in The Days of the French Revolution, 1980

  1. Which is the best summary of this excerpt from The Days of the French Revolution?
  1. Based on the excerpt above, what state of the revolution would soon follow?

“Such work as mine is not done twice in a century…I have saved the Revolution as it lay dying. I have cleansed it of its crimes, and have held it up to the people shining with fame. I have inspired France and Europe with new ideas that will never be forgotten.”

-Napoleon, quoted in Napoleon at St. Helena, 1815

  1. What is the excerpt describing?