Test #1: Testing Environment Wind Speed (Load Cell)


RIT Wind Tunnel

Specs Addressed:

Materials Required:

·  Cup Anemometer

·  Wind Tunnel

·  Stopwatch

·  DAQ

·  Computer (LabVIEW , “JR3 Interface DAQmx Steady State Recorder Feb2014.VI”)

·  Arborloo Model with Compatible Attachment Shelf

·  Load Cell Shaft

·  Collar Base Plate Flange

·  3/8”-16 X 1.25” Flat Head Cap Screws (4)

·  3/8” Bolts (4)

·  9/16” Open End Wrench

·  1/8” hex screws???

·  x/X” Allen Wrench ???

·  Wind Tunnel Metal Base Plates

·  Windware Software Package


·  One: Joseph Rojano

·  Two: Raymond Zheng


1.  Start Stopwatch

2.  Insert Collar Base Plate Flange to Wind Tunnel Metal Base Plate (2) with four 3/8”-16 X 1.25” flat head cap screws.

3.  Screw on four 3/8” nuts on underside of base and hand tighten. Secure flange with 9/16” Open End Wrench.

4.  Insert and align Wing Tunnel Metal Base Plates into wind tunnel test section. Handle base with care.

5.  Raise the pistons by holding onto the green button until pressure dial on the right reads 40 psi.

6.  Lock the pneumatic pistons by turning the pressure knob clockwise to the right position. Ensure that left pressure dial reads 55 psi.

**Ensure this step is complete as the base can move and cause damage to the wind tunnel

7.  Attach Load Cell to Load Cell Shaft using four 1/8” hex screws. Tighten in a star fashion (diagonally across).

8.  Attach Arborloo Model to Load Cell Assembly with four 1/8” hex screws, making sure dowel holes line up with correct axis orientation and the pin connector on the load cell is on the “left” side of the arborloo and facing to the rear of the arborloo. VERY IMPORTANT for the data analysis!

9.  Run the load cell cable through the hole in the Collar Base Plate Flange and attach to load cell.

10.  Insert Load Cell Assembly and Arborloo Model through Collar Base Plate ensuring flat face of the shaft is facing set screw.

11.  Tighten set screw on collar at required height.

12.  Install Anemometer into wind tunnel. Make sure anemometer is above and in front of Arborloo model.

13.  Connect load cell wires to DAQ.

14.  Close wind tunnel door and latch it closed.

15.  Stop Stopwatch and record end time on Data Sheet #1, Row 1.

16.  Record number of technicians required to set up test rig on Data Sheet #1, Row 2.

17.  Open Windware Software to record wind speed.

18.  Open LabVIEW file for Load Cell.

19.  Load software and calibrate the Load Cell to 0. See “Guidelines for Calibrating Sensors”.

20.  Turn on Wind tunnel. Push start button and use arrows to increase or decrease wind speed. Read anemometer so that the desired wind speed is achieved. Wait one minute for steady conditions to apply.

21.  Start collecting data.

22.  Record Anemometer wind speed in mph on Data Sheet #1, Row 3.

23.  Let test run, recommended time for test duration is 5-10 minutes. Note: Do not run wind tunnel for longer than 20 minutes as this may cause overheating.

24.  Stop collecting data and

25.  Record Load Cell X-axis reading from LabVIEW on Data Sheet #1, Row 4.

26.  Record Load Cell Y-axis reading from LabVIEW on Data Sgeet #1, Row 5.

27.  Record Load Cell Z-axis reading from LabVIEW on Data Sheet #1, Row 6.

28.  Record Load Cell X-axis Moment from LabVIEW on Data Sheet #1, Row 7.

29.  Record Load Cell Y-axis Moment from LabVIEW on Data Sheet #1, Row 8.

30.  Record Load Cell Z-axis Moment from LabVIEW on Data Sheet #1, Row 9.

31.  Turn off Wind tunnel. Push stop button.

32.  Repeat for different arborloo model.

Test Plan # 1

Data Sheet # 1

Wind Speed:

Step # / Row / Data / Result
16 / 1 / Setup total time (min) / 17:02
17 / 2 / Technician Number / 1
21 / 3 / anemometer reading
25 / 4 / Load Cell X-axis Reading
26 / 5 / Load Cell Y-Axis Reading
27 / 6 / Load Cell Z-Axis Reading
28 / 7 / Load Cell X-Moment
29 / 8 / Load Cell Y-Moment
30 / 9 / Load Cell Z-Moment

Wind Speed:

Step # / Row / Data / Result
16 / 1 / Setup total time
17 / 2 / Technician Number
21 / 3 / Anemometer reading
24 / 4 / Load Cell X-axis Reading
25 / 5 / Load Cell Y-Axis Reading
26 / 6 / Load Cell Z-Axis Reading
27 / 7 / Load Cell X-Moment
28 / 8 / Load Cell Y-Moment
29 / 9 / Load Cell Z-Moment

Wind Speed:

Step # / Row / Data / Result
16 / 1 / Setup total time
17 / 2 / Technician Number
21 / 3 / anemometer reading
24 / 4 / Load Cell X-axis Reading
25 / 5 / Load Cell Y-Axis Reading
26 / 6 / Load Cell Z-Axis Reading
27 / 7 / Load Cell X-Moment
28 / 8 / Load Cell Y-Moment
29 / 9 / Load Cell Z-Moment

Wind Speed:

Step # / Row / Data / Result
16 / 1 / Setup total time
17 / 2 / Technician Number
21 / 3 / Anemometer reading
24 / 4 / Load Cell X-axis Reading
25 / 5 / Load Cell Y-Axis Reading
26 / 6 / Load Cell Z-Axis Reading
27 / 7 / Load Cell X-Moment
28 / 8 / Load Cell Y-Moment
29 / 9 / Load Cell Z-Moment

Wind Speed:

Step # / Row / Data / Result
16 / 1 / Setup total time
17 / 2 / Technician Number
21 / 3 / Anemometer reading
24 / 4 / Load Cell X-axis Reading
25 / 5 / Load Cell Y-Axis Reading
26 / 6 / Load Cell Z-Axis Reading
27 / 7 / Load Cell X-Moment
28 / 8 / Load Cell Y-Moment
29 / 9 / Load Cell Z-Moment