Welcome to the Ringwood Day Nursery Autumn 2010 Newsletterwith a special warm welcome to all who have recently joined the nursery.

Tesco and Sainsburys vouchers

A big THANK YOU to everyone who helped us collect a fantastic total of vouchers. We have now received the items we chose from the voucher catalogues, from Tesco we have a small outdoor gazebo/ sand tray which we will be erecting in the baby courtyard in the next few weeks (we need to weather proof it first) we also have a large red play “cone” which is in the garden now, great fun for sitting in and under.

We collected enough Sainsbury’’s vouchers to order 30 all weather suits for the three and four year olds to use. These arrived a couple of weeks ago and we can now be outdoors come sun and rain.

Speaking of rain you may have noticed our new outdoor wellie racks in the garden these have been made to order and are perfect to store all our wellies tidily.

Refurbishments and renewals

In addition to the vouchers items and wellie storage we have also been busy updating and improving other facilities including

new blinds throughout the nursery,

updated staff photo board

new turf in the garden

new pushchair/car seat shelter (opposite the main entrance)

new photoboards in each room, (so you can see the fun we have here)

new storage shelves in Oak and woodpecker room

alcohol gel dispensers at all three entrances–please use this whenever you enter the nursery to help us prevent the spread of infection

Personal Data Update

We will shortly be sending out a print out of the information we hold about you and your child please check it and send the sheet back with any corrections or amendments clearly written on.

Belongings and lost property

As some of you know we do have a lot of belongings not collected and occasionally some things go home with the wrong child, sometimes this is unavoidable even when the items are named for instance when the children have identical shoes and dress themselves, however, it really does help us to make sure your children’s belongings are returned to you if they are clearly named. While you do not need to use any particular method to name the belongings, attached for your convenience is an order form for name labels from a company that some of our parents have used before, the labels seem to be good quality and do the job they say they will.

New Arrivals


Congratulations to all who have had a new arrival over the last few months, there does seem to be quite a lot of new big brothers and sisters at the nursery now. Speaking of arrivals, for those of you who know Angela from the baby room we are delighted to announce the safe arrival of her baby girl in July.At the time of writing Sam from oak room is still awaiting the birth of her baby, I’m assured it will be any day soon!

We welcome back Lucy Curtis who some of you may remember worked here a couple of years ago.

Sadly we have to tell you that our baby room supervisor Kerri will be leaving in November. Kerri is leaving take a job caring for the elderly in their own homes, this will help her further her ambition of becoming a social worker. We will miss her.

However we have good news too as Lucie Poole who works in the baby room with Kerri will be taking the role as Room Supervisor when Kerri leaves.

Craft fair

On Wednesday 3rd November we are having an evening Christmas Fayre 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. this is a great opportunity to eat, drink, chat and shop. We will be serving some Christmas cheer and seasonal snacks as well as having interesting and individual items for you to buy ranging from jewelry to toys. Bring your friends too.

Road Closure

We have been notified that Broadshard Lane will be CLOSED for ONE WEEK the week beginning 22nd November for water main connectionat the new building site at 6 Broadshard Lane.

Photographer 19th & 20th October

Jerry Fenner is back to take more photos in time for Christmas. If you would like a photograph of your child taken but they don’t attend on the days Jerry is here please call in or telephone the office to make an appointment. We are also delighted to include siblings and/or mums and dads too, again just call for an appointment

For those of you who are new to this, Jerry is an experienced photographer who will come into the nursery to take photographs of your child, there is no obligation to buy, you are given a set of proofs to select from and can order various packages at reasonable cost. As only you will be seeing the prints all children attending on the day will have their photograph taken unless you specifically ask us not to (or they don’t co-operate!!!) Jerry usually offers secure web site previews as well as a printed version.

Christmas events - early notice

During the middle two weeks of December we will be inviting you to attend either a Christmas sing song or Festive activity session to help us celebrate Christmas in the Nursery. We will let you know the exact dates as soon as we can.


Ringwood Day Nursery Autumn Diary Reminders

Date / Event
19th October / Photographer
20th October / Photographer
25th October / Hampshire schools Half Term no education grant this week
3rd November / 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. Christmas Craft Fayre
19th November / Children in Need be prepared to Donate!
22nd November / Broadshard Lane CLOSED for 1 week
15th December / Begining of Christmas celebrations details to follow
24th December / Christmas closure nursery closes at 5p.m. today
4th January / Re-open after Christmas break