Thomas Burns, Dianne Bingham, Wayne Carter, Ty Case, Jayson Crouch, Michelle Mirabella, Dean Stotler, Valerie Watson, Robert Doyle (Ex-Officio), Connie Hughes (Ex-Officio)


Terry Cipolla, Dennis Dapolito, Andrew Kerber (D.A.G), Josh Latshaw, Ava Patrick, Lloyd Schmitz


Andy Kloepfer, Roger Levy

Mr. Burns called the meeting to order.

I.  Approval of Minutes

After a review of the minutes, motion was made to approve the minutes with typographical errors corrected by Mr. Kerber, Mr. Stotler seconded this motion. Motion carried unanimously the minutes has been approved.

Old Business

At the last meeting DelARF presented a PowerPoint presentation for price increases for 10 set-aside sites. However, since the agenda did not reflect that DelARF was presenting a price increase, but instead it was listed as DelARF’s report, the commission motioned that it be presented again at this meeting, so that it can be stated on the agenda as price increase to notify the public if such wanted to attend. Ms. Hughes asked if the Commission wanted her to review the PowerPoint for price increases for the 10 selected custodial sites that were discussed at the previous meeting. Ms. Mirabella motioned to approve the price increase for the 10 contracted sites. Mr. Kerber, Deputy Attorney General, stated that the commission according to the statue is to advised DelARF or DVI/DIB on the prices that have been presented in the PowerPoint, and does not necessarily approve prices for set-asides. Therefore, a motion was made by Mr. Stotler that the commission has reviewed the presentation by DelARF and advises that the adjusted prices for the 10 sites be adjusted according to the presentation presented to the Commission, Ms. Watson seconded the motion, and all were in favor.

II.  New Business

Mr. Crouch asked if everything that comes up before the Commission needs to be put on the agenda or could it go under this topic of New Business? This is an APA question and Mr. Kerber stated that he would review the APA and report at the next meeting his findings. Mr. Stotler mentioned that new set-asides need to be mentioned at least 30-days prior to the meeting. The question is relating to the line item degree that if a topic comes up will it necessarily have to be put on the agenda and discussion ensued that this is a gray area, but Mr. Kerber is willing to give his advice once he has had time reviewing the APA. Ms. Bingham is interested to know how outside vendors can become qualified to be a set-aside. Ms. Hughes stated that she would be happy to assist Ms. Bingham with obtaining the information needed.

Subcommittee met, but there was no formal minutes taken just a summary of the discussion for that meeting. Mr. Stotler reported the subcommittee will meet again to discuss, review and set pricing requirements so that it is meeting best practices. Mr. Kerber has been invited to the subcommittee to sit in on this meeting and review the process as a counselor. Mr. Stotler informed the Commission that is has been an ongoing dialogue especially with the language for the Commission’s rules and guidelines. It was suggested that the Commission elect a chair for this subcommittee, as well as, time to meet. It is agreed that the subcommittee will meet prior to the SULC meeting, 1:00pm to 2:30pm. The Chair will be Dean Stotler, and those on the subcommittee are: Tom Burns, Connie Hughes, Diane Bingham and Robert Doyle. Michelle Mirabella and Jason Crouch both agreed to attend as public.

III.  DelARF Report

Ms. Hughes discussed the Annual Report and how the impact reflects how it has changed the lives of people. Discussion about the format for this upcoming year and it was asked if anyone on the Commission had any suggestions. Mr. Stotler mentioned the Cost Benefit Analysis should be in the report and would prove to be beneficial for those people who look at data/numbers as a reference point. The results on the cover and then put the human story behind these results to show the importance of people that would not usually have a job if not for programs such as DelARF. Ms. Bingham would like to see more diversity of people with disabilities, for instance, if a person is in a wheelchair take the whole picture instead of just head shots of the person. The Commission was asked to think of what audience they want to attract with this report. The Annual Report should also be on DVI’s website along with DelARF’s. Reference to how a person can get a job and maintain employment, and what organizations that were used. The purpose of the Commission is to find state use and its successes not just to profile a people.

IV.  DIB Report

Andy Kloepfer is still out on medical leave. Jennifer Williams and Romy Mikhail have been managing DIB in his absence. DIB has loss some funds and Mr. Doyle is focusing in on how this is affecting business. DIB will be a part of the upcoming open house on July 12; Jack Holloway has been diligent about getting the word out to the public on upcoming events and workshops. There will be more updates to come. It is anticipated that Mr. Kloepfer will be returning to work by July.

V.  Adjournment

Mr. Levy asked if there is a motion to adjourn this meeting. Mr. Burns suggested that the next subcommittee meeting be scheduled 2 or 3 hours before the next State Use Law meeting. This presents itself as a long meeting day, but it is noted that the next meeting notice will be sent out to those on the subcommittee to see if the members could attend this meeting prior to the State Use Law meeting. Mr. Burns motioned to adjourn this meeting; Ms. Mirabella seconded the motion all are in favor. The meeting was adjourned.

Next Meeting will be on Thursday, August 16, 2012 at the Biggs Conference Room, 2:30pm to 4:00pm, with a video conferencing for those that are in Dover area.

Respectfully submitted,

Ava Patrick

Minutes transcribed via recorder