Terror in the Bronx! Return of the Lunez Killer!

The horribly savaged remains of New York native Faith Crowley were recently discovered by the NYPD in a case eerily similar to that of the Lunez family.

Crowley's remains were discovered at the end of the South Fishing Pier located in Long Island. According to an NYPD detective who wished to remain anonymous, all that has been recovered are a few scraps of bone and tissue. The body had to be identified from dental records What has been removed suggests that the body was horribly mutilated, possibly while Crowley was still alive. Marks on the recovered bones resemble those found on the bones of the Lunez family.

Crowley was first reported missing by coworkers just over three weeks ago, after she failed to show up for work for several days. Police now believe that she was abducted by persons unknown from the Burning Lynx, a club in the downtown Bronx.

The killer, dubbed by some “The Bronx Butcher” has yet to be apprehended. The FBI has been called in to provide assistance on the case. An agent familiar with the case who wished to remain anonymous informer the Dirge that they do have a suspect and have been tracking his movements over recent months, but refused to speculate as to whether or not the “Bronx Butcher” was the same killer responsible for the mutilation and murder of the Lunez family.

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Vontag to Announce New Strategic Plan

Wall Street abounds with rumors about Vontag's upcoming November 9 shareholder's meeting.

Vontag has been tight-lipped about what will be announced at the upcoming meeting, but sources within the company suggest that it will be bold, shocking, and highly lucrative. Due to Vontag's history of extremely successful but unconventional avenues of expansion, industry analysts appear to be taking these anonymous sources at their word, leading Vontag's stock to rise 5% in the past week. Further gains are expected in the run-up to the meeting.

Some analysts speculate that Vontag will seek to build upon its recent modernization drive, in which it updated all of its manufacturing plants in the greater New York area to use state of the art automation and downsized a significant portion of the workforce at these locations with extremely generous buy out offers.

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Is the Watch Overstepping Its Bounds?

A series of troubling but unsubstantiated reports of Neighborhood Watch brutality over the past few weeks has led some politicians to call for increased oversight in the program.

These reports come at a critical time for the Watch. The program is still a young one and is still working to establish its credibility. Should these reports prove accurate, it could mark the end of the Watch. Thus far, however, little concrete evidence has been found of widespread corruption.

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Vigilante Activity Continues

High levels of vigilante activity continue to plague the city as increasing numbers of New Yorkers take matters of the law into their own hands, rather than trusting in the efforts of police or the Neighborhood Watch.

These trends first appeared with the appearance of Lucasta last fall, and increased following his disappearance, due to what police are calling copycat vigilantes. This problem, however, increased dramatically following the discovery of the mutilated bodies of the Lunez family and may be accelerating further in the wake of the discovery of the body of Faith Crowley.

Police analysts believe that most of these incidents can be split into three categories: Lucasta copycats; mob violence frequently associated with the use of wooden weapons; and, finally, a new string of incidents involving a man often referred to as “Dragonrax.”

Police spokesman Sam Trotter emphasized the dangers inherent with any vigilante activity. “We know that this sort of nonsense is sexy. It's hip and seems to be the right thing to do. We understand that there have been a string of violent attack, and we are responding to them. However, this isn't a movie. This isn't a comic book. Vigilantes are not heroes. They are simply people with weapons following some kind of personal vendetta without regard for anything so passé as due process or civil rights. They simply hurt and kill people, and history has shown one important thing about vigilantism: it gets innocent people killed. If you see some cowboy running around taking things into their own hands, call the Watch or the police so that the authorities can handle the situation.”

Police are particularly concerned at the appearance of the figure known as “Dragonrax,” who has demonstrated a degree of material resources, coordination, and capabilities far beyond what has been seen in most past vigilantes. He has been compared by some to Lucasta.

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ARIES (March 21 - April 19): You are fighting an uphill battle. Don't get discouraged.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Sometimes it's just best to watch the drama around you without jumping in. Don't make any rash decisions.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Your life is about to change entirely. Don't be afraid to ask it to slow down.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22): You're in the eye of the storm now. If you move too far in any direction, you will risk getting caught up in the wind.

LEO (July 23 - Aug 22): Don't ever say I didn't try to warn you...

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sept 23): You're going to have one of those days. Keep a cool head and don't go postal.

LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22): You can be a bit of a child sometimes. Don't act immaturely when somebody calls you on it.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21): Romantic prospects look good. Blue is your lucky color.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21): Life is just peachy. Share that feeling with whomever you can.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Either the darkness you have unleashed can never be turned back, or you should look out for good financial opportunities.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18):Don't let the bastards drag you down.

PISCES (Feb 19 - March 20): You need to expand your horizons and perhaps take up a few new hobbies. May I suggest crochet?

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