TERP 2: This Time, it’s TERPsonal

Round 8

Edited by Logan Anbinder

Written by Logan Anbinder, Jeff Amoros, Arun Chonai, Ozzie Fallick, SteveJon Guth, Isaac Hirsch, Marin Lolic, Chris Manners, Paul Marchsteiner, Brian McPeak, and Gary Weiser

1. During this man’s first season as a reliever, he shaved his hair into a mohawk in the style of Ricky “Wild Thing” Vaughn from Major League. This starter-turned-closer has been fined multiple times for failing to start pitching within the required amount of time. Though this man had possibly his best season in 2011, he gave up back-to-back run-scoring hits to Nick Reimold and Robert Andino to blow his team’s last game of the season, allowing the (*) Rays to take the AL Wild Card. Recently signed by the Phillies to replace Ryan Madson, FTP, name this man who used the Dropkick Murphy’s “Shipping up to Boston” as his entry music with the Red Sox.

ANSWER: Jonathan Papelbon

2. One character in this movie tried to join the national guard after the Kent State shooting so that he too could shoot college students, but ends up shooting Panamanians instead. Another character in this movie exclaims that “the great state of Vermont will not apologize for its cheese” after the protagonist states that cholesterol is the number one killer in America. In one scene, the protagonist is found lying naked in the crotch of Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial after he was kidnapped. At the end of this movie, the Merchants of (*) Death, or MOD squad adds three new members. The relationship between the protagonist and the Katie Holmes-portrayed, Heather Holloway, ends when an article she publishes on the protagonist endangers his ability to testify in front of Congress about a Surgeon General’s warning label. FTP, name this movie where Aaron Eckhart plays the character Nick Naylor, a lobbyist for big tobacco.

ANSWER: Thank You For Smoking

3. In one episode of this show, two law enforcement officials bet on whether a suspect will be Mexican or American, and split the money when it turns out he has an Asian last name, and later in that episode, one protagonist refers to a barn as a “cow house,” to the other’s chagrin. One subplot in the first season of this show is Skyler’s attempt to raise money by selling objects on eBay. A recurring motif in the second season of this show is a damaged pink (*) teddy bear that is found in a pool, whose missing eye is reminiscent of the manner of death of Gus Fring, a fast food chain owner and drug distributor. The protagonists originally enter business together when one sees the other climb out of a window during a drug raid, shortly after learning that he himself has terminal lung cancer. FTP, name this AMC drama in which Jesse Pinkman assists former chemistry teacher Walter White in cooking meth.

ANSWER: Breaking Bad

4. One song titled after this place by Sara Lov begins, “I came here, I waited, to see it, to say this,” while another song titled after this location sees the addressee proclaim, “it’s snowing, it’s snowing, God I hate this weather.” A Simon and Garfunkel song about this place declares, “half of the time we’re gone but we don’t know where,” and is titled after “The (*) Only Living Boy” in this city. Another song titled after this place recalls, “It was so easy living day by day out of touch with the rhythm and blues,” while yet another song about this city warns “don’t bite the apple Eve” and “Jesus can’t save you, life starts when the church ends,” and features a chorus by Alicia Keys. Another song about this place declares, “these vagabond shoes, they’re longing to stray.” FTP, name this city described in a song popularized by Frank Sinatra as a “city that never sleeps,” and described by Jay-Z in “Empire State of Mind.”

ANSWER: New York City

5. After beating one game starring this character, this character’s weapon can be replaced by the unlockable telephone of sorrow. In that same game, this character can transform into a dark version of himself that uses the blade whip, “daggertail.” In the prequel to that game, this character realizes that the water sword is the only thing that can hurt the beast, (*) Dahaka. This character reintroduces himself as Kakolookiyam to his love interest whose medallion protects him from that game’s titular substance. He first meets that love interest, Farah, after conquering the city of Azad with the help of a treacherous vizier. With Kaileena he finds the Empress of Time who created the substance that powers his dagger. FTP, name this titular royal protagonist of a series of video games revolving around the Sands of Time.

ANSWER: The Prince of Persia

6. One notable cover of this song is sampled in EMPD’s “Strictly Business.” That cover notes that “every day the bucket goes to the well, but one day the bottom must drop out” after noting that “reflexes got the better of me, and what is to be must be.” This song claims of the titular figure, “every time I plant a seed, he said kill it before it grow,” and refers to that man as (*) “John Brown.” Another verse of this song recalls how “freedom came my way one day, and I started out of town” before seeing that figure approach, and the singer declares “I say, if I am guilty I will pay,” although he also asserts of the titular action “I swear it was in self-defense,” and he denies performing a similar action on the dead man’s assistant. FTP, name this Bob Marley song in which the singer appends the titular claim by noting “but I didn’t shoot no deputy.”

ANSWER: “I Shot the Sheriff”

7. This actress had a recurring role as Vanity Fair journalist Martha O’Dell in Studio 60 On the Sunset Strip, and is set to appear in the titular role on CBS’s upcoming drama The Doctor. This woman played Professor Grace McCallister, mother of the titular siblings, in the WB series Jack & Bobby, as well as Commander Hellen Keller in the short-lived, Conan O’Brien produced Operating Instructions. In the Law & Order franchise, this actress plays an ADA who is sent to the SVU and frequently argues with Detective Stabler, (*) Sonya Paxton. In this woman’s best-known role, she played a coworker of Dr. Jeffrey Geiger who first appears after she purchases another character, Dr. Kronk, in a date auction. FTP, name this woman who played cardiologist Kate Austin on Chicago Hope.

ANSWER: Christine Lahti

8. A 2010 April Fool’s hoax perpetrated by this man involved a DUI report in which he supposedly counted to 10 in Spanish after being pulled over, and during a recent online roast of this man, it was revealed that he had peed all over his girlfriend while in a drunken stupor. In July 2011, this man dropped (*) acid in an attempt to replicate Dock Ellis’ perfect game under the same circumstances on MLB2K11. Earlier in 2011, this man sabotaged a job interview by sending a messenger in a pink gorilla suit to sing the ESPN theme to John Walsh while Walsh met with Tommy Craggs. Recently replaced by Craggs following a promotion, FTP, name this new Gawker editor who previously ran Deadspin.

ANSWER: A.J. Daulerio

9. A boat named after this song was used by Rodney Pattison in his successful bid for three Olympic sailing medals. In one appearance of this song, the mention of its title leads one character to declare that he always knows what to say, and the title is also used “when dukes and maharajahs pass the time of day with me.” A pause in this song allows another figure to explain how use of the title (*) word allowed him to win his wife, before that wife hits him on the head with a tambourine, and the main singer notes that although “of course you can say it backwards... that’s going a bit too far, don’t you think?” One singer describes how “because I was afraid to speak when I was just a lad, my father gave me nose a tweak and told me I was bad,” but he then learned the titular word, of which it is asserted that “if you say it loud enough, you’ll always sound precocious.” FTP, name this song about an exceptionally long word, from Mary Poppins.

ANSWER: “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”

10. Along with Asuka and Feng Wei, a character with this name is one of the three characters introduced in Tekken 5, and that character is an intelligence agent with an X-shaped scar on his face. Another character with this name sits in a fireside armchair and narrates certain episodes of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, while another character with this name was born on Azarath and in one appearance that character regresses into a child after imbuing her allies with some of her power in the wake of the Trigon becoming possessed by (*) Slade. Yet another character with this name is the sister of Cory and is friends with Chelsea and Eddie, who assist her in attempting to prevent her psychic visions from coming to fruition on a Disney Channel show. FTP, give this shared name of a Teen Titan and a character on a show titled “That’s So” her.


11. In one episode on this series, two characters in a log cabin argue over whether or not all berries that are blue are edible blueberries, while in another episode, one of those characters gets a job as a traveling salesman and ruins a woman’s carpet before realizing he is not selling vacuums, but encyclopedias. Two owners of the central business in this show are Ed McKenzie and Ben Ratdlige, though they are rarely seen, while other characters include a man who dropped out of Harvard after being introduced to “funny brownies,” a spaced-out (*) reverend, and a foreign mechanic who marries Simka Dablas at the end of season 2. Those characters are portrayed by Christopher Lloyd and Andy Kaufman respectively, and are Jim Ignatowski and Latka Gravas. FTP, name this sitcom in which Danny Devito played Louie, the dispatcher at the Sunshine Cab Company.


12. During his sophomore year of college, he fell short of David Robinson’s NCAA single-season double-double record by one game, and led his team to the Elite Eight before they fell to eventual champion North Carolina. Last season, this man gained a head nod from an appreciative Amare Stoudemire after throwing down a monster dunk on Timofey Mozgov. In a video interview earlier this season Bill Simmons criticized this forward’s choice of (*) dunks for the 2011 Slam Dunk Contest, including this man’s leap over a Kia Optima. After missing his original rookie season with a knee injury, this man won the 2010-11 Rookie of the Year Award playing alongside Eric Gordon and Deandre Jordan. The recipient of many Chris Paul alley-oops this year, FTP, name this former Oklahoma and current Clippers’ star.

ANSWER: Blake Griffin

13. On one occasion, this figure was abducted by the Eastern European thief Kanga Khan, and in another appearance this character is zapped by a beam at his wedding that is deployed by The Leader. This character was once imprisoned only to go free after an earthquake caused in a battle between A-Bomb and another figure, and this figure’s association with A-Bomb began when he pushed that character, by the name of (*) Rick Jones, into a trench to save him from the detonation of a certain device. This character is romantically involved with Betty, the daughter of General Thunderbolt Ross, who at one point attempts to destroy this character’s alter-ego by allying himself with the Abomination. FTP, name this scientist who, when angry, becomes the Incredible Hulk.

ANSWER: Dr. Robert Bruce Banner (prompt on “The Hulk” or “The Incredible Hulk”)

14. This word is featured in the title of an animated sci-fi drama in which Cale must save humanity after the Drej destroy Earth, and whose title also includes the initials “A.E.” In another movie named for these figures, a series of “your mom” jokes culminates with an obese character joking that he gave another character’s mom a piggy back ride, while yet another film named for these figures includes the mechanical owl (*) Bubo, who makes a brief appearance in the remake of that film. In the former film named for these figures, Gerry Bertier is paralyzed before the championship game, while in the latter, Andromeda is saved from being eaten by the Kraken by a character played by Sam Worthington. FTP, identify these figures, who name a racially diverse football team coached by Denzel Washington and a movie featuring Perseus in which they Clash.

ANSWER: Titans

15. Team and position required. The first Hall of Famer to hold this position was a native of the team’s city, and led it to championships in 1936 and 1939, teaming with Don Hutson for the latter title. Another man who played this position for this team coached it for a while after retiring, before being fired and replaced by former teammate Forrest Gregg. In addition to Arnie Herber and Bart (*) Starr, only three men have started games at this position since Dan Majkowski got injured in 1992. One of those men recently tied an NFL record by throwing for 6 touchdowns in a win over the Lions in the last game of the season this year. Briefly placed in the hands of Matt Flynn, FTP, name this position that for the past two decades has primarily been held by Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers.

ANSWER: Quarterback of the Green Bay Packers (Accept clear knowledge equivalents; “starting quarterback for the Packers” is fine as all mentioned were starters)

16. One song by this band begins with the question, “was happiness a fad?” and notes “my mind’s about to crack, ‘cause what I thought could not be found.” Another song begins with the screamed assertion that “all of us believe that this is not up to you” before asking “how can we fake this anymore?” In addition to “Nothing on My Back” and (*) “No Reason,” another song by this band asserts, “If you believe it’s in my soul, I’d say all the words I know” as well as “I’m trying to let you know that I’m better off on my own.” That song is featured on this band’s album Chuck, as is a song that asserts “I know I’m not the one you thought you knew back in high school,” and its bridge requests “don’t count on me to let you know when.” FTP, identify this numerically-named punk band that released “Pieces” and “Fat Lip.”