Chapter 4 Group Discussion Questions & Answers:

1) What is the significance of the title “Painted Faces and Long Hair”?

The title is significant because the boys’ hair has grown longer than in their schoolboy surroundings so that they are already looking different from when they were back home. Hack has now found clay and charcoal to paint his face and tells Roger that he has a “new” face. The mask is also something that “compels” the boys. Golding explains that “the was a thing on its own, behind which Jack his, liberated from shame and self-consciousness” (page 66). Note, Jack is mimicking adult behaviour by using camouflage as soldiers do.

2) Why does Roger, throwing stone at the littluns, aim just to miss?

Roger is still prevented from doing real hard by the old restraints of civilization. Despite his urge to dominate another person, Roger is still ‘tamed’ by the civilization he came from. His society has made him accustomed to expecting punishment after having done something wrong. Although there is no one on the island who will punish Roger, he is used to restraining himself from doing wrong because of the law enforcement from the society he grew up in. After the first pig is killed, however, he is freed from these taboos and exercises his natural cruelty upon the others.

3) What definite stand does Ralph make?

Ralph openly expresses his disgust for Jack. Ralph is adamant in his accusations towards Jack because he ruined their chances of being rescued. He points out that Jack has an obsession with hunting and needs to ‘get his priorities straight.’ In doing this, he does alienate himself from the majority and this dampens the boys’ enjoyment on the island.

4) Why does Jack refuse to give Piggy meat?

Jack has slaughtered the pig and thus reinforced his reliance on brute force and established himself as leader of the hunters. However, his triumph has been somewhat marred by the accusation that he has destroyed a chance for rescue by letting the fire go out. This heartless act shows that Jack has a tendency to use force and alienation as a means of gaining control over the boys. Jack refuses to give Piggy meat as a way to hurt Jack. He is aware that by hurting Piggy and denying him meat, this would stir Jack’s emotions.

5) Describe how the boys are growing more savage; list examples, descriptions, and events that support this claim.

The littluns are crying less and getting used to tribal life and they are getting used to aching stomachs and restless sleeps. Jack is seeking out primitive ways of hunting by creating powerful spears and disguising himself with a mask. The boys’ destructive tendencies are growing and they are beginning to treat each other poorly and without regard for a person’s feelings. The hunters glamorize and celebrate the act of killing and imposing one’s will onto another living creature.