Under Capacity Building for Industrial Pollution Management Project
World Bank
I. Back ground
The Government of India, through the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) is implementing ‘Capacity Building and Industrial Pollution Management Project (CBIPMP)’ with financial assistance from the World Bank. The objective of the project is aligned with the endeavor of the GOI to establish a National Program for Rehabilitation of Polluted Sites (NPRPS) as a framework for scaling up the cleanup and rehabilitation of polluted sites and facilitate the reduction of environmental and health risks associated with legacy polluted sites. It also aims to build capacity at the State and Central level and develop a framework to address these issues in a comprehensive and systemic manner.
Project activities will include demonstrative investments for area-based management of pollution resulting from legacy contamination and on-going industrial activities through (i) remediation/containment of polluted sites/hazardous waste hotspots, (ii) implementation of enforcement and self-regulatory measures to improve compliance and competitiveness of industries in selected industrial clusters, and (iv) upgrading of common environmental infrastructure.
II Introduction:
Telangana State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) is the nodal agency for the Telangana State. Under the Project the Remediation of Lake Noor Mohammed Kunta and Kattedan Industrial Estate (NMK-KIE) is being implemented. The remedial option as suggested and approved by the Technical Expert Panel of MoEF & CC, GoIis finalised and the finalisation of the works contractor is in process.
Further, at the south shore of NMK lake, a STP with capacity of 4 MLD is in operation since 2009 and is proposed to be upgraded from the present 4MLD to 8MLD to cater the requirements of the catchment area and for sustainable remediation as the treated water is discharged into the lake.
In this regard, Telangana State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) is seeking the services of an experienced consulting firm for carrying out third party technical supervision, monitoring and Quality Assurance of works during the remediation works of the NMK-KIE area and construction and commissioning phase of up-gradation of STP sub-project.
III. Objective of Consultancy
The objective of engaging the consultancy services is to assist TS Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) by carrying out day to day technical supervision of work being carried out. The main objectives are as follows:
- Contract management in successful and timely completion of the project.
- To ensure compliance with the drawings, technical specifications, materials used and towork in co-ordination with the remediation consultant and the contractor.
- Quality assurance in the execution of the works using latest tools and techniques and recording measurements
- Monitoring of implementation of Environmental Management and safety plan being implemented by the contractor.
- Certifying the Running Account bills in accordance with the progress of the work
- Assist in implementation of the contract for works in all aspects of the contractual obligations on part of the employer
IV. Site Description
Lake NMK is a small surface water body located in KIE of Rajendranagar Municipality in Shivrampally Village in the southern suburbs of Hyderabad City. Geographically, the approximate coordinates near the centre of the Lake are 17°18' 56.62"N latitude and 78°25' 38.52"E longitude. The NMK-KIE site is spread over an area of about 120 ha.
As per the assessment studies carried out by the consultant the size of Lake NMK is about 6.2 ha with an estimated volume of sediments of 32,317 m3 in 2012. The size of KIE is about 110 hectares with an estimated volume of waste present in the central open hill lock of about 3,500 m3 in 2012. In addition 2 swamps and 2 stagnant water ponds are present in KIE with an estimated volume of sediments and polluted topsoil present of respectively 6,444 m3 and 2,286 m3 in 2012. About 3 km of drains are present in KIE with an estimated volume of sediment of 300m3 in 2012. The length of the discharge channel in the plains downstream of Lake NMK is 740 meter, with an estimated volume of sediments of about 500 m3 in 2012.
The Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) has set up a sewage treatment plant (STP) for treating the sewage generated in the nearby Residential areas. STP was commissioned in July 2009.The STP is being operated by a private agency that has been contracted by HMDA. The sewage treatment plant is running at 1 – 1.5 MLD capacity against the reported capacity of 4 MLD. The wastewater discharge to the existing STP is mainly from Sri Rama Nagar residential area. STP is presently not receiving wastewater from industrial areas and other residential areas (however, some illegal discharges by industries has been reported). The present STP will be upgraded to a capacity that allows treatment of both the residential domestic sewage and the industrial waste waters from the KIE Area.
V. Brief Description of the Works proposed to be taken up
NMK Remediation:The sediments will be dredged(DGPS based wet dredging with a precision of 0.03mtrs) or excavated and subsequently dewatered with tubes of geotextile. The sediments contained in the geotextile will be used to strengthen the bunds of Lake NMK and partly in one of the stagnant water ponds in KIE,in combination with the tubes of geotextile and watertight HDPE liners. After the sediments have been removed from Lake NMK a sand layer of 0.3mtrs thickness will be applied using rainbow technique to cover the floor of this Lake. The solid waste present in KIE will be excavated and subsequently transported to off-site disposal facilities.
STP Up-gradation:The upgradation activity will include modification of existing units, construction of the new units and usage of solar energy for the operation, including strengthening of the drainage network in the catchment area.
VI. Scope of the consultancy firm:
The consultancy firm selected will act as Third Party responsible for day to day supervision of works during the execution phase.
- General:
- Implementation of works as per contractors working drawings, approved by design consultant and to work in close co-ordination with the client and design consultant.
- Furnish quality assurance System of supervision consultant and obtain quality assurance system of Contractor and approve it in co-ordination with TSPCB
- Review and check the safety management plan prepared by the Contractor, and undertake daily safety assessment.
- Ensure that the quality of the works is in accordance with the contractual specifications and usage of material as specified by undertaking necessary tests and measurements.
- Assuring Monitoring of implementation of Environmental Management, Safety plan and Construction Work Plan by the contractor during execution of works as per the contract agreement..
- To record all necessary measurements as per the Government procedures in Engineering works department.
- To maintain all the quality related documents on site including approved construction drawings, quality test reports, progress reports, measurement book and bill verification records, certified bills of contractor etc.
- Associate / carry out joint measurements with the tests being carried out by the Contractor and undertake additional tests as necessary to ensure the quality of works.
- Monitor progress of the Works, identify causes of any delay and advise the TSPCB of suitable corrective actions in a timely manner;
- Examine the requests for advances and monthly statements of contractors & provide timely certification of RA bills & final bills submitted by the contractor.
- To provide engineering recommendations as requiredfor the decision of TSPCB for the successful and timely implementation of the project
- Provide assistance to the TSPCB in respect of contract implementation, claims and other matters;
- Advise and assist the TSPCB with respect to the arbitration, the appeal of arbitration or litigation relating to the works, whenever required;
- Prepare fortnightly reports fully describing the progress of work and the services rendered by the consultant during the month under review.
- To verify the Contractor's proposed personnel for positions nominated in the Contract are in the field
- Ensure that the contractors submit ‘As Built’ drawings and certify them before the closure of the contract.
- NMK-KIE Remediation works:
- The anticipated scope of works among others will include Remediation of NMK-KIE as per the HWM 2008, MSW 2000, Bio-Medical Waste (1998) rules of GoI and all appropriate Indian Standards (IS) relevant for this type of remediation works.
- To interact with the remediation Consultants and provide technical clarifications to the contractors on the specifications, designs and drawings of the tender document, as may be required from time to time.
- To carry on day to day supervision with a qualified and experienced site engineer.
- Carry out measurements for remediation works including quantification of the dredged material, accuracy level of the dredging works in aquatic media, quantification and accuracy level of the applied sand layer in aquatic media, the flocculants for de-watering, setup and operations of the dewatering works and filling of the tubes of geotextile with sediments, quantification and testing of all works required for the construction of the containment cells and all other related works as specified in the contract agreement.
- To check, identify and involve institutions which are certified to perform Quality control and Quality Assurance on such items, HDPE liners including the welding, geotextile material, dewatering equipment, flocculants and placement of drains as per drawings as specified in the bid document
- To undertake such other tests deemed for quality assurance of the material and works being implemented.
- STP up gradation works:
- The anticipated scope of work among others will include, the strengthening of the drainage network so as to ensure that all the waste water is collected, the Upgradation of the STP and the advanced treatment system, alternate energy sources (establishment of solar panel)
- Quality assurance during construction and operational phase as per the Standards and objectives of the lake remediation
VII. Qualifications expected:
NMK remediation:
- The firm should have experience in Project Management of dredging of lakes and small water bodies, checking of quantification of works performed in aquatic media, geotextiles installation and construction of the HWM landfills / MSW landfills.
- Key personnel qualifications for the assignment:
No. / Key Position / Specific Expertise Desired / Minimum Qualification and Professional Experience
1 / Team Leader /
- dredging of lakes and small water bodies,
- construction of containment cells as per HWM/MSW Rules and
- usage of geotextiles
- A Team leader on company roles in the last three years with civil engineer background and 15 years’ experience as desired
2 / Geo textile specialist /
- Usage of Geo textiles
- Civil/Mechanical/Environmental engineer with 3 years’ experience in Geotextile usage in water related works
3 / HDPE liner specialist /
- HDPE liners usage
- Containment cells in accordance with HWM/MSW rules of GoI
- Civil/Mechanical/Environmental engineer with 3 years’ experience in HDPE liners usage and containment cells construction
4 / Sand laying specialist /
- Laying of sand under water
- Civil/Mechanical/Environmental engineer with 3 years’ experience in laying of sand under water
5. / Site Engineers at least 4 nos. /
- Dredging
- HDPE liners
- Geotextiles
- Sand laying
- Civil/Mechanical/Environmental engineer with 3 years’ relevant experience
STP up gradation:
- The firm should have experience in Project Management Consultancy for similar CETP / ETP / STP Projects of similar capacity including day to day supervision, quality checks and certification / bill checking and certification works performed. At least have completed 2 projects of a similar nature and cost, in the past 5 years.
- Key personnel qualifications for the assignment:
No. / Key Position / Specific Expertise Desired / Minimum Qualification and Professional Experience
1 / Team Leader /
- construction and execution services for Common Effluent treatment plant / ETP / STP of similar size
- A Team leader on company roles in the last three years with civil engineer background and 10 years’ experience
- Should have executed at least one STP project as Engineer in charge.
2 / Electrical Engineer /
- execution services for Common Effluent treatment plant / ETP / STP of similar size
- Electrical Engineer with 5 years of experience in relevant field
3 / Mechanical Engineer /
- Mechanical Engineer with 5 years of experience with experience in relevant field
4 / Civil (Environmental) Engineer /
- Civil/Environmental Engineer with 5years of experience in relevant field
5. / Site Engineers at least 2 nos. /
- Civil/Mechanical/Environmental engineer with 5 years’ relevant experience
VIII. Short Listing: The following criteria will be used for evaluating the EOIs for shortlisting the firms
•Supervision Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines.
•Supervision Consultants will be short listed on the basis of their past experience, relevant to the present projects/assignments handled, strength of their key personnel and financial strength of the firm/organisation.
IX. Timeframe
The duration is for 15 months. The interested firms shall forward their applications with copies of experience such as projects executed, value and capacity, details of works carried out relevant to the present project with copies of performance letter from the client, details of approval /empanelment, if any, from Government / Government Agencies, details of manpower etc.,
The EoI may be submitted to The Member Secretary, TSPCB / Project Director, CBIPMP, ParyavaranBhavan, A-III Industrial Estate, Sanathnagar, Hyderabad – 500 018.