SecondDraft of the Minutes of the Faculty Senate Meeting February20, 2013
Paul Lococo, Chair
Susan Lum, Vice-Chair
Eileen Cain, Secretary
Senators Present: Yumiko Asai-Lim, Paula Asamoto, Michael Bauer, Eunice Brekke, Eileen Cain, Christian Ganne, Candy Hochstein, Helmut Kae, Keith Knuuti, Eiko Kosasa, Paul Lococo, Erin Loo, Susan Lum, David Millen, Blanca Polo, Tara Rojas, Greg Walker, James West, Irwin Yamamoto.
Senators Absent: Michael Lane, Christy Takamure, Michael Scully
Guests: Della Anderson and Alicia Brown, Leeward CC Office of Planning, Policy and Assessment
Peter Frary, Professor, Leeward CC Division of Arts and Humanities
Additional Documents and Links:
- Agenda (Lococo)
- Chair’s Report (Lococo)
- Curriculum Committee Report (Lane)
- Faculty Committee Report (Ono)
- Legislative Committee Report (Kosasa)
- UHCC Faculty Senate Subgroup on Academic Policies, Record of Proceedings, 1/24/13 (Ono)
The meeting was called to order at 3:15 pm.
II. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting of January 16, 2013
Minutes of the meeting were approved unanimously.
III. Campus Report
- Teaching Classification in Curriculum Central and Banner – Presentation by DirectorDella Anderson and Alicia Brown of the Leeward CC Office of Planning, Policy and Assessment.
DirectorDella Anderson brought before the Senate a request to allow a fast-track process for input into Field 15 in Curriculum Central, which deals with credit hours [Field 15: “How many hours will the students spend per week in lectures, laboratories, seminars, or other supervised instruction?”].
DirectorAnderson mentioned a policy that is being developed on Teaching Equivalencies in the Community Colleges. The Administration wants to have conformity across the system. As it is, if someone teaches a class on one campus.the same class may be offered for a different number of credit hours on another campus.
UHPA and VP John Morton worked on a drafting a policy on teaching equivalencies after the union contract was approved. Teaching Equivalencies defines how many teaching equivalencies the instructor is paid for. Different types of classes have had different teaching equivalencies, e.g., lecture, lab, shop, and studio. For a lecture class, 15 credits is a full load, whereas for a Lab, 18 credits was a full load.
In Banner there are specific fields that indicate workload hours. In some cases, what is in Banner does not match what is in Curriculum Central. The administration wants to change this.
Most of these changes will be straightforward. The Curriculum Committee Chair will work with Division Chairs to work out the TE’s.
Senator Ono mentioned that there were issues about Co-op classes.
Chair Lococo noted that the UHCC Senate Chairs will be discussingthe proposed TE policy with VP Morton at the next CCCFSC meeting.
The administration is asking Curriculum Committee to change Field 15 in order to fast track the changes, with the goal of implementing the TE policies in fall 2013.
OPPA will provide a list to Curriculum Committee of courses for which the teaching equivalency is ambiguous.
Senator Ono indicated that the policy is to be implemented in the fall 2013.
Senator West heard the same, but he also heard that there are unanswered questions that remain and that could delay implementation, e.g., questions about art, music, and computer classes.
Chair Lococo stated that the proposed policy on Teaching Equivalencies has not yet been approved, and is still under discussion and review.
Alicia Brown of OPPA mentioned several issuesregarding the Leeward CC course catalog. All of these are Curriculum Committee issues, and thus will be reviewed by that committee.
- One issue concerns consistency in the labeling of variable credit courses.
- Director Anderson went through catalog and found that about 100 of the courses in the Leeward Cc catalog have not been offered in the past 5 years. This raised the issue of what the catalog is for. Perhaps these should not be in the catalog. Division Chairs have been asked to review these and possibly initiate a deletion process.
- The OPPA believes that experimental courses should not be listed in the catalog, but some are required for programs. If a class is required, it needs to be assessed.
- Independent study does not need to be listed in the catalog.
- When a course is deleted, if it’s a prerequisite for other courses, the courses for which it was a prerequisite need to be corrected.
Senator West requested that Alicia Brown’s report be given to the Faculty Senate in writing.
IV. Faculty Senate Reports
A. Standing Committee Reports
1. Curriculum Committee (Alorton)
Since Senator Lane was not able to be present, Senator Alorton submitted the Curriculum Committee report. Chair Lococoinformed the Senate that, since Chair Lane is not present, we need a motion and a second to approve the Curriculum Committee’s proposed recommendations. He also announced that if Senators wanted to comment on any of the Curriculum Committee’s proposed recommendations, these itemswill be set aside and taken up after going through those that Senators have no objections to.
Proposed Modifications
Senator Albritton explained some of the proposed modifications.
- ACC 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting and ACC 202 Introduction to Managerial Accounting: these modifications involve a change in the course title systemwide.
- AMT 20 Introduction to Automotive Mechanics: the credit hours are beingincreased throughout the UH system.
- ELI courses are non-credit classes for foreign students.
- French 101 was set aside for further discussion.
- Proposed changes in Music classes involve raising the number of credits to 3 in order to reflect the amount of work involved in these classes for faculty and students, especially classes that involve performances.
AMT 53 and FR 101 were pulled out of the list of modifications for further discussion before voting.
Senator Brekke had a question about the proposed namechange for the Plant Bioscience Technology (PBT) Program. Chair Lococo indicated that the Senate would consider the PBT proposals separately from the other proposed modifications.
Senator Hochstein withdrew her question about AMT 53.
In the discussion about FR 101, Senator West indicated that all fields were filled in since the course has not been taught in a long time. Senator Ono questioned the measurability of the SLO’s in view of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Senator Hochstein pointed out that they follow the other foreign language SLO’s. Senator Asai-Lim indicated that the SLO’s for this class are the same as the SLO’s for Japanese language classes. The goal is for students to be able to communicate in speech and writing.
Proposed New Courses
In regard to HWST 161, it was suggested that the phrase “consent of instructor” be added.
Senator Albritton pointed out that OCN 196V is part of the ASC Marine Option Program (MOP). It is a system program, not just a Leeward CC program.
Proposed Course Deletions
DNCE 160 and the Plant Bioscience Technology classes were set aside for discussion.
Senator West pointed out that DNCE 160 was modified two years ago, and now we are deleting the residue class. Senator Hochstein opposed the deletion of DNCE 160 on the grounds that there needs to be a record of the fact that it was once modified.
Proposed Program Modifications
Proposed modifications to the Plant Bioscience Technology program were set aside for discussion.
Senator Brekke asked if this is the same program whose advisory board includes Monsanto and Syngenta personnel. The concern is the public’s right to know. There is a concern about the proposed change in the program’s name because there is a big difference between tropical agriculture and a program that is creating genetically modified organisms. There is nothing that alerts the Curriculum Committee or students as to who is on the advisory board of programs.
Senator Bauer mentioned that, for all programs, the advisory boards are listed in the college catalog. The names of the people on the boards are listed in the course catalog.
Senator Cain asked what the reason is for the proposed change in the name of this program.
Senator Kae said that the program has changed. It includes soil science, not just plant bioscience. The program is not providing instruction in genetic modification or pesticide use.
Senator Brekke indicated that there are ethical and cultural issues. One of the students obtained DNA for taro, according to the news.
Senator Hochstein said she thought there was no content change.
Senator West suggested including the advisory board in Field 26 in Curriculum Central.
Senator Brekke said that the Field could include community partners.
Senator Kosasa indicated that it is a good idea to list any outside partners in Curriculum Central. There is a trend toward privatization, and private interests can potentially control what is taught.
Senator Ono indicated that advisory boards can make proposals. All members of these boards are listed in the catalog.
When Senator Hochstein asked if ASC’s are listed in the catalog, Senator Ono replied no. Senator Hochstein indicated that for an ASC that is not CTE, no advisory board is listed.
Chair Lococo pointed out that if we want to change Curriculum Central, that is a separate matter.
Senator Cain said that she wanted the reason for the proposed name change to appear in the minutes. Also, she agreed that, for an ASC that is not CTE, the advisory board should be listed in the catalog, not just Curriculum Central.
Proposed New Programs
Senator West expressed strong support for this designation. He stated that Leeward CC should have an E requirement for the AA degree.
Diversification Designation Proposal
2. Legislative Committee Report (Kosasa)
Leeward CC is lobbying with the State Legislature for funding for Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Projects. $2 million has been requested for planning and design for the Native Hawaiian Center for Excellence (NHCE). $7.5 million has been requested for renovations to the theatre.
3. Faculty Committee Report (Ono)
a) Senator Ono indicated that there is a need for a Policy on Academic Forgiveness. Forgiveness impacts the grade point average. Senators are asked to think about this issue and about how far back the forgiveness should go – 4 years? 2 years?
b) Suspension:
- If a student is suspended from Leeward CC, should they be suspended system-wide;? They should get counseling/peer mentoring so that they can be successful.
- Senator Ono would like Senators’ feedback on this question: if a student is not successful at DE on one campus, might they be successful at another campus?
- Senator Hochstein mentioned that there is a many concerns about across-the-system suspension. It locks students out. The goal is to give students a chance again. Maybe it would be acceptable with some caveats.
- Senator Ono said that we need to come up with a plan which could become a policy.
- Senator Hochstein mentioned that no other campus puts students on warning; the other campuses just put students on probation.
c) Common course numbering and names: Senator Ono reported that it is difficult to get a policy on this. The All Campus Council of Faculty Senate Chairs will discuss this.
d) There is no policy for prerequisites for Writing Intensive-designated classes; a policy is being proposed. Senator Hochstein mentioned that this proposal is for UHCC only and would not apply to UH-Mānoa.
e) Veterans: Through a Perkins Grant, Senator Ono has been running first Friday programs. Leeward CC has 600 veterans. We are partnering with UH- Mānoa to offer programs for Vets. Senator Ono is hoping to get one of the former UH-West O‘ahu buildings in order to have an office set-up for the veterans. We would like to offer bus passes and a food pantry for homeless vets. She is planning to have a fund-raiser. We want a resource Center. Senator Ono invited Manny Cabral to an event on March 8. She told the vets that they need to come and tell the Chancellor what services they want. Other campuses are interested in what we are doing here. Senator Ono would like to see Faculty Senate support for this program. We should tell students and faculty to sign up for the event by March 1 to show Manny that this should be a priority. The next event will be in early April.
V. Campus Report (cont.) (Lococo)
1. Chair Lococo reported that the Kapiolani CC Senate Chair states that there have not been any complaints or problems with that campus’ smoke-free campus policy.
2. Sale of Essays to online plagiarism sites—inquiries with other Senate chairs reveals no concerns with this issue on any campus.
3. Chair Lococo reported that the loading zone signs are in place at parking stalls near both the MS and FA buildings.
VI. Faculty Senate Reports (cont.) (Lococo)
- Chair’s Report (Lococo)
1. From the All-Campus Council of Faculty Senate Chairs (ACCFS) Meeting of 1/25/13
A. Chair Lococo reported that UH President Greenwood has made available several thousand dollars for ACCFSC members to travel to leadership-related conferences.
B. President Greenwood also informed the ACCFSC that faculty “effectiveness” measures are being planned for the UH system and that the BOR is presently reading up on this. She noted again that the CC’s are currently doing much of this already.
Regarding the Biennium budget request and effectiveness measures, senators were directed to a copy of VP Howard Todo’s report online presentation (
C. President Greenwood also informed the Senate Chairs that the BOR is not too favorable to renewing the Faculty Dependent scholarship. Chair Lococo also reported that, at some campuses, there was concern over faculty without children and non-faculty UH employees’ non-inclusion.
D. New Programs for Faculty—Chair Lococo also asked Senators to provide him with proposals for possible new programs for faculty funded by the UH System office. He listed several proposals that were brought up at the ACCFSC meeting:
- Expanded library offerings
- A “Wellness Center”—President Greenwood says this is a low-cost item and could help morale and efficiency;
- Child-care
- Expanded travel support for conferences
- Support to coordinating conferences in Hawai‘i
E. Chair Lococo also presented the latest proposal from the ACCFSC for a Common Course Numbering policy for the UH System campuses. The motion to present this latest proposal to the UH System Senates was approved, 7-3. Chair Lococo noted that this latest proposal was even broader than prior proposals that the LeewardCC Senate had already rejected; it involved all common alpha, number and titles. So at the ACCFSC meeting he voted against presenting this to the Senates, along with Senate Chairs from UH-Mānoa and UH-West O‘ahu. At Leeward, we thought we should take care of the foundations classes first. What does our senate wish to do?
UHM Faculty Senate has officially rejected SLO’s – the very concept of SLO’s.
Senator West: 15 years ago, PCC’s tried to do the same thing. They agreed on the names and numbers and nothing happened.
Senator Polo mentioned that there had been a PCC meeting, but people did not agree.
Senator West noted that autonomy rules on all the campuses, especially UHM.
Chair Lococo pointed out that in the proposed new policythe SLO’s and content don’t have to be the same – only 80% has to be the same.
Senator Ono expressed the view that we should have some academic freedom, but we should also be fair to our students. The BOR should look at these problems.
Senator West said that this is an ongoing battle. Arts and Music tries to follow UH-Mānoa. But imposing it is wrong.
2. From CCCFSC Meeting of 1/25/13
A. VP Morton noted that there has been a reduction in the present year budget for the CC’s of about $2 million; it will be funded with reserves.
B. UH-Maui College senate noted that Maui county gets less per capita for higher ed than other islands, and believes this is unfair. VP Morton noted that this is due to 4-year schools (of which there is none on Maui) and their funding. When examining only UHCC’s, Maui gets more per capita than all but Kauai CC.
C. Chair Lococo informed the Senate that the UHCC system is examining the feasibility of having A.A. degreeswith a concentration, like a major but unlike the AA in Hawaiian Studies or AAT in that an AA with a concentration may be created within the CC system and does not need BOR approval. This can be done at the campus level.
V. Announcements
A. UHPA Update (Cain)
Some Senators asked about the email they received from UHPA regarding whether or not to continue to be affiliated with the National Education Association (NEA). UHPA is conducting a straw poll of its members on this issue.
Senator West mentioned that he has attended the annual NEA conference and he found it interesting. That is a benefit of NEA. We also have a liability insurance policy through NEA.
Senator Polo asked if there are other benefits we would miss out on if we disaffiliate.
Some members have life insurance through NEA.
- Student Committee (Asamoto)
Senator Asamoto asked for volunteers for a panel on plagiarism for Professional Development Day. She would especially like to have a faculty member from the social sciences.