17 December 2015
Development Partners Group (DPG) in Tanzania established the Development Partners Group on HIV/AIDS (DPG-AIDS) to address and support the development of the National Multisectoral Response to HIV/AIDS and to enhance DPG’s support and interventions at the highest level with the Government of Tanzania. The primary government counterpart of DPG-AIDS is TACAIDS, while the counterpart of DPG-Health in MOHSW. Given the importance of the health sector in the HIV response, DPG-AIDS also interacts significantly, although less formally, with MOHSW. DPG-AIDS has a bilateral lead and a multilateral co-lead that serve for 3 years terms. DPG-AIDS secretariat is managed by UNAIDS that appoints a focal point for the work from among existing staff or hires a separate person for it.
DPG-AIDS draws it mandate from the DPG-Main ToR. Both aim to increase the effectiveness of development assistance in support of the Government of Tanzania’s national goals and systems. This will be achieved through improved effectiveness and closer cooperation with national partners.
DPG-Main’s TORs note that:
2.1. DPG-Main may gauge consistency of DPG assistance with the National Strategy for Growth and Poverty Reduction (referred to as MKUKUTA) and Joint Assistance Strategy for Tanzania (JAST) and assess quality of inputs to key processes and promotion of Government leadership.
2.2. DPG-Main should facilitate timely, comprehensive and coordinated inputs to the budget exercises, PRS Review and other major processes
2.3. DPG-Main may establish sub-groups to deal with specific issues and to advise it on it work and that DPG-Main should seek to identify common positions on certain policy issues.
DPG-Main has set principles that guide all sector working groups including DPG-AIDS:
2.4. National ownership and Government Leadership
2.5. Unity: DP groups are considered part of a single DP “architecture”.
2.6. Accountability: Development Partners are accountable to Government and other Development Partners in representing the considered consensus views of all DPs (with exceptions noted to consensus, when appropriate), in improving aid effectiveness (i.e. reduction of transaction costs), and in its overall performance in terms of facilitating Government delivery of the MKUKUTA/MKUZA outcomes.
2.7. Consistency: DPG-Main ensures its consistency with JAST, the Paris Declaration and other National and international agreements/commitments.
2.8. Inclusiveness: DPG-Main cooperation is premised on voluntary engagement and peer support. DPG-Main is a forum governed by the principle of consensus and it is respectful of differences regarding policy and modalities. Thus, the principle of exclusivity must be observed.
2.9. Transparency: DPG-Main members should ensure transparency in engagement in policy dialogue as well as efforts for improving aid effectiveness, etc.
2.10. Subsidiary: Dialogue on issues should occur at the highest level of technical expertise possible in the DPG structure, or at the level where it is most efficient and effective.
The overall aim of DPG-AIDS is to support commitment by the Government of Tanzania and DPs to the HIV response and its effective coordination. More specifically, DPG-AIDS promotes the objectives of the National Multisectoral Framework on AIDS (NMSF) and related sector strategic plans. Note in the health sector that there is an HIV specific strategic plan, the HIV Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSHSP); DPG-AIDS supports MOHSW technically in the development of that plan. DPG-AIDS work particularly with its government interlocutor TACAIDS (the National AIDS Commission) to ensure improved and more efficient and effective coordination of external assistance and DP interventions and policy dialogue between the Government (Parliament, Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and local governments) and other stakeholders (civil society, media, private sector).
The Specific objectives
3.1. To provide technical advice and support to DPG-Main.
3.2. To maintain a high level focus on HIV/AIDS issues among donors, particularly through the MKUKUTA, Performance Assessment Framework (PAF), Public Expenditure Reviews (PERs) and Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) processes
3.3. To continuously promote closer harmonization on HIV/AIDS initiatives among bilateral and multilateral donors, NGOs and other stakeholders with TACAIDS and government partners responsible for sector specific strategic plans and activities.
3.4. To promote harmonization and efficient and coordinated use of resources between TACAIDS and sectors, particularly the health sector.
3.5. To promote partnership and collaboration among development partners through knowledge management, information sharing, joint missions, reviews and analytical work.
3.6. To collaborate with TACAIDS in the coordination of donor support for the national multi-sectoral AIDS response as defined in the NMSF and associated sector specific strategic plans.
3.7. To promote the implementation of the Joint Assistance Strategy for Tanzania in line with the national AIDS response
3.8. To liaise with appropriate groups (sector, area, other) in order to facilitate the continuation of HIV/AIDS as a high priority, to identify issues that need to be taken up by DPG-Main, and to assist the groups in addressing issues that are shared by several sectors, i.e. cross-cutting issues
3.9. To participate in and consult with members of the TNCM, JTWG and related technical committees, and MOHSW and NACP TWGs
3.10. To participate in joint DPs/GoT/other stakeholders Technical Working Committees, Technical Working Groups, Subcommittees and Task Forces convened by TACAIDS and specific sectors, especially the health sector as convened by MOHSW and NACP.
3.11. To participate in relevant joint sector and thematic reviews to facilitate greater coordination and improvements in the national response.
4.1. Utilizing monthly in-person meetings and regular email updates, ensure that all members are informed of international policy and technical developments, national policy issues, activities led or supported by partners, and activities led by TACAIDS and all sectors involved in the HIV response, particularly the health sector through MOHSW and NACP.
4.2. In communicating with the government or any other stakeholder regarding HIV/AIDS related issues, a consensus will be reached on the processes and key messages, in line with the JAST principles.
4.3. All issues related to national process as jointly agreed between DPs and TACAIDS related to NMSF, JAST, sector strategic plans/reviews and briefings of the Parliamentary AIDS Committee will be discussed and agreed upon in meetings or via email and the Lead will present the group consensus to relevant authorities.
4.4. With a view of strengthening horizontal and vertical linkages within the DPG structure and supporting well-informed national policy dialogue, as long as DPG-Main is willing, DPG-AIDS will produce briefing notes to be posted on the DPG-Main website and semi and annual implementation reports as well as sharing regular information with TACAIDS and relevant sector-specific government staff as appropriate.
Membership of the DPG-AIDS is open to all institutional members of the Development Partners Group. In order to ensure the necessary continuity and functionality of the work of the group, members will appoint one permanent representative and one alternate from their respective agencies, which will have full authority to speak on behalf of the agency. (Members of the group act solely for themselves and the agencies they represent in this.). Additional staff may also join meetings if the member agrees. Other stakeholders may be invited to meetings with permission of the Lead and/or Co-Lead.
6.1. All members of the DPG-AIDS will work together in a spirit of transparency, openness, and consultation. The DPG-AIDS will strive for consensus in all decision-making.
6.2. Information sharing is critical, as is constructive engagement.
6.3. Discussions will take place in the context of mutual respect and collegiality, and under the principle of accountability for statements and actions.
6.4. It is assumed that the representative of a development partner is authorised to represent their government/agency, and will be explicit on the limits of their mandate.
6.5. All GoT funding requests to individual DPs should be communicated via email or in-person at DPG-AIDS through the group secretariat, ideally as soon as they are received.
DPG-AIDS will meet monthly for 90 minutes. The schedule will be sent in advance by the DPG-AIDS secretariat and any changes to the routine schedule will be communicated as early as possible. Additional ad hoc meetings may be called as needed.
Members are requested to share information on new guidelines, policies, upcoming events, missions, studies and their results, projects etc. in the earliest stage possible. The Secretariat will share all necessary information with all members via email.
DPG AIDS is mandated to communicate to Government and various sectors on behalf of DPs in matters related to HIV and AIDS. The DPG-AIDS Lead is the spokesperson of the group unless delegated to the Co-Lead or any other delegated active partner. The Lead shall be a bilateral DPG-AIDS institution elected by bilateral partners and endorsed by the majority of the group (one vote per institution representative). The Co-Lead shall be a multilateral DPG-AIDS institution elected by multilateral partners and endorsed by the majority of the group (one vote per institution representative). The term is 3 years. Given the relatively small donor pool engaged in the HIV response, Institutions selected in either position are eligible for unlimited successive terms if re-elected. The candidates for the two positions must come from active members and have significant activities in the sector.
Both Lead and Co-Lead shall facilitate the following in gauging the performance and effectiveness of the group functionality:
8.1. Review of the DPG-AIDS ToR, including updating membership
8.2. Election of new DPG Lead and Co-Lead with the endorsement by the quorum (66% of the registered DPG-AIDS members) every 3 years
8.3. Hold DPG-AIDS monthly meetings
8.4. Ensure the secretariat is functioning well with information sharing, development of the agenda, and rapid development of meeting minutes and matters arising.
In order to support the work of DPG-AIDS, a small secretariat has been established. The secretariat is being hosted by One UN partners (UNAIDS in particular) with the financial support from UNAIDS. The Secretariat will undertake the coordination and communication tasks under the direct supervision of the UNAIDS Country Coordinator (UCC) and in close collaboration with the DPG-AIDS Lead. (ToR for the Secretariat annexed)
ANNEX A: Definitions of Lead, Active and Delegating Partnerships in line with DPs Division of Labour as provide by the Tanzania Joint Assistance Strategy (JST- 2006)
Leads all development partners (DPs) in any classified sector or thematic area, and is the focal contact point in dialogue between the Government and DPs in that sector.
- Spokesperson for and coordinator of all active DPs in dialogue with Government in the given sector / thematic area.
- Forges consensus among DPs on policy priorities before engaging in dialogue with the Government, and reports divergent views between DPs in case consensus cannot be reached.
- Coordinates analytic work among DPs within the sector and contributes analytical capacity together with other active partners to undertake sector work in line with the government requirements and priorities.
- Facilitates linkages and flow of information and analysis to other development partners groups as well as the main DPG.
- Facilitate the sector / thematic working group as a whole to review individual strategies of DPs in the sector / thematic area to ensure consistency with national priorities and the JAST.
- Ensures adequate human resource, institutional and financial capacity of its own to take forward this task.
- Ensures that CVs of its own key technical staff are circulated and agreed with Government and other DPs, to ensure suitable support as lead.
- Ensures an adequate and functional Secretariat to act as record keeper and information provider for the DP Working Group, using the DPG website to the largest extent possible as a means to share information.
- Commits to the lead role for an agreed period of at least one year, whether through a Troika system or other arrangements
- Manages a professional handover to its successor as lead.
- Ensures that Ministerial or official visits to Tanzania by DPs are better coordinated through the lead serving as a focal point for incoming visits, avoiding “back door” bilateral meetings inconsistent with JAST.
Co-Lead practices these tasks in a supporting position and particularly when the Lead is not available. At the presence of both, the Lead and Co-Lead coordinate and promote DPG-AIDS issues in close collaboration.
Supports the lead, and may lead in a classified sub-sector or sub-thematic area; should be among the GBS DPs or provide financial or technical support to the sector / thematic area.
- Participates actively in policy dialogue with the lead and other active partners
- Engages in dialogue with the Government at sector meetings, reviews etc. and may lead on specific sub-sector / sub-theme discussions as agreed with the lead
- Contributes analytical capacity to undertake sector work in line with government requirements and priorities.
- Ensures adequate human and institutional capacity of its own to take forward this task
- Acts on behalf of the lead during the latter’s absence
- Can manage policy dialogue or funding arrangements on behalf of a delegated DP(s) if this has been agreed bilaterally
- Ensures that Ministerial or official visits to Tanzania by DPs are coordinated through liaison with the lead as a focal point, avoiding “back door” bilateral meetings inconsistent with JAST
- Writes and circulates a brief record to other DPs of such Ministerial or official visits
- Informs the Government and other DPs on delegated cooperation arrangements between itself and delegating DPs.
Does not engage in direct dialogue with Government on sector issues, but can engage in policy Dialogue or funding arrangements through an active partner
- Is free to attend DPG WG meetings and can continue to voice policy concerns in the DPG WG meetings.
- Tracks developments through the DPG Secretariat, annual sector reviews or an active partner
- Continues to support existing projects, but over time is expected to shift to GBS or to new Government-led project funding arrangements managed by active partners
- Can participate in major consultations, e.g. annual sector reviews
- Ensures that Ministerial or official visits to Tanzania are coordinated through the lead, avoiding “back door” bilateral meetings inconsistent with JAST; writes and circulates a brief record to the lead DP of such Ministerial or official visits.
ANNEX B: DPG-AIDS Secretariat ToR (November 2015)